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Islam & the State (OCR A-level RS) FULL UNIT

Islam & the State (OCR A-level RS) FULL UNIT

Six multi-page structured worksheets covering the whole topic, complete with two key word lists. Includes key scholars and AO1/ AO2 tasks. Can be done in class or set for homework as a flipped learning assignment. Key word list (Pre-modern Islam) Sunnism: The Contractual Nature of the State Shi’ism: The Imam as Supreme Authority Sunnism: The Complimentary roles of Caliph and ulama Shi’ism: The Role of the Ulama in the Absence of the Imam Key word list (modern Islam) Embrace of Secularism in the Modern Islamic World Opposition to Secularism in the Modern Islamic world (including Sharia states)
Forbidding Wrong (OCR RS A-level Islam)

Forbidding Wrong (OCR RS A-level Islam)

Covers Part 1 of the Justice and Liberation topic: the commandment to uphold justice and perform al-amr bil-ma’ruf wal-nahy ‘an al-munkar (enjoining good and forbidding wrong). Content based on Michael Cook’s book on this topic, which is a recommended texct on the OCR syllabus. Detailed content, evaluation, possible exam questions, and task. Could be used in class or set as homework.
Ali Shariati (OCR RS A-level)

Ali Shariati (OCR RS A-level)

Detailed 5-page work sheet with key information, evaluation, possible exam questions, and tasks to complete. Can be set as homework or used in class.
Al-Ghazali (OCR RS A-level)

Al-Ghazali (OCR RS A-level)

Fully resourced worksheet which guides pupils through Al-Ghazali’s “two crises”, his philosophy of causation, and his influence on Islamic science, using quotations from his intellectual autobiography, “The Deliverance from Error” . The lesson ends with an exam question and suggested arguments on both sides.
Ibn Rushd/ Averroes (OCR RS A Level)

Ibn Rushd/ Averroes (OCR RS A Level)

Fully resourced lesson with worksheet, PowerPoint, and extension reading. Prepares students for the demands of the spec, including the answers to the following retrieval questions: In which work did Ibn Rushd provide a twenty-point rebuttal of Al-Ghazali’s Incoherence of the Philosophers? In which work did Ibn Rushd argue for the compatibility of Aristotelian philosophy and Islam? Quote a verse from the Quran used by Ibn Rushd to defend philosophy. Why does Ibn Rushd believe that philosophy is obligatory for Muslims? Explain Ibn Rushd’s a priori argument that philosophy can never contradict the teaching of the Quran. Explain Ibn Rushd’s distinction between apparent meaning and allegorical meaning. What are the three levels of knowledge identified by Ibn Rushd? Explain Ibn Rushd’s doctor analogy. Why does Ibn Rushd believe that philosophical study should be reserved for the elite?
Sexual Ethics (Full Unit) OCR RS A-level

Sexual Ethics (Full Unit) OCR RS A-level

Fully resourced ten-hour SoW for OCR Sexual Ethics, complete with PowerPoints and worksheets. Includes spaced retrieval questions at the beginning of each lesson, homeworks, and past exam questions. Introduction to Sexual Ethics Sex in the Bible Natural Law on Sexual Ethics Situationism on Sexual Ethics Kant on Sexual Ethics Bentham on Sexual Ethics Mill’s Harm Principle Pre-marital Sex and the Church Extra-marital Sex and the Church Gay Rights and the Church
Kant's Categorical Imperative (Edexcel A Level Ethics *new spec*)

Kant's Categorical Imperative (Edexcel A Level Ethics *new spec*)

Covers hypothetical vs. categorical imperatives, Kant’s three formulations, application in everyday cases, and strengths & weaknesses, including criticism from W.D. Ross. Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles: recap of prior learning, worked examples, L/Os revisited throughout the lesson, & question bank for class tests. Part of a 7 part series on deontology (Unit 5.1)
Deontology: Basic Concepts (Edexcel A Level *new spec*)

Deontology: Basic Concepts (Edexcel A Level *new spec*)

Contrasts deontology and consequentialism, and applies deontological reasoning to everyday actions. Also covers “social, political, and cultural influences” as required by the spec. Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles: recap of prior learning, worked examples, L/Os revisited throughout the lesson, & question bank for class tests.
Edexcel Ethics Unit 2 Bundle (New Spec)

Edexcel Ethics Unit 2 Bundle (New Spec)

18 Resources
Contains everything you need for Unit 2: Utilitarianism, Natural Law, & Situationism (including Barclay text). Purpose-built for the new spec. Fully resourced lessons with PowerPoints & worksheets. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Recap of prior learning & worked examples Includes a large question bank & topic tests with answers for peer marking. Scheme of work Utilitarianism Social, Political, & Historical Background Act vs Rule Utilitarianism Hedonism & Utilitarianism Ideal, preference, & negative utilitarianism Strengths & Weaknesses Topic test. Natural Moral Law 7. Natural moral law: biblical & classical foundations 8. Aquinas on natural moral law 9. Doctrine of double effect 10. Proportionalism 11. Evaluation of NML 12. NML topic test Situation Ethics 13. Biblical examples & social, political, & cultural influences 14. Fletcher’s situation ethics 15. Extract 1: William Barclay 16. Topic test Review 17. Moral Theories & Religion 18. Changes in the law & social attitudes
Situation Ethics Bundle (Edexcel New Spec)

