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Directions in German

Directions in German

A PowerPoint to introduce directions in German. Each slide follows a moving arrow with the directions, leading to the different places on the map of 'Rotstadt'.
Blockbusters template

Blockbusters template

Following the popularity of Blockbusters resources, here is the template I use in my lessons. Add the first letters of words in a phrase, images or words to the ‘Add text, initials or picture here’ on the yellow hexagons. In teams (red and blue), pupils aim to make a continuous line of their colour horizontally. This can be as long or as short as they want, as long as it’s continuous. The other team will aim to block them. When they have chosen a yellow hexagon and have answered correctly, click on that hexagon (on your computer). Then click on the relevant team colour to make it change to either blue or red. Instructions are in the notes section of the PowerPoint.
Bomb timers

Bomb timers

Use these visual timers to keep students on their feet! Click on the bombs to start the timers. When time is up, the bomb 'explodes'. Time limits from 30 seconds to 5 minutes with instructions explaining how to set a longer time limit.
Pointless - French cognates

Pointless - French cognates

This is a bit of fun that the kids love! Use when teaching about French cognates and near-cognates. A great team game for a whole class activity. Instructions are on the first few slides.
Media opinions Blockbusters

Media opinions Blockbusters

Use this PowerPoint to practise giving your opinion about books, films, TV programmes, etc. Instructions are in the PowerPoint.
School subjects & opinions in French

School subjects & opinions in French

Use this PowerPoint to introduce both simple opinion phrases and school subjects. It starts by getting pupils to work out where the opinion phrases are and which words are school subjects, After introducing the school subjects, pupils show understanding using 'hands up' and then by playing 'Follemathiques', giving their opinions about different subjects. Instructions are given in the PowerPoint.
TV programmes & films in French

TV programmes & films in French

This PowerPoint introduces the vocabulary of different types of TV programmes and films. The vocabulary is introduced, then, with the necessary vocabulary around the edge of each slide, the corresponding images appear and disappear quickly. Pupils identify them in French. Finally, focusing on detail, pupils write the vocabulary correctly.
Sentence builder template

Sentence builder template

This is a template, so you can use your own choice of words, in any language. Students choose a number on the screen and have to make a sentence with the word that appears after clicking. Depending upon ability, they could make new sentences with the words chosen, or they could try to make a story with the following words.
Adjectives in French

Adjectives in French

This PowerPoint introduces the concept of adjectives in French, including endings, irregulars, position in the phrase, etc.
Directions in French

Directions in French

A PowerPoint to introduce directions in French. Each slide follows a moving arrow with the directions, leading to the different places on the map of 'Fausseville'.
Connect 4 template

Connect 4 template

This can be used in any language (or subject!). Type your clues into the ‘Clue’ boxes. Pupils work in two teams (red and blue) and their objective is to get 4 (or 3, if you prefer) of their coloured rectangles in a row for a point. This can be vertically, horizontally or diagonally. I allow 5 in a row to count as 2 points. In presentation mode, click on the relevant coloured circle to change the colour of the rectangle.
Time phrases in French

Time phrases in French

Use this to teach students different time expressions for past, present and future in French. Students need to be able to use and recognise time expressions/phrases to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Quantities of food and drink in French

Quantities of food and drink in French

This PowerPoint introduces quantities of food and drink in French. It starts with an example conversation at a market and pupils have 2 minutes (timed) to find the quantities. The vocabulary is then introduced and it ends with a Os and Xs game to practise the vocabulary.
Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Saying what you like to eat or drink in German

Use this PowerPoint to introduce saying whether or not you like different foods and drinks in German. Instructions are in the PowerPoint, which starts by introducing the vocabulary and ends with pupils using a 'reveal' activity to identify the food/drink in German.