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A Doll's House AO5

A Doll's House AO5

Critical opinions for Ibsen’s A Doll’s House for OCR A Level English Literature
Hamlet AO5

Hamlet AO5

Notes on different productions and critical interpretations for Hamlet, for OCR A Level English Literature. Notes include AO5 on different scenes, characters and themes. some scenes are not included because of lack of interpretations on them.
The Handmaid's Tale AO5

The Handmaid's Tale AO5

Critical opinions and arguments of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale for the OCR English Literature Comparative and Contextual study (dystopia) specification
1984 AO5

1984 AO5

AO5 for George Orwell’s 1984, for the OCR English Literature specification
Christina Rossetti poetry- AO5

Christina Rossetti poetry- AO5

Critical views and perspectives on Christina Rossetti’s poetry for OCR A Level English Literature. Includes critics on Rossetti in general, as well as her poems individually.
A Level Dystopia Unseen passages

A Level Dystopia Unseen passages

Unseen extracts for the A Level English Literature exam (Comparative and Contextual study paper), taken from dystopian books. Useful for practising language analysis and preparing for the first part of the paper.