Situation Ethics Bundle (Edexcel New Spec)

4 Resources
Students discover, apply, and evaluate situation ethics from biblical foundations to the modern day. Includes student workbook, teacher notes, & lesson PowerPoint on the Barclay anthology text (Extract 1). Purpose-built for the new spec. Fully resourced lessons with PowerPoints & worksheets. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Recap of prior learning & worked examples Includes a large question bank & 3 topic tests with answers for peer marking. Scheme of work Biblical examples & social, political, & cultural influences Fletcher’s situation ethics Extract 1: William Barclay Topic test Click, print, teach!
Natural Moral Law Bundle (Edexcel New Spec)

Natural Moral Law Bundle (Edexcel New Spec)

6 Resources
Covers natural moral law from biblical foundations through to contemporary adaptations. Purpose-built for the new spec. Fully resourced lessons with PowerPoints & worksheets. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Recap of prior learning & worked examples Supported by a large question bank & 3 topic tests with answers for peer marking. Click, print, teach! **Scheme of Work: ** natural moral law: biblical & classical foundations Aquinas on natural moral law Doctrine of double effect Proportionalism Evaluation of NML NML topic tests
Utilitarianism bundle (Edexcel new spec)

Utilitarianism bundle (Edexcel new spec)

6 Resources
Students discover, apply, and evaluate classical utiltarianism & later developments. Purpose-built for the new spec. Fully resourced lessons with PowerPoints & worksheets. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Recap of prior learning & worked examples Supported by a large question bank & 3 topic tests with answers for peer marking. Scheme of work Social, Political, & Historical Background Act vs Rule Utilitarianism Hedonism & Utilitarianism Ideal, preference, & negative utilitarianism Strengths & Weaknesses Topic test. Click, print, teach!
Natural Moral Law Topic Tests (Edexcel new spec)

Natural Moral Law Topic Tests (Edexcel new spec)

3 x 25 mark short answer quizzes with answers & question bank. Fully integrated with teaching materials by drpdennis. Question bank can be given to pupils in advance as a revision resource. Purpose-built for the new spec. Includes 20 topic specific & 5 interleaved questions Separate answer sheets included for easy peer marking Three separate tests for use with up to three classes (no cheating!) Click, print, teach!
Situation Ethics topic tests (Edexcel new spec)

Situation Ethics topic tests (Edexcel new spec)

3 x 25 mark short answer quizzes with answers & question bank. Fully integrated with teaching materials by drpdennis. Question bank can be given to pupils in advance as a revision resource. Purpose-built for the new spec. Includes 20 topic specific & 5 interleaved questions Separate answer sheets included for easy peer marking Three separate tests for use with up to three classes Click, print, teach!
Utilitarianism topic tests (Edexcel new spec)

Utilitarianism topic tests (Edexcel new spec)

3 x 25 mark short answer quizzes on utilitarianism, with answers & question bank. Fully integrated with teaching materials by drpdennis. Purpose-built for the new spec. Includes 20 topic specific & 5 interleaved questions Separate answer sheets included for easy peer marking Three separate tests for use with up to three classes Question bank can be given to pupils in advance as a revision resource Click, print, teach!
Changes in the law & social attitudes  (Edexcel Ethics Unit 2, new spec)

Changes in the law & social attitudes (Edexcel Ethics Unit 2, new spec)

Students research three acts of Parliament & evaluate them in the light of utilitarianism, situationism, and natural law. They will need laptops or an ICT suite. Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Review of prior learning Worked examples L/Os revisited throughout the lesson Question bank for class tests. Click, print, teach!
Moral theories & Religion (Edexcel new spec)

Moral theories & Religion (Edexcel new spec)

Students evaluate which moral theory fits best with religion, and collaborate on an exam question. Covers this aspect of the spec for utilitarianism, situation ethics, & natural law. Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Review of prior learning Worked examples L/Os revisited throughout the lesson Question bank for class tests. Click, print, teach!
Extract 1: William Barclay on Situation Ethics (Edexcel new spec)

Extract 1: William Barclay on Situation Ethics (Edexcel new spec)

Students discover, apply, and evaluate Bernard Hoose’s proportionalism. Applications include some of the later topics e.g. in medical ethics, sexual ethics & war & peace. Lesson 3 of a 3 part series on situationism Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Review of prior learning Worked examples L/Os revisited throughout the lesson Question bank for class tests. Click, print, teach!
Fletcher's Situation Ethics (Edexcel new spec)

Fletcher's Situation Ethics (Edexcel new spec)

Students discover, apply, and evaluate Fletcher’s working principles & fundamental propositions. Lesson 2 of a 3 part series on situation ethics. Fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint & worksheet. Pedagogical approach based on Rosenshine’s principles Review of prior learning Worked examples L/Os revisited throughout the lesson Question bank for class tests. Click, print, teach!