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2 weeks Rose Blanche planning 5/6 UPDATED

2 weeks Rose Blanche planning 5/6 UPDATED

New and updated, 2 weeks Rose Blanche planning with accompanying book uploaded on PowerPoint. Text has been written over the original text for clarity when displaying on the whiteboard. I have included resources for 10 of the lessons (not including the comprehension lessons). Resources include the support sheets and word banks. I could not include the flipcharts as the files were too big.
1 week decimal planning  and resources yr 6

1 week decimal planning and resources yr 6

1 week fully planned and resourced decimal planning for year 6. The week focuses on comparing decimals, ordering decimals and rounding to the nearest 10th. Easy to follow Flipchart is ActivInspire and includes daily 10 min artihmetic tests.
Tutoring payment tracker

Tutoring payment tracker

I have created a simple but effective payment tracker for tutoring. It allows you to create a different tab/sheet for each student and then enter that sessions payment in a monthly calender. It will total the amount earned for the month and for the year automatically.