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I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.




I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.
School Subjects in French - A Complete Guide.

School Subjects in French - A Complete Guide.

Easily adaptable for home learning. This resource introduces 15 school subjects with many practice activities. It introduces questions and answers about likes and dislikes as well as opinions/ reasons. It goes on to introduce and practise phrases connected to being good/ bad at subjects as well as talking about favourite subjects. There are pair work speaking activities, reading activities and writing activities. The reading activities include texts with vrai/faux exercises as well as activities with open-ended questions. There is a school timetable that pupils could replicate and questions to answer about the timetable they see. Answers for all activities appear on the PowerPoint. By the end of the PowerPoint (70 slides) pupils will be able to write a paragraph about their school subjects (likes/dislikes, opinions and so on), either by using a given French template or by only English prompts. There is a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the activities on the PowerPoint and a separate word search document.
French Christmas Traditions.

French Christmas Traditions.

This is a fun cultural resource that goes through various French Christmas traditions, in English, including some French words. This is aimed at pupils in both KS2 and KS3. There are 18 slides of information and pictures. After that, there is a multiple-choice quiz to check what pupils have understood and/or information they have retained. The quiz is on the PowerPoint (as are the answers) but there is also a separate worksheet version of the quiz. There is a writing / drawing activity for pupils to do at the end and a separate word search document which has words from the activities.
French – Healthy Lifestyle – Une Vie Saine – KS3 & KS4.

French – Healthy Lifestyle – Une Vie Saine – KS3 & KS4.

This is a very large set of resources to introduce and practise the topic of healthy lifestyle. The lengthy PowerPoint initially introduces a set of vocabulary related to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles, with a practice activity and an odd one out activity to follow. It then goes on to introduce ‘il faut’ and ‘il ne faut pas’ and combines this with the infinitives and vocabulary previously presented. There are a range of activities to follow, including a writing activity, listening, a gap fill and a translation. A grammar section follows introducing general adverbs and adverbs of time / frequency and how to add them to a text with exercises to follow. Some of the exercises throughout this PowerPoint are divided into option A (easier) and option B (more challenging). There follows a variety of different exercises (including reading comprehensions, match ups, grammar and a writing activity with help sheet) and a second listening activity. All answers appear on the PowerPoint. Following this there are photo card activities with example answers and a range of photos for class speaking or writing work. Later there are some more grammar notes introducing ‘il me faut’, ‘je dois’, ‘je devrais’ and the negative forms with a whole range of more practice activities. This is aimed at Year 9 and/ or GCSE students. In all there are over 28 different activities and the PowerPoint is 116 slides long. To accompany the PowerPoint there are two-worksheet document (one includes all activities and option A only, and the second is the same but with option B) for all the activities, which are easily editable. There is also a printable help sheet for writing and a transcript for the second listening task. Pupils will gain an excellent knowledge of a wide range of ways healthy and unhealthy lifestyles can be presented and practised, and will be confident to recognise and use them in a range of situations.
French – Telling the Time. Quelle heure est-il?

French – Telling the Time. Quelle heure est-il?

This is a set of resources to introduce and practice telling the time in French, both with the 12 and 24-hour clock. The PowerPoint initially introduces the o’clock times with practice opportunities and then goes on to minutes past the hour. There are plenty of speaking practice activities, true/false activities and writing practice. The PowerPoint then goes on to minutes to the hour with practice and then further practice of all the 12-hour clock and some O/X games that can be played in two class teams. The 24-hour clock is then introduced with a whole range of practice activities, as with the 12-hour clock. To accompany the PowerPoint there is a worksheet for all the 12 activities, which are easily editable. Pupils will gain a good knowledge of telling the time in French, and will be able to both recognise time and tell the time.
German – Healthy Lifestyle – Eine gesunde Lebensweise. KS3 & KS4.

German – Healthy Lifestyle – Eine gesunde Lebensweise. KS3 & KS4.

This is a very large set of resources to introduce and practise the topic of healthy lifestyle. The lengthy PowerPoint initially introduces a set of vocabulary related to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles, with some practice activities to follow. It then goes on to introduce ‘man muss’, ‘man sollte’ and ‘man darf nicht’, ‘man sollte nicht’ and combines this with the infinitives and vocabulary previously presented. There are a range of activities to follow, including a writing activity, listening, a gap fill and a translation. A grammar section follows introducing general adverbs and adverbs of time / frequency and how to add them to a text with exercises to follow. Some of the exercises throughout this PowerPoint are divided into option A (easier) and option B (more challenging). There follows a variety of different exercises (including reading comprehensions, match ups, grammar and a writing activity with help sheet) and a second listening activity. All answers appear on the PowerPoint. Following this there are photo card activities with example answers and a range of photos for class speaking or writing work. This is aimed at Year 9 and/ or GCSE students. In all there are over 24 different activities and the PowerPoint is 107 slides long. To accompany the PowerPoint there are two worksheet documents (one includes all activities and option A only, and the second is the same but with option B) for all the activities, which are easily editable. There is also a printable help sheet for one of the writing tasks. Pupils will gain an excellent knowledge of a wide range of ways healthy and unhealthy lifestyles can be presented and practised, and will be confident to recognise and use them in a range of situations.
French  Jobs,  Professions & Places of Work. Les métiers / où on travaille.

