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Overview of the American West - Introduction lesson  (Edexcel 9-1: The American West)

Overview of the American West - Introduction lesson (Edexcel 9-1: The American West)

This lesson is designed as an introductory lesson for GCSE students to the American West topic (Edexcel 9-1). It focuses on the founding of the 13 colonies and the geography of the American West. it includes two videos that provide context for students and a skills builder section focusing on developing a very basic narrative account structure as for some students this may be their first introduction to this question type. WALT: Explore the arrival of Europeans in America. Identify what life was like in the first settlements. describe the geography of the United States in the 1800s. Create a narrative account describing the growth of America. Hypothesise why the colonies wanted independence from Britain in 1776.
Preventions of disease 1500-1700 (EDEXCEL 9-1: MEDICINE THROUGH TIME)

Preventions of disease 1500-1700 (EDEXCEL 9-1: MEDICINE THROUGH TIME)

WALT: Explain why there was change and continuity in Renaissance medical preventions. 4-5: Describe features of continuity in preventions 1500-1700. 6-7: Explain why there were changes in preventions 1500-1700. 8-9: evaluate why there was change to preventions during the Renaissance. STARTER: 4 mark similarity Q with new knowledge, green pen slide included with two WAGOLL’s and a 4/4 challenge for students to spend time improving their work. INFORMATION GATHERING: Students create a leaflet imagining that they are an apothecary advising people how to avoid getting sick, leveled differentiation and challenge task. APPLY TASK: I do, we do, you do, 12 mark Q
Renaissance: Treating disease (Edexcel 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Renaissance: Treating disease (Edexcel 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT: evaluate how rapid change in treatments was 1500-1700 4-5: Describe features of continuity in treatments 1500-1700. 6-7: Explain why there were changes in treatments 1500-1700. 8-9: evaluate whether change was ‘rapid’ during the period 1500-1700. Starter: Recall task on whiteboards to establish starting points Task one: students complete task pitched at their working at level - there is also a challenge task. all three tasksk can be green penned using the next slide so that each task is AFL’d at the right level. Task two; students highlight areas of similarity and change, should task is four mamrkers (4 mark mark scheme and green pen provided), could develops judgement - whole class AFL Slide provided using traffic lights and full mark answer Task three: Planning and applying skills to ‘rapid change’ judgement 16 mark question using support and challenge planning grid
Renaissance Factors Revision (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Renaissance Factors Revision (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT explain why there was progress in medicine 1500-1700. Recall individuals who contributed to medicine during the Renaissance period. Describe features of Renaissance medicine. Explain why there was progress in the understanding of the human body 1500-1700. Apply: Analyse factors that contributed to medical progress 1500-1700. Students start by recapping contributions of key individuals in the period before attempting a four mark question based on those individuals. Knowledge is layered through use of two videos before students unpick how factors caused progress, particularly in reference to anatomy, during the period 1500-1700.
1900-present Medical Progress REVISON (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

1900-present Medical Progress REVISON (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT evaluate why there was progress in medicine 1900-today Recall key developments of medicine in the 1900s. Describe changes to public health in the 1900s. Explain why developments demonstrated significant progress. Apply: Analyse why there was rapid progress in medicine 1900-present. Students revise the modern period with a focus on progress. The lesson builds up to a graph task which asks students to measure the impact of each breakthrough which then supports their knowledge with the application task. Students are asked to look at their graph and only select ideas that focus on causes to address a common mistake made by students when sitting the GCSE (missing the focus of the question).
Later Public Health 1854-1900 (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

Later Public Health 1854-1900 (EDEXCEL 9-1: Medicine Through Time)

WALT: Evaluate the progress made to Public Health 1850-1900 Recall features of the Public Health Act of 1875. Describe developments in Public Health before 1854. Explain how and why the approach towards Public Health changed after 1850. Apply: Explain why there was progress in Public Health 1850-1900 (12 marks). Students recall (starter and wilf 1) knowledge on early public health and the Public Health Act (taught previously) before building on this with knowledge about the Great Stink and three key acts that can be used as evidence the government abandoned their Laissez-Faire ideology. This leads to a tiered apply task in which students can connect their knowledge coherently in response to a 12 mark question.
Government Actions Timeline 1830-95: REVISION American West

Government Actions Timeline 1830-95: REVISION American West

Revision lesson based around building knowledge of government Acts and Treaty’s Pupils create a timeline using either worksheets or carousel (both options included). They colour code key features and consequences so that it is easy to revise from. Time permitting, pupils can then write exam questions that relate to the information they have studied SAMS questions included as examples to talk through with the group. Homework could then be to complete one of these questions.
REVISION Key features of the American West (Edexcel 9-1)

REVISION Key features of the American West (Edexcel 9-1)

This is an hour revision session designed for intervention prior to examination. Pupils will: Describe key developments using images to prompt recall answer a 10 question quiz to test their knowledge and highlight areas for development complete a thinking quilt that covers the entire unit and key themes complete three importance questions as a group (see cover image)
Lady Jane Grey the 'Nine Day Queen'

Lady Jane Grey the 'Nine Day Queen'

This lesson allows pupils to analyse the reign of Lady Jane Grey and come to a decision as to whether she should have been executed. Pupils make a facebook feed that explores the events running up to the execution in which they make statuses and create life events for characters like John Dudley and Catherine Parr. They then create a letter in which they argue why they should not be executed and what a better option would be.
REVISION Medicine Through Time and Western Front Overview

REVISION Medicine Through Time and Western Front Overview

An hour and a half lesson aimed at intervention prior to the examination. pupils are given an a5 booklet to follow along with the session, parts of which can be completed at home to build knowledge as last minute revision. This is the last session I use prior to Paper One. Pupils cover: key people, key discoveries, skills for all question types, source evaluation and judgement.
Slave Trade Triangle

