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Year 5 Maths: Number and Place Value

Year 5 Maths: Number and Place Value

This resource has been made using the NUMBER AND PLACE VALUE OBJECTIVES for Year 5 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit Count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1 000 000 Interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through zero Round any number up to 1 000 000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100 000 Solve number problems and practical problems that involve number and place value Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks. A digital copy of the pack, as well as a printer-friendly copy and answer key are available with download.
Year 4 Maths BUNDLE

Year 4 Maths BUNDLE

5 Resources
This resource is a BUNDLE of all of the different strands of the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Maths objectives for Year 4 in NUMBER & PLACE VALUE; OPERATIONS; FRACTIONS & DECIMALS; MEASUREMENT; AND PROPERTIES OF SHAPE. ADDITIONALLY there are HANDS-ON FRACTION & DECIMAL AND MEASUREMENT PRACTICE WITH FOOD AND PAPER AIRPLANES for children to apply their understanding in context with donuts and lemonade. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Properties of Shape

Year 4 Maths: Properties of Shape

This resource has been made using the properties of shape objectives for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes Identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations Complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Operations

Year 4 Maths: Operations

This resource has been made using the operations objectives for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers Recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Number & Place Value

Year 4 Maths: Number & Place Value

This resource has been made using the NUMBER AND PLACE VALUE OBJECTIVES for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000 Find 1000 more or less than a given number Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers Recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones) Order and compare numbers beyond 1000 Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Solve number and practical problems that involve number sense and with increasingly large positive numbers Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Fractions & Decimals

Year 4 Maths: Fractions & Decimals

This resource has been made using the** fractions & decimals objectives for Year 4** from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾ Find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number Compare number with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places ADDITIONALLY there is HANDS-ON FRACTION AND DECIMAL PRACTICE WITH PIZZA for children to apply their understanding in context with calculating costs and measuring ingredients… The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
Year 4 Maths: Measurement

Year 4 Maths: Measurement

This resource has been made using the measurement objectives for Year 4 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Convert between different units of measure (kilometre to metre; hour to minute) Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks Solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days ADDITIONALLY there is HANDS-ON MEASURES PRACTICE WITH PAPER AIRPLANES for children to apply their understanding in context. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks.
EDITABLE Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths

EDITABLE Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths

This resource provides 68 different EDITABLE digital coupons for food and beverages that can be used with problem solving in Maths. Coupons can be altered to include discounts given in percentages, fractions, proportion, etc. A link to the editable file is provided with download. You might also like: Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING Year 5 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 5 Maths: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths

Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths

This resource provides** 68 different digital coupons** for food and beverages that can be used with problem solving in Maths. Coupons include discounts by percentages, proportions, fractions, and number in GBP. A link to the zip file is provided with download. You might also like: EDITABLE Digital Coupon Clipart for Problem Solving in Maths Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING Year 5 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 5 Maths: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
The Secret Life of Daisy Fitzjohn Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

The Secret Life of Daisy Fitzjohn Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

This resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with The Secret Life of Daisy Fitzjohn (also known as Brightwood) by Tania Unsworth. It bundles The Secret Life of Daisy Fitzjohn (Brightwood) Novel Study with two STEAM packs about designing and making memory boxes, including building on the poem The Magic Box by Kit Wright. ABOUT THE NOVEL: Daisy Fitzjohn knows there are two worlds: the outside world and the world of Brightwood Hall, her home—and the only place she’s ever been. Daisy and her mother have everything they need within its magnificent, crumbling walls. But, when Daisy’s mother leaves unexpectedly one morning, a strange visitor arrives on the estate, claiming to be a distant cousin, James Gritting. As the days tick by and Daisy’s mother doesn’t return, Gritting becomes more and more menacing. He wants Brightwood for himself, and he will do anything to get it—unless Daisy, with only her imaginary companions to help her, can stop him. ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (yachts, topiaries, the Amazon, poisonous berries), and STEAM enrichment activities where children design, make, and evaluate their own memory boxes, including building on the poem The Magic Box by Kit Wright according to Key Stage 2 Design Technology objectives. Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.
Flora and Ulysses Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

Flora and Ulysses Novel Study + STEAM BUNDLE

This 190-page resource is designed to be used during Reading Workshop and is to be used with Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo. It bundles Flora & Ulysses Novel Study with a STEAM pack about designing and making donuts. *Updated for deeper learning opportunities in the literature pack. ABOUT THE NOVEL: Holy unanticipated occurrences! From #1 New York Times best-selling author Kate DiCamillo comes a laugh-out-loud story filled with eccentric, endearing characters — a novel interspersed with comic-style graphic sequences and full-page illustrations, all rendered in black and white by K. G. Campbell. ABOUT THE RESOURCE: Designed in alignment with the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s reading objectives for Year 6, the pack includes: Chapter Summaries, Comprehension Questions, Digging Deeper Opportunities (includes character studies and plot studies), Creative Writing Tasks, Non-Fiction Tasks related to content of the novel (parakeets, donuts, comics, squirrels, acrobatics), and STEAM enrichment activities where children investigate, design, make, and evaluate their own donuts according to Key Stage 2 Design Technology objectives. Resource is provided as a PDF but a digital copy of the pack is available for editing and sharing on Google Classroom and Seesaw available with download.
Valentines STEAM: Create a Box of Chocolates

