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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Year 6 Anderson Shelter DT project

Year 6 Anderson Shelter DT project

This is a full terms worth of lessons. Session 1 - Background on Anderson shelters. Session 2 - To practise making joints (using artstraws). Session 3 - Evaluate previous shelters and create a prototype. Session 4 - Start making an Anderson shelter - frame of the shelter. Session 5 - Carry on making an Anderson shelter - frame/ door. Session 6 - Put on final touches to the Anderson shelter - paper to cover the frame to represent turf - could add art straws to represent corrugated steel. Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter. There is one powerpoint that has all of the lessons on. There are you tube video links and step by step through each lesson
Tzedakah - Jewish charity

Tzedakah - Jewish charity

This powerpoint looks at how Jews give to charity It briefly mentions 3 charities from the Christian/Muslim and Jewish faith Then it looks at Tzedekah - it discusses what it is and has a pronunciation for the children to hear it. Then it looks into the Jewish law and charity Which causes Jews give Tzedakah to and the special box that is placed in their houses. looks at the 8 levels When tzedakah is given There are then some questions for the children to answer This powerpoint is part of a whole unit so please check out my shop top have a look :)
Neil Armstrong KS1

Neil Armstrong KS1

Included is 2 lessons on Neil Armstrong Lesson 1 - key vocab, main key facts, who is Neil Armstrong?, young Neil and how he became an astrounaut, project Apollo. Task is to order the key events in his life so far. Lesson 2 - quick recap of previous lesson, key vocab, walking on the moon, return to earth, after Apollo 11. Task is a comprehension


This powerpoint is a whole lesson. slide 1 - the Vikings first voyage to England and where they landed and what happened. slide 2 - planned mission to Lindisfarne and why slide 3 - what the monks thought about it slide 4 - what happened at Lindisfarne Followed by 4 activities for the children to complete. I used this powerpoint and had it printed for the children so they could go back and answer the questions. The activities are true/ false statements - where they have to prove their answers (answers on the last slide) Write a description from the monks point of view Draw a picture and write a description of what the Vikings may have stolen Write a view of Lindisfarne from a Viking I wouldn’t always use all four activities, just depends on how quickly your children work. Or i would give my highers more slides to complete.
Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

Edward the confessor and his death in 1066

This powerpoint talks through what happened after Aethelred died. Discusses Edward the confessor and what he was like as a person. Has list of three successors after Edward and why they thought they should have the crown Explains what happened when Edward died and who got the crown and what they other two successors did explains what the bayeux tapestry is activity 1 - list the successors and why they think they deserved the crown activity 2 - write the events that happened after the new King of England was crowned
What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

What is the Quran and why is it important to Muslims?

This is a full lesson Starts with a vocab slide on what will be included in the lesson Key questions that are covered - What is the Quran? What does the Quran do? How is the Quran part of everyday life? How is the Quran treated by Muslims? video of the washing ritual It then includes the story of God revealing the quran to Muhammad and a short clip of what it would hve been like in the hills where Muhammad was. work Think about important things in their life and compare it to the importance of things in a Muslim childs life challenge - thinking about the respect Muslims have for the Quran and what this teaches us about them
Norse beliefs

Norse beliefs

Full lesson on Norse beliefs Sets out the nine worlds that the Vikings believe in and their names. Discusses four of the gods and what they were famous for. Share story of Thor and the stolen hammer and there a questions on the slide to answer while they are following and listening - answers are included on another slide. What happens in the afterlife Followed by 3 activities for the children to complete:- True or false and they have to prove why The Gods sentences with missing words for them to fill in. Write an explanation as to why you would want to go to Valhalla if you were a Viking. this is followed by the answers to the true/false and god’s sentences
Mighty Muscles

Mighty Muscles

Here is a lesson all about muscles. I made this for a year 3 class. The lesson includes: WALT: know why we need muscles to move chnildren re taught about how muscles allow movement - look s at the 3 types of muscles found in the body - skeletal, smooth, cardiac. with a description There are a couple of links t videos within the powerpoint to watch and make notes on. The powerpoin then moves onto looking at pairs of muscles that work together - particulary the tricep and bicep The chn then have two sentences with missing words to complete about the bicep and tricep Chn then have a comprehension to complete
Daily life for the Anglo-Saxons

Daily life for the Anglo-Saxons

This is a whole lesson which includes information on a powerpoint and then activities. I normally print off the powerpoint for the children to use while answering the questions. This powerpoint discusses daily life in Anglo-Saxon Britain for e.g water/ toilets/heating/eating and farming There are then 5 activities around this - children have to write about how water was collected and used. How does a fire cause problems for the Anglo-Saxons. Writing a description of everyday life as a farmer and explain when they would rather live - Anglo-Saxon times or modern day and explain why.
Barbara Hepworth unit of work x6 lessons

