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Spanish Translation game (AQA GCSE Reading Part C / Writing Section 3)

Spanish Translation game (AQA GCSE Reading Part C / Writing Section 3)

One of my KS4 students favourite games! One dice, one pen (un dado, un boli) - (differentiated, AQA Reading Section C / Writing Part 3 Higher / Foundation) - Students roll dice in turns to translate the sentence correctly! If the partner throws 3 he takes over a pen. The winner is the one who collected the most points. I used it with KS4 to facilitate the exam translation tasks. I also included a set of slides that I used to emphasize certain grammar points. Let me know how it goes!
Nazi Germany Revision lesson 1 (From Weimar problems to the popularity of the Nazi Party)

Nazi Germany Revision lesson 1 (From Weimar problems to the popularity of the Nazi Party)

This is a revision lesson to look through some of the events in the Nazi Germany such as Hitler becoming a Chancellor (exam question wit success criteria and peer-assessment help slide), Versailles Treaty (video and a task), problems faced by the Weimar Governemnt (video and a task) and a source-based exam question asking students to explain why people supported the Nazi party. The latter also has an example (see file attached). I have also included a settler and a Team Challenge activity (see file attached) that asks students to answer the questions . I usually give one sheet to each table and set the rewards for the ones who will finish it first.
Holocaust Revision / Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Holocaust Revision / Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

This resource is based on the fact that students are watching the movie named above and the teacher is stopping it to ask the questions and students answer the same. The lesson includes a settler, homework reminder (I tend to ask for the same to be completed in the google classroom), Learning Outcomes, slide with some questions (you can find the timings for the scenes online), Oracy activity, Ask a question (read the instructions on the slide, I use it quite often and question starters are provided on the next slide), mini-plenary and a 'Make your own Quiz Quiz Trade' slide in case you have some time left. This lesson can be broke into several lessons, depending whether you have time to watch it all at once.
Education in Nazi Germany

Education in Nazi Germany

These are two lessons (one is modified for a different group - beginning is slightly different) on the topic of Education in Nazi Germany. The lessons include such activities as settler, starter, exam question with a model answer and success criteria as well as a research task (using book / internet) together with some revision exercises such as Quiz-Quiz-Trade and Keywords revision. I also enclose a handout that I use to print for the students so they do not read the sources from the board.
Nazi Germany: Great Depression and the end of parliamentary democracy

Nazi Germany: Great Depression and the end of parliamentary democracy

The lesson for GCSE History about the Development of the Nazi Party, for instance, the impact of the Great Depression, The Bruning, Von Papen and Schleicher Coalitions, an exam question and a usual Plenary and Food for thought. I am usually using the WJEC book and a revision guide as an additional resource in case they need a reference or a mean to get 'unstuck' when completing an exam question task. They are also using it to draw a timeline / summarise main facts via spider diagram. I have used Section 7.2 of the Revision Guide in this instance.
Medieval England - 5 lessons

Medieval England - 5 lessons

This is a collection of 5 lessons on Medieval England that I teach in my school. We discussed life in villages and towns, Black Death, its consequences and crime and punishment. Please note that I the videos are included for the convenience of access to the same and that they are from you tube.
3 lessons - How has religion affected life of people in Tudor England?

3 lessons - How has religion affected life of people in Tudor England?

These are three KS3 lessons about: 1. General attitude to religion in Tudor / Medieval England; 2. English Reformation 3. Religious Rollercoaster - motivational triggers in the end - creating / drawing a rollercoaster in relation to change of religion in Tudor England. I have mostly used the BBC Horrible Histories videos as I find them quite useful and children really like them. I am also including COP(A) task in nearly every lesson and peer assessment related to the same.
Consolidation of Nazi Power

Consolidation of Nazi Power

This lesson is about the Consolidation of the Nazi power. It includes some exam practice, Quiz-Quiz trade activity (see worksheet attached) and an Ipad research activity with a true/ false plenary. In my experience, when you cannot book the Ipads or any other resources, you can have a look for a useful information on the internet and print a page for students to find the answers.
Studies - AQA GCSE Spanish - 4 lessons + speaking framework and model answer+ research project

Studies - AQA GCSE Spanish - 4 lessons + speaking framework and model answer+ research project

6 Resources
This is a bundle of 4 lessons and a research project in relation to the topic of Studies in the AQA GCSE specification (originally for the early GCSE year but can also be used for revision for years 10 &11). These lessons are prepared for the tropics of opinions and reasons on the schools subjects, typical school day and school rules. The bundle is finalised with the research project which includes the structures and grammar from the whole topic, that can be changed / adapted / differentiated further to your needs. I have also included the speaking framework for the Part 3 of the Higher Tier exam that can also be used in writing practice.
Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 Spanish AQA - Christmas project

Research project (Motivational triggers) for KS3/KS4 Spanish AQA - Christmas project

This is a research project lesson (or two lessons really) that I created for my KS3/lower KS4 Spanish students. The idea is to promote independent learning via research.Students have to research information about Spanish Christmas, compare the traditions with the ones in Britain and to create a presentation / poster. Students decide on the task, the roles and start researching relevant information using their iPads (one of the students needs to summarise the information that others found). There is also a designer and an analyst (usually the most attaining student in the group. Enjoy!
Healthy Schools week PSHE - La comida sana - KS4 Spanish AQA new spec

