Use this adaptable presentation for whole school CPD on developing stretch and challenge in classrooms. The PPT includes lots of simple yet fundamental ideas and strategies for all teachers in all classrooms. I used it in a very short learning and teaching briefing scenario and whipped through content. It could equally form the basis of an hour or longer inset session whole school. This presentation would work well in combination with my other presentation on ‘Stretch and Challenge’ in which I set up an hour inset where departments design short S&C activities.
Use these 8 "Only Connect" boards as a starter/ bell work activity or as a stretch and challenge activity for KS3&4. Only Connect is a BBC2 TV show hosted by Victoria Coren where players are given a board of 16 words and their job is to find 4 sets of 4 connected words. The boards are easy to print and laminate and can add to your range of activities as starters, plenaries or used for stretch and challenge activities when students have finished the task set.
This is a presentation I used for staff training/ briefing on how to use coloured dots to provide fast and effective formative feedback. There are a few ideas of how to move forward and experiment a little with your dots. This will work well with verbal feedback strategies and reduce teacher workload.
This presentation will help you deliver whole school CPD/INSET/LT Briefing on Active Revision ideas in the run up GCSE exams. I must make clear I have not thought of these ideas merely collated a few in to a presentation that I have used to stimulate creative lesson planning in the revision season.
This is a presentation I delivered at our fortnightly Learning and Teaching Briefing. It covers resilience and what a resilient child might look like. It suggests ideas for building resilience in our classrooms.
This PPT will help you deliver whole school training on FAM, it is adaptable so you can adapt it to your setting. The training potential is huge, this resource can be delivered in a quick 20 minute session or can be used as the basis for an inset day whole school. The PPT includes slides detailing why FAM is important to progress and some ideas on how to make marking meaningful, efficient and feed forward. There are slides giving ideas on how to SIR mark, how to give common feedback, how to reduce the workload and get more done in less time. There are slide showing good practice and slides with student comments on what types of marking they find useful and not useful. There is a poster that can be printed to A4/A3 sticker and given to staff as a visual reminder of the training they have received.
Use this PPT to deliver an assembly that focuses student attention on skills and personal attributes that matter to employers. In a competitive, global jobs market our students need more than just exam results. Lots of facts thrown in on linked youtube clip about global stats. The Wordle has been put together from a list of attributes favoured by employers published by Forbes. I used this in the run up to writing UCAS personal statements to focus students on skills and attributes rather than just exam results. It was also used to reinforce our Language for Learning (as seen on one of the slides). The students were gripped!
This eye-catching poster/sticker will be a handy reminder to all teaching staff about how they can make marking effective, efficient and feed forward. I had them printed by repro on to A4 and A3 stickers and teachers have them on their planners as a reminder of all the different techniques and tools available for 'making marking matter'. It goes well with another resource I am selling on delivering whole school inset/CPD on FAM.
This is a presentation I used for our fortnightly Learning and Teaching Briefing. One of the strands of Quality First Teaching is the appropriate use of teacher questioning, and this briefing was aimed at stimulating thinking on the part of our teaching staff about planning for and making question probing. There are a variety of ideas included in the presentation and one supporting document on Socratic Questioning. The presentation can be used to stimulate thinking and discussion and can support an extended inset on developing questioning within your school.
This has changed my marking life! Use this resource to cut down time spent marking, focus marking on skills rather than content. In this pack of resources you will find a generic marking tool for all Geography teachers and students to use in lessons, on written tasks and formal assessments; PPT, classroom poster (sent on purchase), assessment grid with mark code system and reflection sheets for use across key stages 3 and 4 to assist in feedback, assessment and marking. This resource will help you (the teacher) to streamline your marking using a generic tool that students will come to know, understand and trust. The tool uses the word DIGEST to encapsulate what makes great Geography and can be applied easily to any topic. I've been using it for 2 years, Geography outcomes have improved and I spend less time marking. You can use this tool to aid meaningful and accurate peer and self assessment and importantly it will help to focus students on their own strengths and improvements, aiding metacognition. It is adaptable to ANY topic. It will help with target setting, tumble marking and feed-forward. It will make your marking efficient and effective. Students love the ease of the tool, parents find it easy to understand.
This simple worksheet will help to focus your students on how well they work with others. It can improve metacognition and is easily adaptable to your specific needs. Did an individual participate fully, actively influence, help make decisions? Discussion questions in pairs follows after simple tick box exercise.
Use this poster to refresh memories on FAM ideas and inspire experimentation across your school. There are 5 ‘Top Tips’ that really help reduce workload. Can be prints as a poster or on a sticker for planners.
This is a series of 7 lessons introducing Year 7 to their island nation. The lessons are a series of plug ‘n’ play powerpoints with associated WS included and resources. You will also need atlases. There are quick quizzes for summative assessment, integrated peer and self-assessment and one assessment to be marked by the teacher. This should be a great resource for non-specialists and new teachers and a starting point from which to build and adapt to suit your own particular needs and those of your students.
This presentation contains lots of ideas about how to get students thinking and doing rather than listening passively to knowledge input. I have used this presentation for a 10 minute Learning and Teaching Briefing encouraging colleagues to move away from delivering content, talking at students and rather, giving information and expecting students to think about it rather than passively accept it. The ideas are easy to action particularly in subjects like Humanities, English, Biology, Business Studies, Economics. They require little planning. Collectively the ideas ensure active thinking, selection, choosing and justifying, prioritising, ordering.
Make marking more effective with SIT marking (Strength and Improvement Task). This poster is printed to a sticker for every teacher’s planner and it accompanies my Whole School CPD on SIT Marking.
This is a presentation aimed at helping staff write better improvement comments for their students. It also introduces the idea of SIT marking. I hated the problem of SIR marking, when students responses were “OK I will”. SIT marking makes the student work harder than the marker. It aims to close gaps in knowledge and application and should be used in conjunction with DIRT. I used this presentation with whole staff during a CPD/ Briefing session and more recently on September Inset. The posters included in the presentation are available for purchase for £1 on my resources.