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I'm a secondary maths teacher with particular interest in mastery-style teaching, including visual representation and variation in questioning.




I'm a secondary maths teacher with particular interest in mastery-style teaching, including visual representation and variation in questioning.
Maths murder mystery

Maths murder mystery

Murder-mystery resource with 4 clues and suspect list included. Answers now also included. This resource is easy to use for remote learning as everything is included in one word document. Clues involve solving simple linear equations, finding missing terms of sequences, answering questions about number of sides of shapes and prime and square numbers and using a co-ordinates grid. Designed to be used as a retrieval task and is suitable for all key stage 3, depending on ability.
Expanding single brackets

Expanding single brackets

Full lesson including questions built in. More mastery-style questions provided as extension worksheet (including answers). Intended to be used following collecting like terms and simplifying algebraic expressions. Suitable for KS3 and lower ability KS4.
Comparing fractions by num or denom

Comparing fractions by num or denom

Full lesson and mastery- style worksheet (including answers). Intended to be used after introducing and simplifying fractions. Uses bar modelling to show how fractions can be compared. Aimed at middle ability year 7 but also appropriate for KS2.
Solving linear equations full lesson

Solving linear equations full lesson

Full lesson and mastery-style questions worksheet. Lesson includes bar model and the ‘just’ numbers method for solving linear equations. Suitable for KS3 and lower ability KS4.
Expanding with multiple sets of brackets

Expanding with multiple sets of brackets

Full lesson based on expanding several sets of single brackets and simplifying answer. Mastery-style questions on worksheet with answers included. Aimed at KS3, from middle/high ability year 7 to lower ability year 9.
Relating ratio and linear functions

Relating ratio and linear functions

Full lesson on relating ratio to linear functions with worksheet and self/ peer assessment grids included. Brought in for the new AQA GCSE spec, it includes a model solution to a past AQA exam question but resource is also suitable for high ability year 9. Uses bar modelling to teach for understanding. Linked to sketching graph of linear functions for added challenge.
Angles in polygons whole lesson

Angles in polygons whole lesson

Full lesson and worksheet included. Intended to be taught following angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. Aimed at high ability year 7 or year 8 but also suitable for GCSE.
Converting fractions to percentages

Converting fractions to percentages

Full lesson and mastery-style worksheet (answers included). Intended to be taught following converting fractions to decimals. Aimed at middle ability year 7 but also appropriate for KS2.
Function machines to solve equations

Function machines to solve equations

Full lesson including differentiated questions built into powerpoint. Intended to be used following lessons on algebraic notation so students understand which operation is being ‘done’ to the variable. Suitable for KS3 and lower ability KS4.
Simultaneous equations by bar model

Simultaneous equations by bar model

Whole lesson to introduce solving simultaneous equations (by bar model, moving onto just algebraic methods). Created for middle ability GCSE class who responded very well. Designed to be taught to students who have an understanding of solving basic linear equations. Step-by-step to explain process using bar model and algebra. Examples and a few questions for students to try.
Comparing with different denominators

Comparing with different denominators

Full lesson with worksheet and answers included. Intended to be taught after comparing fractions with same numerators or denoninators. Aimed at middle ability year 7 but may also be appropriate for KS2.
Collecting like terms full lesson

Collecting like terms full lesson

Full lesson on collecting like terms and simplifying algebraic expressions and mastery-style worksheet. Intended to be taught following a lesson on algebraic notation. Suitable for KS3 and lower ability KS4.
Multiplying fractions whole lesson

Multiplying fractions whole lesson

Whole lesson on multiplying fractions with emphasis on understanding rather than just process, through diagnostic-style questions to highlight misconceptions. Aimed at medium-high ability KS3 class, having already covered fractions basics and adding/subtracting fractions. Intelligent practice- style worksheet included with answers as improper fractions and mixed numbers where appropriate.
mastery-style area and perimeter lesson

mastery-style area and perimeter lesson

Mastery-style full lesson on area and perimeter, including activities to encourage investigation (including hints and challenges to suit different abilities) and intelligently varied mini-whiteboard questions to progress understanding. Aimed at KS2 or KS3, designed to be taught as first lessons in area and perimeter topic. Worksheets referred to are not included as not owned by myself.
Congruence full lesson

Congruence full lesson

Full lesson on congruence. Includes activity where students decide congruent or not and give a reason and goes on to explain the rules of congruence with questions to test student understanding at each stage. Aimed at KS4.
Percentages in real life context

Percentages in real life context

Complete lesson including powerpoint and worksheet about using percentages in a real life context, including mortgages, depreciation of goods and both simple and compound interest. Lesson is designed to be taught following a lesson on using single decimal multiplier for percentage increase and decrease and this is recapped at the beginning of this lesson. Taught to high ability Year 8 but could also be appropriate for KS4.