Barbara Hepworth unit of work x6 lessons

This includes six sessions, lessons 2-6 will need clay and tools lesson 1 - introduction to Barbara Hepworth - key facts- birth/death/born what type of artist she is. Key quote from her for the children to learn. examples of some of her sculptures. task is to produce a piece of abstract art on how they are feeling. key words- sculpture and sculptor. Lesson 2 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week, video on what clay is. task is to mould the clay in different ways - there are pics for the children to follow. Lesson 3 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. Looks at two key sculptures - monolith - empyrean and sphere with inner form - discussion of the shapes the sculpture shows. Looks at the tools used for clay and what they are used for. task - children to experiment with the tools and how to cut the clay. Lesson 4 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. Looks at another two sculptures - figure for landscape and rock form. quick recap of tools and a video of how they can use the tools and things around the classroom to create textures and patterns on the clay. task - children use tools to create textures and patterns on their piece of clay. Lesson 5 - recaps key facts and what they can remember from the previous week. score a slip technique - uses video to show the children. task - children use this technique to stick two pieces of clay together. Lesson 6 - Recap of everything that they have learnt in the previous weeks. They are going to then create their own Barbara Hepworth sculpture and use the techniques they have learnt over the term. These will be available as individual lessons as well if needed
Introduction to Barbara Hepworth

Introduction to Barbara Hepworth

This powerpoint looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth This include - when she was born and died, where she was born, what type of artist she was and a key quote for the children to learn. It looks at the key vocab- sculpture and sculptor Has examples of some of her work task - draw something abstract from what i am feeling and talk about it.
DT Pulleys project KS2

DT Pulleys project KS2

This is a six week block on creating a fairground ride. We chose to make carousels and this is a week by week build up to the final piece lesson 1- what is a mechanism? Know what a pulley is. lesson 2- How to make a circuit lesson 3 - design a fairground ride lesson 4 and 5 - make your carousel (there is a video that i followed from you tube) lesson 6 - evaluation this has been updated with new links :) (There are other resources and different fairground rides to make on the tts website. You can buy the kits off there and they are made slightly differently but if you are short of funds my way is a cheaper way to do it :) )
Garden of Gethsemane

Garden of Gethsemane

This powerpoint is part of unit of work which leads up to Easter Please check out my shop for the unit pack or other individual lesson that follow this The powerpoint starts with a quick recap of the last supper and what they can rememeber Then it has the story of Gethsemane - also has a video link to the story Following this is the story of Peter’s denial Task - order the story alternative task - story board with missing words
The River Nile

The River Nile

Lesson about the River Nile with activities Looks at the length of the Nile compared to other rivers around the world. Map of africa showing the Nile - blue Nile and White Nile Explains the climate of Egypt and what the soils were like near the Nile. Irrigation and Shaduf activities - label a map explain the climate what items were used for in Egypt - papyrus, wheat and barley and grapes The activities answers are found within the powerpoint
To learn about the significance of the last supper

To learn about the significance of the last supper

This powerpoint is part of a set about Easter so please look into my shop for more lessons. I will also put this in a unit of work with all six lessons. the story of the last supper and looking at what key parts mean looks at the leonardo da vinci artwork (discussion task) include John’s version - washing of the feet and why this was done. discusses Eucharist - what it is ansd why it happens There are a couple of links to videos to support what has been read. thre are then some questions to answer related to what they have read.
The life of Jesus

The life of Jesus

Powerpoint that tells the story of Jesus’s life from before birth to death. IT is in a story format to make it easier with pictures. Includes worksheet for high/middle and lower. High is ordering small chunks of tect, middle is ordering sentences and lowers is ordering pictures.
What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

What is the Qur'an and why is it important to Muslims

This is a 6 week pack of lessons. lesson 1 - to identify the meaning of the word sacred and to explaore why the Quran is important to Muslims. lesson 2 - To know what the Qur’an teaches about God and to reflect on your own ideas about God. lesson 3 - To know that the behaviour of Muslims is influenced by the Qur’an. lesson 4 - To study ways in which Muslim children learn about the Qur’an. lesson 5 - To be able to explain the significance of the Qur’an to Muslims today. lesson 6 - End of unit quiz
Georges Seurat unit of work

Georges Seurat unit of work

This is a 6 week block of work on Georges Seurat. I used this in year 2 but can be adapted to suit your school. There are 6 power points and i will briefly explain what is in each one lesson 1 - introduction to pointillism and George Seruat - key facts about him (birth/death/ famous for) Introduces the pointillism technique and what it is. Includes the painting la tour Eiffel as a reference task - experimenting making marks using different brushes/ cotton buds and our little fingers Lesson 2 - The colour wheel recap of facts includes painting of bathers at Asnieres and some info about it. explains the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours task - colour wheel sheet - mixing the colours to create the secondary colours Lesson 3 - tints and tones recap of facts explains what a tone is and how we create it Explains what a tint is and how we create it task - children to have a go at creating tints and tones Lesson 4 - colour mixing recap of facts includes the painting- the channel of Gravelines with some info about it looks at how we can use colour mixing to create different tertiary colours How powder paints cvan be thik or thin depnding on th amount of water you put in task - children have some colours and they have to try and get as close to the colour as they can from mixing Lesson 5 - shades using pastels recap of facts includes the painting - sunday on the island of la grande jatte and some info about it How the shadows in the painting are the same colour just different shades looking at the colour wheel and how this can be light or dark in contrast How to create a shade of colour how the pressure you put on a pastel can create a light or dark effect Lesson 6 - creating own masterpiece recap of key facts Look back at the paintings we have covered task - children to choose a painting to recreate using pointillism
kitchen hygiene and food saftey

kitchen hygiene and food saftey

This lesson i use at the beginning of a food topic within DT. This is a full lesson and includes:- Key vocab with explanation Discusses what happens when we do not have good food hygiene - food poisoning. Explains about cross contamination and how to avoid it. Include the importance of washing our hands who is at risk of food poisonning There is then a quick quiz of what they have learnt. The task is to create a poster stating how we can prepare food safely