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Primary school ks2 resources
Imperative verbs

Imperative verbs

A power point to help teach imperative verbs. Three way differentiated worksheet on using imperative verbs.
Spelling year 4/5

Spelling year 4/5

Year 4/5 spelling resource. Look cover write check in handwriting font. Then chance to apply in sentences. Perfect for homework.
Extended Column Addition Lesson Bundle

Extended Column Addition Lesson Bundle

Includes Extended column addition power point, lesson plan and a 4 way differentiated activity suitable for a year 3/4 class. Power point follows Big Maths scheme and includes Speedy Col character for addition and a clic starter activity.
Victorian and Modern Teachers

Victorian and Modern Teachers

A power point stimulus for a report on Modern/Victorian teacher. It includes information about Victorian teachers and a differentiated activity for gathering ideas. A set of photos as stimulus for children to gather ideas. A bank of statements for SEN children to sort into types of teachers. 3 differentiated word mats.
Class journal Covers

Class journal Covers

6 class journal book covers. Can be used in any classroom to encourage independent writing, children also like to read what each other have written.
Guessing and checking reasoning problems year 4

Guessing and checking reasoning problems year 4

Guessing and checking reasoning problems adapted from the Badger maths scheme for year 4. Included a powerpoint showing how to work through problems using rucsac, a four way differentiated version of the same problem and 4 way differentiated success criteria.
Australia Route Planner

Australia Route Planner

3 way differentiated activity for children to research distances and then use column addition to work out km's traveled.
Adding money welsh themed cafe

Adding money welsh themed cafe

Adding different amounts of money activity. With a welsh themed cafe menu - highly praised by estyn. Includes a powerpoint to introduce and explain the activity. Differentiated 4 ways. Power point 3 differentiated cafe menus in welsh 4 differentiated activities - blue more able. green on track, orange on track with support
Australia Holiday planning maths challenge

Australia Holiday planning maths challenge

A 4 way differentiated holiday planning activity covering a range of mathematical skills. Includes differentiated challenge task sheets, holiday brochures, QR codes, planning sheets and extra challenges. Also includes a powerpoint to introduce the activity
Home learning Science Activities

Home learning Science Activities

These activities have been designed to be completed across all year groups so that siblings can all work together. The only resources you need can normally be found around the house and children do not need the internet in order to take part. There are 5 lessons, each lesson focusing on a different scientific enquiry strand. Lesson 1: Enquiry Type - Pattern Seeking Lesson 2: Enquiry Type - Fair Test Lesson 3: Enquiry Type - Identifying and Classifying Lesson 4: Enquiry Type - Observation over Time Lesson 5: Enquiry Type -Research
Class Certificates

Class Certificates

A template of my ‘Citizen of the Week’, ‘Star of the Week’ and dojo certificates. Please tag me in any photos on Instagram and leave a review if you find these useful! @mrslakinks2
Spelling worksheets yr 3/4

Spelling worksheets yr 3/4

12 year 3/4 spelling worksheets - look, cover, write and check, with sentence activity at the bottom. Words taken from the national curriculum guidance
Theme park addition and inverse

Theme park addition and inverse

A power point and set of worksheets for adding and checking work using the inverse operation. Work is differentiated 4 ways - includes a set of 4 way differentiated prices and a 4 way differentiated problem.