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Keagsaiks's Shop

A fantastic way to evolve your lessons making them more engaging and relatable for the modern 21st-century student. All my units are easily adaptable to all curriculums and have differentiation built into all.

A fantastic way to evolve your lessons making them more engaging and relatable for the modern 21st-century student. All my units are easily adaptable to all curriculums and have differentiation built into all.
Creative writing, Short Stories S1/11-14

Creative writing, Short Stories S1/11-14

This is an amazing resource with a full sequence of lessons detailing how to construct and compose a short story. There are starter activities for each lesson along with handout exercise sheets for differentiation. This simplifies and engages learners with creative writing.
To kill a mockingbird (play adaptation Christopher Sergel)

To kill a mockingbird (play adaptation Christopher Sergel)

This is a full unit of work dealing with the condensed play adaptation by Christopher Sergel. This unit has an end goal of pupils creating a critical essay analysing the theme of prejudice. Throught the unit there is a mixture of written and creative work such as newspaper article creation, paragraph writing using PCQAL structure, Symbolism and theme analysis. The work will easy be adaptable for any teacher to use weather teaching the film,play or novel.