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Reversible Irreversible Change Full Scheme KS2 KS3

Reversible Irreversible Change Full Scheme KS2 KS3

A continuation in the series of year 6 topics. I have designed these for students who are above the average NC level and also have access to a dedicated science lab. A lot of these resources are transferable to KS3. Please check my other resources for a worksheet breakdown along with editable word versions of each task.
Making 360 degree Periscopes DCJSSS

Making 360 degree Periscopes DCJSSS

Light Lesson 6 Worksheet 1 (Scheme WS11) Powerpoint starter to get them thinking about the uses of a periscope. Making a periscope and drawing in the path the light rays take on a diagram. I have only reworked the activity provided by the science museum and do not take credit for the template or construction instructions. Please find the full scheme of work for light here: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Full-Scheme-of-Work-Light-KS2-KS3-6162648/