Slave Trade Triangle

Lesson surrounding the Triangular Trade, animation included. Differentiated worksheet- comic book strip with gapfill for LA, titles for MA and can be provided empty for HA. Aims: Identify key stages of the triangular trade Explain why the slave trade was so profitable Compare which part of the triangular trade was most profitable.
How useful (skills builder/revision lesson) (WW1 Medicine on the Western Front: Edexcel 9-1)

How useful (skills builder/revision lesson) (WW1 Medicine on the Western Front: Edexcel 9-1)

THIS FULLY DIFFERENTIATED LESSON HAS BEEN PLANNED TO FIT HALF WAY THROUGH THE WW1 MEDICINE UNIT (AFTER THE CHAIN OF EVACUATION) BUT WILL ALSO BE DELIVERED AS A REVISION LESSON AT THE END OF THE COURSE TO CURRENT EXAM CLASSES. I HAVE USED MY KNOWLEDGE AS A PAPER THREE MARKER TO CREATE A ‘HOW TO GUIDE’ FOR ANSWERING THE 8 MARK UTILITY QUESTION. WALT: explore the key skills needed to reach full marks on a how useful question. Recall the stages of the chain of evacuation. Describe how to structure a how useful question using the mark scheme. Explain how useful a source is to a historian enquiring about the chain of evacuation. Analyse our work using the mark scheme to identify successes and targets. task one: pupils put the chain of evacuation into order and describe each stage using key words only task two: pupils annotate a mark scheme, can be done under a visualiser, using the same method as the examiners of paper three (Judgement, analysis, knowledge) discussion with pupils about what key things mean within the mark scheme. task three: pupils annotate the sources in pairs, question prompts on the board to support less able (underline three key facts etc) before going over it on the visualiser task four: Pupils answer a how useful question in timed conditions - this can be marked or I have included a peer/self assessment activity where pupils mark their own work and improve it using colour coding and a full mark answer. i have included a worksheet summarising the chain of evacuation in case this is being used as a revision lesson rather than within original teaching - this may be useful for lower ability pupils within a normal scheme of work as well.
Mormons Bundle (American West (Edexcel history 9-1))

Mormons Bundle (American West (Edexcel history 9-1))

Two full lessons covering the content for the new specification Mormons section of American West. Two lessons, information sheets, differentiation and homework included. The youtube video used in the lesson describes the journey that the Mormons take to Salt Lake Valley. I do not own the video and have therefore not included it in the lesson, there are multiple videos on youtube that can fulfil this part of the lesson.
Treaty of Versailles and how it affected Germany

Treaty of Versailles and how it affected Germany

This lesson allows pupils to explore the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the affect that the terms had on Germany. Pupils define key terms like League of Nations, Armistace, and Big Three. define the term armistace watch the video and record the terms of the TOV (green pen task follows) Class creates a diamond 9 together, what had the biggest/smallest affect on Germany Written task - was the TOV fair? fully differentiated, sentence starters and must/should/could. Source examination - how useful question. Set as homework after discussing and beginning in class. Differentiated for HA/LA on the worksheets. Homework attached as part of the lesson bundle. Differentiated for HA/LA how useful question using the execution of Germany source.
Abolition in America and Britain - two lessons, worksheets and homework

Abolition in America and Britain - two lessons, worksheets and homework

Lesson 8 and 9 in slavery scheme of work. Worksheets included within the lesson powerpoint as hidden slides. Homework: Profile of a famous abolitionist. Lesson 1: Abolition in Britain - Focus on Slave Trade Act 1807, reasons for and against, William Wilberforce Lesson 2: Abolition in America - focus on comparison of Britain and America, Abraham Lincoln, civil war
2X why move west & journeying west (American West (Edexcel history 9-1))

2X why move west & journeying west (American West (Edexcel history 9-1))

Lesson 1: Why move west Push/pull factors two consequence or how useful question (hide slide you do not want to show pupils, both included) Lesson two: Journeying West Oregon Trail, Donner party, experiences of migrants Explain the importance of question at the end of the lesson Both lessons focus on skills building.
REVISION STARTER ACTIVITIES: Entire unit quizzes American West,  Edexcel

REVISION STARTER ACTIVITIES: Entire unit quizzes American West, Edexcel

These quizzes have been designed as 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 tasks to drop into other lessons. The idea is to use them as a way to interleave prior knowledge into current topics and ensure that knowledge is returned to frequently to develop knowledge retention. The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 structure gives students instant formative assessment in which they can then choose a topic to ‘pledge’ to revise that week as part of their homework. Every quiz has a green pen slide with answers to go through with students to support the teacher. Students find these tasks very fun and engaging and can see where their strengths and weaknesses across a topic lie. I have designed the task to revise important concepts briefly at least once by the time they have completed all of the starter activities. The activities could also be used as a building block to help students identify what they will be doing for the rest of the lesson (to be used closer to exams when completing revision tasks).
Weimar and Nazi Germany Timeline and Lesson (Edexcel 9-1)

Weimar and Nazi Germany Timeline and Lesson (Edexcel 9-1)

Timeline with sections for pupils to create - worksheet to support. Fully differentiated lesson to go alongside the timeline. Starter: structure of Paper three task one: overview video Task two: timeline - defining key words, describing key events and extension task Whiteboard AFL Task Three source work - why vote for hitler? challenge: making links to key events on the timeline Task designed as an introductory lesson to paper three to give pupils an overview of the topic so assumes no prior knowledge but could also be used as a revision task.
Key words bundle Edexcel history 9-1

Key words bundle Edexcel history 9-1

4 Resources
Key words for the following units included: Medicine Through Time Historic Environment Anglo-Saxon and Norman England American West Weimar and Nazi Germany