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Money worksheets for KS1

Money worksheets for KS1

Here you can find Money worksheets for KS1 There are 3 main learning objectives covered: recognising coins recognising notes counting in coins
Place Value to 50

Place Value to 50

This was made for my Year One class following the WRMH scheme of work. counting in 2's counting in 5's representing numbers to 50 ordering numbers to 50 one more and one less to 50 comparing numbers to 50
KS1 - KS2 Maths Learning Journeys

KS1 - KS2 Maths Learning Journeys

I have created learning journeys for Maths for year groups 1 all the way up to 6. They have the national curriculum outcomes placed on them. Hope you like them and that they are useful. Please let me know what you think. Kind regards, Jess