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Structure and Language Techniques Worksheet
A worksheet for KS3 on language and structural techniques. Could also be used for revision for KS4.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 and 2 - Question 5 (Low ability)
A selection of questions for AQA language paper 1 and 2 question 5. Differentiated for low ability.
AQA Love and Relationships Poetry - Collection of 5-A-Day Worksheets
A collection of 5-A-Day worksheets for AQA love and relationships poetry.
GCSE Literature Edexcel Unseen Poetry Questions
A collection of comparison questions for the unseen poetry section of liteature paper 2 for Edexcel.
Language Techniques Quiz
A useful quiz for KS3 on language techniques. Could also be used as a helpful revision resource for KS4. Answers have been given in bold.
Year 7 Descriptive Writing Harry Potter
A lesson for a mid-ability year 7 group focusing on writing to describe. This lesson is themed on Harry Potter.
Anthropomorphism and Zoomorphism Lesson
A lesson based on understanding the differences between anthropomorphism and zoomorphism.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Language paper 1 for AQA featuring an extract from The Picture of Dorian Gray.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language paper 1 for AQA featuring an extract from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
SEN 9-1 GCSE Language Paper 1 AQA Tom Brown's School Days Q2 Lesson
A lesson for an SEN group on the use of language in a text using Tom Brown’s School Days extract.
Writing Success Criteria for KS3
A success criteria students can glue into books when writing. Designed for KS3.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Bleak House by Charles Dickens
A language paper 1 for AQA using Bleak House by Charles Dickens.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Language paper 1 for AQA featuring an extract from Wuthering Heights.
Creative Writing Mat
A useful writing mat for creative writing.
A Christmas Carol Edexcel Questions
A series of questions intended for use for GCSE A Christmas Carol for Edexcel exam board.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
A language paper 1 for AQA featuring an extract from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
9-1 GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 Dracula by Bram Stoker
A language paper 1 for AQA featuring an extract from Dracula.
Student AO Self Assessment Sheet
A self-assessment for students. Focused on what they currently know and how they could improve. Includes language and literature AO’s.
Poetry Revision Mat
A helpful revision mat for approaching poetry.
Non-Fiction Writing Mat
A useful writing mat for non fiction writing.