Healthy Schools week PSHE - La comida sana - KS4 Spanish AQA new spec

This is the lesson I have prepared for the healthy schools week for my year 9 and 10 Spanish GCSE classes. It consists of starter, tongue twister to practice phonics, a mini-test on adjectival agreement and articles (I love those surprised faces when they see the word 'TEST'), quizlet task to learn / revise vocabulary on food, quizlet live to consolidate the same, AQA Listening Section A task with explanation on tips and strategies (my usual walk-through, I usually read it out myself) with self-assessment. It is followed by the Reading Section A task on obesity case in Mexico (from EL PAIS online journal) with the same walk-through and Oracy task (slide 20). I would usually read the text and pause for the students to say the word I was about to read so they actually practice phonics and follow the text. For the end I asked them to prepare a poster for the year 6 students that are coming to school for few days to look around. There are also some mini-plenaries here and there. The origin of the Listening task is VIVA AQA Higher GCSE book. Buena suerte!
Your Christmas Day - KS3/KS4 Spanish (AQA)- Observation 1c/2a

Your Christmas Day - KS3/KS4 Spanish (AQA)- Observation 1c/2a

This is a Christmas lesson that I created for my higher KS3/KS4 Spanish students and mainly for my lesson observation. The idea is to have some fun and to do some writing as well! The lesson starts with a friendly - easy starter and pronunciation slide to learn how to pronounce some Christmas / winter related words. Then we move on to a quizlet task to learn / revise some X-mas vocabulary and Rally Coach activity to check whether we remember the words. I have then included a conjugation activity with the Christmas verbs (you need some dices!) followed by a competitive translation activity (make sire you have similar ability students working together). The students then use a trap door structure (table) to speak about their Christmas day and then I tell them about my Christmas day in a similar manner as suggested by previous activity. I first use pictures only and then show them the model answer and the grammar success criteria. After they write down their responses we move on to playing quizlet live and Hangman. Enjoy!
Festivals and Celebrations bundle Cultural / SMSC

Festivals and Celebrations bundle Cultural / SMSC

13 Resources
This bundle includes a collection of eight lessons created for few international celebrations such as Christmas and Easter as well as some traditional Spanish Festivals (e.g. Las Fallas, San Fermin, La Tomatina). I have tried to use some videos and games to make it more engaging whilst still providing students with some grammar / AQA GCSE exam practice. I also included the cultural starters I used as well as a template of my drill for teaching students how to answer AQA GCSE Reading parts A and B based on the text about Aste Nagusia, a Basque festival.
Opposition to the Nazi Rule: Civilians

Opposition to the Nazi Rule: Civilians

This lesson is about opposition to the Nazi rule from civilians. The lesson includes a settler, example of how a perfect student's book should look like, a starter (students have to guess which event is represented by each picture), All Read/Write Robin task (information research based on the revision guide handout provided in this resource), ask a question slide (followed by the question starters' slide), oracy leader task and keyword revision. Please note that the handout is taken from the WJEC GCSE History revision book.
2. Suffragettes (AQA Cit)

2. Suffragettes (AQA Cit)

This lesson was prepared for the year 11 Citizenship students (AQA full course). This lesson is on the topic of Active Citizenship as Suffragettes was one of the pressure groups (examiners quite like it as well). It includes settler, starter, learning objectives/keywords introduction slide, an example of a part B question with a model answer and success criteria, followed up by the self-assessment slide (exam question is the same as in the previous lesson on Active Citizenship), a quick activity to revise keywords (unscramble-type), a slide about the suffragettes related to the video (link included) followed by the mini-plenary in respect of the latter. The presentation ends with a cartoon for a plenary discussion which is again the same as in previous lesson.
Opposition to the Nazi rule from the army

Opposition to the Nazi rule from the army

This lesson is about opposition to the Nazi rule from the army. The lesson includes a settler, example of how a perfect student's book should look like, a starter (exam question with a model answer, success criteria, an explanation of how to assess the answer of the peer, peer-assessment, SPAG stop slides), information research task with a diagram on the July Plot and Make your own Quiz Quiz trade task. Please note that the handout includes a print-out from the WJEC GCSE History revision book.
Nazi Germany (WJEC History) Lessons Bundle 2

Nazi Germany (WJEC History) Lessons Bundle 2

16 Resources
This is the second bundle of 13 lessons I have prepared for years 10 and 11 GCSE history, WJEC. They all include settlers, starters, Kagan-type activities, videos and exam practice questions (the question, success criteria, model answer and peer/self- assessment included). I have also included homework and assessment materials.
Revision activities for the Nazi Germany (Social Policies)

Revision activities for the Nazi Germany (Social Policies)

These are two lessons and an exam question handout that I have created to revise the social policies introduced by Hitler. The lessons orient on revising main information of this part of the topic and on practising completing exam questions (WJEC). I include the handout I have prepared for them to practice at home and to know what to pay attention to when answering each question (except for the 3 sources question).
Nazi Control: Propaganda and persuasion

Nazi Control: Propaganda and persuasion

These are two lessons on the other two types of control in the Nazi State: Propaganda and Persuasion. The Propaganda lesson includes a settler, a starter (modified exam question presentation technique that I started using from that lesson onwards), a model answer with success criteria, SPAG control slide, Keyword revision, All Read Round Robin slide to be completed together with the information worksheet attached, and an Oracy task based on Adolf Hitler's quote. The Persuasion lesson is rather short and includes all usual parts of the lesson (settler, starter, etc) and has a team challenge task in it. However, I did not manage to finish the Propaganda lesson initially so the end is exactly the same.
Persecution in Nazi Germany

Persecution in Nazi Germany

This lesson is about Persecution in Nazi Germany. It includes a settler, an example of how students' exercise book is supposed to look like, a starter (scrabble task), learning outcomes slide, 'Make your own Quiz quiz trade' task (song above is taken from youtube and is used as a background why the students are completing the task), oral task to compare Aryan and Jewish families, Oracy leader task based on the quote by Adolf Hitler and a Think Pair Share slide in regard to the persecution of minorities.