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Helliams's Shop

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I have been teaching English for the last 12 years and worked in three very different schools all facing their own challenges. My aim is to want my students to love coming to their English lessons and involve them in the learning process as much as possible, encouraging them to be independent and resilient. Three years ago I completed an 'Outstanding Teachers Programme' which gave me lots of ideas to enhance my teaching skills. Many of these ideas have been built into my uploaded resources.




I have been teaching English for the last 12 years and worked in three very different schools all facing their own challenges. My aim is to want my students to love coming to their English lessons and involve them in the learning process as much as possible, encouraging them to be independent and resilient. Three years ago I completed an 'Outstanding Teachers Programme' which gave me lots of ideas to enhance my teaching skills. Many of these ideas have been built into my uploaded resources.
Descriptive Writing KS4 - Interleaving (Poetry Stimulus)

Descriptive Writing KS4 - Interleaving (Poetry Stimulus)

A lesson I put together for low ability KS4. It gives them some ‘quick win’ ideas regarding how to improve their own descriptive writing. There is also a resource to get them thinking about how they could use some ideas from the ‘Power & Conflict’ poems and also an activity on improving vocabulary whilst revising poems/texts for the literature exam.
'London' by William Blake - annotated poem and revision quiz

'London' by William Blake - annotated poem and revision quiz

An annotated version of the poem in detail - would be useful for higher end GCSE students studying the AQA Power and Conflict cluster or teachers who are unfamiliar with the poem. Also contains notes on context/form/structure as well as some discussion questions. Revision quiz also attached which could be used as a homework activity/consolidation task.
Detailed analysis of 'Ozymandias' by Percy Bysshe Shelley including revision quiz

Detailed analysis of 'Ozymandias' by Percy Bysshe Shelley including revision quiz

An annotated version of the poem in detail - would be useful for higher end GCSE students studying the AQA Power and Conflict cluster or teachers who are unfamiliar with the poem. Also contains notes on context/form/structure as well as some discussion questions. Revision quiz also attached which could be used as a homework activity/consolidation task.
Detailed analysis of 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes including revision quiz

Detailed analysis of 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes including revision quiz

An annotated version of the poem in detail - would be useful for higher end GCSE students studying the AQA Power and Conflict cluster or teachers who are unfamiliar with the poem. Also contains notes on context/form/structure as well as some discussion questions. Revision quiz also attached for completion after studying the poem. Could be given as a homework activity/consolidation task.
Zooming in and structuring a piece of descriptive writing

Zooming in and structuring a piece of descriptive writing

A fun way of getting students to zoom in on details of an image used as stimulus for descriptive writing. Students work in groups and are each given a section of the image to write about. They are then shown the whole image at the end and asked to write their final paragraph together. They are then encouraged to experiment with the structure of their paragraphs by deciding on an effective order, ending with feeding back to the class and explaining their choices.
Charge of the Light Brigade

Charge of the Light Brigade

An annotated version of the poem useful for a lower ability group with the aim to get an understanding of the meaning of the poem. There are also some differentiated questions and a writing activity looking at different emotions experienced by the soldiers.
Introduction to Sonnet 130 for KS3

Introduction to Sonnet 130 for KS3

A lesson created for Year 7s to introduce them to the Shakespearean sonnet. The lesson mainly focuses on the meaning of the poem and deciphering/interpreting language as a starting point. I have included some activities on iambic pentameter at the end of the PowerPoint and also a homework to further knowledge and understanding of the structure of a sonnet.
Analysing Poetry - 'Two Scavengers in a truck...'

Analysing Poetry - 'Two Scavengers in a truck...'

A lesson I used for a middle - high ability class who have just finished reading 'Of Mice and Men'. In order to challenge them further I got them to analyse the 'Two Scavengers poem' - they used a 6x6 grid to help them (you will need dice for this). They then used a venn to compare themes/ideas/characters from the poem to the novella. This was a really successful lesson and the students cam up with some amazing links. I was observed teaching this and received excellent feedback. I have also attached my lesson plan.
Recapping basic word classes: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs

Recapping basic word classes: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs

This is a lesson I created for a very low ability Year 7 class as they were struggling with identifying the basic word classes. It involves them thinking of definitions and writing their own (guided by teacher). There are then some pictures as stimulus to get them identifying their own examples (I used mini whiteboards for this task). The students are finally given a picture for them to put into practice what they have learnt/recapped. There is an extension activity using some of the Alan Peat sentence types for further challenge. I ended the lesson by playing a silly sentence game where students are put into groups of 4 and come up with their own silly sentences by including the word classes they have learnt/recapped in the lesson. My students really enjoyed this (especially as I included pictures of my son!)
Hitcher by Simon Armitage - Grammar focus

Hitcher by Simon Armitage - Grammar focus

A resource I produced to help students look at the use of grammar and punctuation in the poem. It challenges them to think about why particular techniques/devices have been used as opposed to just understanding the subject of the poem. This idea could easily be adapted to suit other poems.
An Inspector Calls - Who is responsible for Eva's death?

An Inspector Calls - Who is responsible for Eva's death?

This is a group debate task which could easily lead in to a written piece. Students complete an individual task where they have to decide how far their given character is responsible. They then come together as a group to decide together which character is most responsible. Students really enjoyed this lesson and it promoted a lot of discussion/debate. Any feedback welcome!
DIRT lesson - Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5

DIRT lesson - Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5

This is a DIRT lesson which aims to get students to improve on a previous response. (Therefore you might want to get students to have a go at the task independently before using this lesson). The starter is a refutational text through which students are asked to spot the mistakes. This is also differentiated for different abilities. The students are then directed to look at a model answer and then fill in the venn diagram comparing their response to the model one.
The Flying Nun by Tom Slemen - PEE activity in preparation for extended writing piece

The Flying Nun by Tom Slemen - PEE activity in preparation for extended writing piece

A lesson I taught to a lower ability KS3 group which gets them thinking about using PEE to write about a text. This will take a few lessons to teach. It also gives them some useful phrases in order to link their paragraphs together. A copy of the story is provided as well as a success criteria so students can self/peer assess after they have completed their final response to the question.
The Laboratory by Robert Browning

The Laboratory by Robert Browning

A lesson suitable for either KS3 or 4 in order to encourage students to independently explore the poem by using a 6x6 grid. Dice are needed for the activities. Feedback welcome!
Descriptive Writing with a twist! Suitable for KS3 or 4

Descriptive Writing with a twist! Suitable for KS3 or 4

This is a lesson I taught in order to get students thinking about how to write more descriptively and in a fun way. It involves them writing a 'pirate' story by using a 6x6 grid which gives them images as a stimulus for each sentence. They will need dice for this activity. After they have done this, they then think about techniques to improve their writing further (extract from 'Treasure Island' provided for students to get some ideas). They then create an up-levelled and improved version of the grid and challenge each other to improve their descriptions. Any feedback welcome!
Writing to Argue. Task: Write an article for a magazine arguing for or against festivals.

Writing to Argue. Task: Write an article for a magazine arguing for or against festivals.

This is a resource that has worked really well with both KS3 and 4 in teaching them how to construct a balanced argument whilst also recapping persuasive devices and thinking about sentence structure to improve writing. Rather than giving them the usual boring topic of 'should school uniform be banned' etc, I looked at the idea of music festivals with them. I found that this was something they could really become enthused about, especially with the aid of the YouTube clips. The powerpoint uploaded will take a series of lessons to work through accompanied by the resources. There is also a peer assessment activity at the end.