A stand alone lesson designed for AS business studies covering the different intellectual property available to business. This was used for Chinese students doing the Edexcel spec but I have used this in the UK since and also for GCSE. There is a interactive presentation plenty of discussion on questioning followed by a task sheet for students to decide which protection certain products could have.
Very interactive lesson that covers secure passwords and students researching and presenting areas on internet safety. I have included a lesson plan, and also a separate quiz, that you could use in a following lesson to check on retention, or homework.
3.4.4.A2 Edxcel Game Theory withing the oligopoly area of the theme. Covers the prisoner dilemma and then in a similar way how business compete by using Game Theory analysis on price, innovation, release date, production etc… Complete with an exam question, a link to 5 multiple choice questions and a 12 mark question.
2 presentations designed to be delivered to AQA spec AS level business students at the start of the marketing units. There is a word document to accompany the product portfolio analysis PPT that is 6 products all produced by different companies i.e. Apple, Ford, Cadbury’s. I got students to put them in order or the revenue they generated. I hope these help, all feedback welcome. Pat
An introduction into Python maths. This is really good to use as a transition lesson after a couple of lessons on Python with variables and print etc.. It shows the variables in maths and how Python could be used for good practical application. It's also mega fun, the worksheet is differentiated too so students can start at different points depending on ability and can be extended to introduce their own meals and prices etc.. There are lots of points set to assess understanding, mainly done through traffic light indicators. Students really love this, if you need a technical lesson on Python during the early stages to impress, this is it!! Also works as a good stand alone lesson for some good fun where lots of progress is made.
Presentation with the ways business ideas come about, then links to various articles and also Youtube videos. Students will complete the research worksheet after teacher lead presentation.
IF YOU DOWNLOAD THIS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT / REVIEW. I SHARE MY RESOURCES ITS ALL I ASK Introduction to Demand factors, using the Amazon fire and the i-Pad. The presentation is very animated, and the Kindle Fire and the i-pad are hot topics right now so this may help students to grasp the rudiments of demand factors.
Animated presentation on the various stlyes of leadership. This was used for AS students in China but will also be useful for KS4 students
An interesting presentation using fruit as a hook to demonstrate different economic systems from market, to planned and mixed. This also covers a little on international trade and embargo too, nice images throughout and ultimately it should save you some time, give it a go, and as always feedback welcome, let me know how the fruit bit goes PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
Moc Exam based on the New Balance pre-release. Should help familiarize your students with the case study and preemptively prepare for certain questions.
I have provided a K, AP, AN, E based answer where students have to identify what area of the answer attains these marks. Through their ability to identify this in others answers will in turn become a safeguarding mechanism so they do it in their own.
A brief introduction to Python Turtle, which includes sequencing and also mini whiteboard plenaries. A novice teacher to Python will be able to deliver this effectively and extend the tasks to draw interesting pictures.. Please buy this, I have a staff night out coming up :-(
A fun and quick paced intro Python lesson with a, to quote "sick starter".
Starter: Give one get one on images that relate to A.I. and a bit of a recap on Python turtle. After this students will build up conversation strings with if, else and elif statements. There is plenty of traffic light AFL points and a really enjoyable lesson. You will need to print off 2 pages I have included so they can do the starter and read the code.
Please leave feedback on this, nobody does with paid resources, I never know how others are finding them. Cheers.
Students will sequence a set of instructions to navigate a moon rover to a set point on the map. This is quite basic but you can add further obstacles to suit. I have developed this by giving tasks to pick up stranded astronauts etc..
Please review or leave feedback, I share my resources it’s all I ask in return. The hot seat is a kinesthetic activity where students are placed in the hot seat and asked to try and guess the words other students have specified on the board relating to any particular topic, marketing for example. This activity can be used to test both your G&T students and you SEL, basically every student across the board, a differentiated task for checking retention and understanding from all involved. Complete with countdown sound clip and it is fully animated with timing in place.