Valentines STEAM: Create a Box of Chocolates

In this resource, children will evaluate different chocolates before designing their own assorted chocolates and packaging for Valentine’s Day. This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, editable rubrics, and sample recipes to support the learning process. Lessons and objectives are aligned with objectives from the 2014 National Curriculum of England, with links to NGSS listed where appropriate. A digital copy for editing and sharing on digital platforms is available with download.
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 5 & 6

Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 5 & 6

Including objectives from Upper Key Stage 2, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working Scientifically related to designing, making and evaluating their own slime. Base slime recipes are provided - the slime can be made ahead of time for the children to evaluate, or the children can participate in the recipes to reinforce their understanding of fractions (halves). A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download. ------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 5 & 6 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Year 5 and 6 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 5 & 6 Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 5 &6 Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 5 & 6
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 3 & 4

Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 3 & 4

Including objectives from Lower Key Stage 2, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working Scientifically related to designing, making and evaluating their own slime. Base slime recipes are provided - the slime can be made ahead of time for the children to evaluate, or the children can participate in the recipes to reinforce their understanding of fractions (halves). A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download. -------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Years 3 and 4 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit
Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 1 & 2

Working Scientifically with Slime for Years 1 & 2

Including objectives from Key Stage 1, this pack has children participate in different Design and Technology activities with working Scientifically related to designing, making and evaluating their own slime. Base slime recipes are provided - the slime can be made ahead of time for the children to evaluate, or the children can participate in the recipes to reinforce their understanding of fractions (halves). A link to a digital file for editing and sharing on Google Classroom or Seesaw is available with download. ---------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 1 & 2 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 1 & 2 - STEAM Unit
Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4

Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4

This resource has been designed to use as a way to teach the working scientifically objectives apart from the core science objectives of the 2014 National Curriculum of England. In the past, I have used the lessons with the class as a way to reinforce fair testing, as well as different types of variables. This activity gives children the opportunity to go deeper into concepts, combining DT, Maths, and core science. This pack includes lesson plans, rubrics, and base recipes to support with the learning process. A link is also provided should you want to access the file for editing and sharing differentiated slides on Google Classroom or Seesaw. --------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Years 3 and 4
Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 **UPDATED

Working Scientifically with Cookies for Years 3 & 4 **UPDATED

This resource has been designed to use as a way to teach the Working Scientifically objectives apart from the core science objectives. In the past, I have used the lessons with the class as a way to reinforce the concept of a fair test, as well as different types of variables. Baking gives the children the opportunity to go deeper into concepts, combining them with design, Maths, and core science. I have included recipes at the start of the pack to do with the class initially and expose them to different macarons. Alternatively, different types can be purchased ahead of time and shared with the class that way. A link is also provided should you want to access the file for editing and sharing differentiated slides on Google Classroom or Seesaw. --------------- You might also like: Working Scientifically I can Statements for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with Crayons for Years 3 & 4 - STEAM Unit Working Scientifically with Energy Bites for Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with MakeyMakey in Years 3 & 4 Working Scientifically with littleBits for Years 3 and 4
Year 6 Maths BUNDLE

Year 6 Maths BUNDLE

5 Resources
This resource is a BUNDLE of all of the different strands of the 2014 National Curriculum of England’s Maths objectives for Year 6 in NUMBER & PLACE VALUE; OPERATIONS; FRACTIONS, DECIMALS & PERCENTAGES; RATIO & PROPORTION; AND ALGEBRA. The objectives are covered through fluency, reasoning, and problem solving. Activities are designed to reinforce concepts that have already been taught and the idea is to share the packs with parents to work on objectives at home, as well as to use independently at Maths Centres. ----------------- You might also like: Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Operations Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion Year 6 Maths: Algebra
Year 6 Maths: Algebra

Year 6 Maths: Algebra

This resource has been made using the algebra objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: - Use simple formulae - Generate and describe linear number sequences - Express missing number problems algebraically - Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation of two unknowns - Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks. ----------------- You might also like: Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Operations Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion Year 6 Maths BUNDLE
Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

Year 6 Maths: Ratio & Proportion *UPDATED for DEEPER LEARNING

UPDATED with new graphics and HANDS-ON application of ratio for DEEPER LEARNING. This resource has been made using the ratio and proportion objectives for Year 6 from the 2014 National Curriculum of England: Solve problems involving relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages (of measures, and such as 15% of 360) and the use of percentages for comparison Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples ADDITIONALLY there is a HANDS-ON RATIO & PROPORTION WITH FOOD for children to apply their understanding in context with cookies, pancakes, and pizza dough. The pack can be used for reinforcement, in Maths centres for review, Morning Maths work, as well as for home learning tasks. ----------------- You might also like: Year 6 Maths: Number and Place Value Year 6 Maths: Operations Year 6 Maths: Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Year 6 Maths: Algebra Year 6 Maths BUNDLE