French Jobs, Professions & Places of Work. Les métiers / où on travaille.

This is a set of resources to introduce and practice 36 different jobs/ professions, more than 15 places of work and lots more. The PowerPoint initially introduces jobs/ professions in 3 sections, 12 jobs per section, each with practice exercises. The resource is easily adaptable if you want to introduce less. There is a wide range of activities on the PowerPoint and on an accompanying worksheet. The omission of an article when saying one’s job is introduced and practised. The PowerPoint introduces the places of work with practice exercises. The PowerPoint goes on to practice working hours, full/part-time, activities in a job, liking/disliking a job and so on. The wide range of activities includes match-ups, gap-fills, reading comprehensions, translations, choosing the grammatically correct sentence and describing photos. Pupils will gain a good knowledge of a wide range of jobs and places of work, and will be able to recognise and use them in a range of situations. The work in this pack of resources will certainly cover several lessons.
French GCSE Listening Practice Questions.

French GCSE Listening Practice Questions.

This is a series of listening questions/ exercises modelled on past listening exams from AQA, but not using the same material. It covers foundation and higher, as well as the crossover questions. It focuses on the techniques that AQA relies on for asking questions and therefore gets students to practise the type of questioning they will face in the exam; this is often different from practice exercises found in textbooks. These listening exercises include recognition of tenses in both the materials and the questions, assimilation of concepts through vocabulary etc. This also uses the high frequency vocabulary that AQA relies on for more generic matters such as idioms for opinions and so on. There is a PowerPoint, which can be used on its own as it has the questions on slides, followed by the answers and then the transcript for each exercise. Alternatively, students can use the exam sheet that is included, and the listening exercises can be played from the PowerPoint, but students do not then need to see the PP.
Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense in French - A Complete Guide.

Reflexive Verbs in the Present Tense in French - A Complete Guide.

This resource pack will ensure students have a full understanding of recognising and conjugating reflexive verbs in the present tense. The first PowerPoint introduces pupils to reflexives verbs, in the infinitive and then demonstrates how to form the present tense of reflexive verbs, using a step-by-step method. The slides contain grammar notes that students can note in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using these verbs. There are a range of exercises to complete, as well as a reading comprehension and a writing task. There is a worksheet that accompanies the PowerPoint. The second PowerPoint contains pictures of daily routine activities with the appropriate phrases, in the first person, and then moves on to tasks to complete using all subject pronouns with a wide range of reflexive verbs. This is a tried and tested method to ensure comprehension and the ability to confidently form the present tense with reflexive verbs.
The Passive in French - A Complete Guide.

The Passive in French - A Complete Guide.

This PowerPoint introduces pupils to the passive in a step-by-step format. The slides contain grammar notes that pupils can note in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using the passive. The passive is introduced in the present, perfect, imperfect, pluperfect, future and conditional tenses. There is also a worksheet, which accompanies the PowerPoint. This is a tried and tested method to ensure comprehension and check the ability to confidently form the passive, through an extensive range of exercises.
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns. in French - a complete guide.

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns. in French - a complete guide.

This PowerPoint introduces pupils to direct and indirect object pronouns in a step-by-step format (except y & en, as these feature as a separate resource). The slides contain grammar notes that pupils can note in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using these pronouns. The PowerPoint goes through all uses of direct object pronouns and then there are exercises to check comprehension, with answers. The PowerPoint then goes through indirect object pronouns in the same format. There are further exercises to ensure comprehension of using more than one pronoun in different situations. There is also a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the PowerPoint (45 slides). This is a tried and tested method to ensure comprehension and check the ability to confidently form both direct and indirect object pronouns.
German Colours - Die Farben.

German Colours - Die Farben.

Easily adaptable for home learning. This PowerPoint introduces 11 colours (rot, rosa, orange, gelb, blau, grün, weiß, schwarz, grau, lila, braun) and there are lots of practice activities. The colours are introduced with the words and then there are lots of practice activities without the words. Slides 31 – 33 can be printed as these are colour by number activities. There are match up exercises, unjumble the words, fill in the missing letters, very short sentences to copy and complete and so on. There is also a separate word search document.
The Imperative in French - A Complete Guide.

The Imperative in French - A Complete Guide.

This PowerPoint introduces pupils to the imperative in a step-by-step format. The slides contain grammar notes that pupils can note in their exercise books and use as a reference for all future work using the imperative. The regular forms of the imperative, irregular forms, negatives and reflexive verbs are all introduced. There is also a lengthy worksheet, which accompanies the PowerPoint. This is a tried and tested method to ensure comprehension and check the ability to confidently form the imperative, through a wide range of exercises.
French – Body Parts, Illnesses, Chez le médecin and À la pharmacie.

