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Bespoke resources for design technology and art and design for key stages three, four and five




Bespoke resources for design technology and art and design for key stages three, four and five
Single and two point perspective worksheet

Single and two point perspective worksheet

Perspective work sheets made especially for lower ability students. The Powerpoint slides take them through the concepts stage by stage. The work can be consolidated by completing an identical workbook by adding missing details.
Product analysis and evaluation

Product analysis and evaluation

What does a product designer do? How does craft production compare to product/industrial design? Investigate and study the factors for sucessful product design and analysis.
Build a simple mechanical marvel robot toy using cams and cranks

Build a simple mechanical marvel robot toy using cams and cranks

A task designed to introduce simple mechanisms and develop work shop skills when possibly producing in quantity. This a comprehensive and very visual resource that lends itself to a production based, or focussed practical task for year nine or ten students. The task includes opportunity for some differentiation in terms of the level of sophistication of possible outcomes. Clear, concise instructions guide every step of production and assembly. A really fun task to explore batch production and team work. I also plan to use it to help develop students ability to plan the production of a chosen outcome by identifying the resources needed and the correct, logical sequence of construction and assembly.
Push Along, Mechanical Dog Toy Construction Plans

Push Along, Mechanical Dog Toy Construction Plans

Ideal opportunity for an enrichment or extension activity. Download these easy to follow, detailed construction plans, templates and instructions to build your own adorable hungry hound toy. With a push of the handle, he snoops, sniffs and yaps as he is pushed along. His legs generate a walking action. His tail eagerly wags, driven by an eccentric cam and follower hidden between the rear wheels. The head is basically a type of bell crank flipped up and down by two inside wheel pegs located on the interior of each front wheel. He can be pushed with a handle fixed into his top.
Mechanical kangaroo push/pull toy

Mechanical kangaroo push/pull toy

A fantastic resource for an enrichment activity or craft club. Build this adorable, laminated, carved and polished birch plywood kangaroo toy. Its a mechanical push pull action operated by a simple mechanism located secretly in the underside. Push or pull her along to make the head and tail oscillate. The legs mimic a big jumping action as she moves. The kinetic motion causes the head to nod and the front paws to swing freely. She makes a beautiful mechanical racket as she’s pushed along. A handle is conveniently located in the top to operate her .
T-Rex Bookend Construction Plan

T-Rex Bookend Construction Plan

A great idea for an assignment or enrichment activity. Build your own terrifying T Rex bookend beast to guard your books with this detailed construction tutorial containing all the templates and construction plans needed to bring him to life. Adapt the detailed plans to suit your own KS3 scheme of work.
Sustainable Design and The Environment

Sustainable Design and The Environment

A resource to explore the environmental and ethical and moral impact of design and manufacturing on the planet. Several case studies are used to explore sustainability issues and the ethical alternatives. I made it as an optimistic resource that shows students there are viable, sustainable alternatives to current, unsustainable design and manufacturing. Concepts and content includes, sustainable and unsustainable design, renewable and non renewable energy sources, product life cycle analysis, six R’s of sustainability, up cycling and the hidden costs of design.
Resistant Materials exam preparation 2017,   Unit One. (Materials, Components and Applications),

Resistant Materials exam preparation 2017, Unit One. (Materials, Components and Applications),

Preparation/practice questions for the theme of 'Public Seating for Adults and Young Children'. An opportunity to tackle exam style questions that help students prepare for the terminal exam. The questions tease out knowledge of materials, processes and terminology they will encounter for both part A and part B of the AQA exam paper for resistant materials. Students are prompted to answer using both words and pictures.
Learning and revision resources for the AQA Resistant Materials 2017 examination.

Learning and revision resources for the AQA Resistant Materials 2017 examination.

A comprehensive learning and revision resource for the AQA Resistant Materials summer examination theme of 'Public Seating for Adults and Children.' Its a very visual resource with focussed tasks and questions designed to tease out and consolidate the relevant key concepts and knowledge necessary to tackle the summer exam. I have attempted to address the whole program of study in a creative and challenging way which gets the students to think and make the links between the characteristics of materials, making processes and production requirements relevant to the exam theme. It was also really important to me that the resource contains information to prepare students to confidently tackle a design task within the exam.
Making text from pictures using Photoshop text mask tools.

Making text from pictures using Photoshop text mask tools.

A detailed guide to making text images from pictures using Adobe Photoshop text mask tools. A really useful resource for art, graphics and photography students. Includes instructions for enhancing text with shadows, embossing tools and other effects to make a text image really stand out. Lots of practical assistance and examples included.
Resistant Materials GCSE (Preparation for Section A of Unit One.)

Resistant Materials GCSE (Preparation for Section A of Unit One.)

A Powerpoint presentation designed to prepare students for the impending unit one exam based on the theme of seating for public spaces for adults and young children. The resource explores and explains design process terminology from the purpose of a brief to evaluation with lots of visual examples and illustrations. The final page is an exam style task that follows the AQA assessment criteria.
Timbers And Manufactured Boards

Timbers And Manufactured Boards

An investigation with comprehension exercises to support the teaching of timbers and manufactured boards along with their typical applications in the world of design and manufacturing. Timbers and boards are described along with their physical and mechanical characteristics and reasons for use.
Timber Construction Methods

Timber Construction Methods

A rich visual investigation into traditional timber construction methods along with their typical applications in the world of design and manufacturing. Each family of joining methods are described in photographs and diagrams together with the reasons for use.
Tricycle Riding Chimp Toy Extension Task

Tricycle Riding Chimp Toy Extension Task

An ideal extension or group production exercise for later years. Build this adorable trike riding chimp using the easy to follow, detailed plans. He pedals furiously as you push him along with a push stick located in the back of the tricycle frame. His head and torso rises and falls on the saddle with effort as he rides along. He’s made of oak with an oiled finish for protection, any number of other timbers could be suitable, especially beech. The handlebars, shoulder pivot, and leg spacers are made from easily sourced and shaped metal components. An ideal accompaniment for a manufacturing and mechanisms exploration assignment.
Mechanical Duck Toy Construction Plans

Mechanical Duck Toy Construction Plans

A fantastic resource for an enrichment activity or craft club. Build this adorable, laminated, carved and polished birch plywood duck toy. A perennial push along favourite. Follow the easy to understand tutorial to complete your own push pull duck toy. The head rises and falls as you push him along causing the beak to snap open and shut making a lovely click. Two concealed cam wheels also cause the wings to raise and lower alternately. He’s carved and shaped from layers of stained and sealed birch plywood for durability. The tutorial contains all the information, templates and drawings needed to produce your own clattering duck that will be treasured for years.