French – Body Parts, Illnesses, Chez le médecin and À la pharmacie.

This is a set of resources to introduce and cover the topic of body parts, illnesses, going to the doctor and going to the chemist. The PowerPoint resource introduces and practises: 26 body parts; avoir mal + body parts; 14 other illness expressions; conversations at the doctor’s and at the chemist’s; and different medications. There is a range of different types of activities to complete and a worksheet that accompanies all of the exercises on the PowerPoint.
La Grammaire Française / French Grammar.

La Grammaire Française / French Grammar.

3 Resources
This pack includes • An introduction to an extensive range of grammatical terms, including pronouns, infinitives, conjugated verbs, articles, and intensifiers, with lots of examples. Other Power Points have a more in-depth check of understanding with French texts; one for students who have only covered present tense verbs; and the other covering three tenses. • A grammar sorting challenge, which is a whole class team game to revise and/ or check pupils’ understanding of grammatical terms. This follows on well from the first resource in this bundle. • A step-by-step guide to using possessive adjectives in French, with PowerPoint slides that can be used for pupils to record grammar notes. There are lots of exercises to complete as you go through to check comprehension.
French  GCSE (9 - 1)  Theme 2 –  Topic 3 - Global Issues.

French GCSE (9 - 1) Theme 2 – Topic 3 - Global Issues.

Easily adaptable for home learning. The resource is based on the new specifications GCSE and covers the whole of Theme 2, Topic 2 – ‘Global Issues’. The PowerPoint is very lengthy (51 slides) and contains work for five or six lessons. The PowerPoint is broken down into four sections: 1) Grammar; 2) Listening; 3) Reading and Writing; and 4) Speaking. There are several different worksheets to accompany a broad range of exercises on the PowerPoint, as well as a transcript for the listening and answer sheets also appear on the PowerPoint. The exercises include: vocabulary match-ups; grammar exercises; a listening comprehension with different tasks; reading comprehensions; translations into English and into French; photo stimuli for written tasks; blog writing tasks (foundation and higher); two role-play cards (foundation and higher); six photo cards for speaking activities and finally questions related to the general conversation section of the speaking exam.
French – Places in the Town / En Ville.

French – Places in the Town / En Ville.

This is a set of resources to introduce and practise 30 places in the town and lots more. The PowerPoint initially introduces places in the town items in 3 sections, 10 places per section, each with practice exercises. The resource is easily adaptable if you want to introduce less. There is a wide range of activities on the PowerPoint and on an accompanying worksheet. ‘Dans ma ville il y a’ is introduced and ‘il n’y a pas de’ with practice activities. There are reading comprehensions, translations, true/ false activities, match ups, fill in the blanks. The concept of à preceding an article and a noun and changing to au/ à la etc. is introduced and practised. Pupils will gain a good knowledge of a wide range of places in the town, and will be able to recognise and use them in a range of situations. The work in this pack of resources will certainly cover several lessons.
The  Imperfect Tense/ l'imparfait in French - A Complete Guide.

The Imperfect Tense/ l'imparfait in French - A Complete Guide.

The first Power Point gives a step-by-step guide to understanding and forming the imperfect tense. The PowerPoint can be used for pupils to makes notes from in order to form accurate grammar/ resource notes in their books, which they can then refer back to when working individually to form the imperfect tense. On the PowerPoint, there is a whole range of different exercises to complete to allow lots of practice and also to check comprehension. The second PowerPoint is to show the use of both perfect and imperfect tense verbs within sentences and texts. Again, there are lots of exercises for pupils to complete to check comprehension and there is a worksheet to accompany the PowerPoint. The exercises on both Power Points include translation and photo cards to describe, which are in line with the new GCSE specifications.
French GCSE 9 - 1 Specifications - Theme 2 –  Topic 4 – Travel & Tourism.

French GCSE 9 - 1 Specifications - Theme 2 – Topic 4 – Travel & Tourism.

Easily adaptable for home learning. This a sample of the resource packs that I have created for the GCSE New Specifications for each topic area within each theme. This sample contains many of the slides from the original PowerPoint and aims to give you an insight into these resources so you can ‘try before you buy’. In this PowerPoint there are still 51 slides, but this is quite a lot less than the payable resource and the listening section as well as parts of reading and speaking sections have been omitted. Also in the original resources there are always answers and a whole range of worksheets to go with the PowerPoint. I hope it’s useful.
Spanish Classroom Instructions.

Spanish Classroom Instructions.

This a set of resources to introduce and practice 27 classroom instructions and phrases. The PowerPoint initially 12 classroom instructions with practice exercises and then goes on to introduce and practice a further 15. The resource is easily adaptable if you want to introduce less. There are various activities on the PowerPoint and on an accompanying worksheet. The activities include speaking practice and repetition, match-ups, gap-fills, and a listening comprehension. Pupils will gain a good knowledge of these classroom phrases, and will be able to recognise and use them in the classroom.