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Physicsangel6's Shop

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My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able. I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash




My lessons are comprehensive, well organised and promote high levels of pupil engagement. They contain a high number of challenge tasks that are built into the lesson resources to stretch even the most able. I have also started an Instagram flash card account that pupils can follow for physics revision as they scroll. The account is called physicsflash
Rotational Forces SP9c Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Rotational Forces SP9c Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Rotational Forces. It covers situations where forces can cause rotation, how levers and gears transmit the rotational effects of forces, use of the equation for moments and use of the principle of moments to calculate forces and distances in equilibrium situations. The resource is appropriate for Higher and Foundation tier Triple Science classes only. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Maths skills for Physics GCSE

Maths skills for Physics GCSE

This resource covers maths skills required for Physics GCSE exam questions (combined science physics also). It is a power point with over 70 slides that include; teaching the required skills, practice tasks and selected past exam questions embedded (from EDEXCEL but could be used for any exam board as practice). It is organised in an order that flows from one skill to another with action buttons that take you directly to each skill and home buttons so you can easily return to the home slide. This resource can be used at the start of the GCSE course (by providing pupils with a copy of the equation sheet) or as revision before the exam when pupils should know the required equations. This cannot be done in 1 lesson and could be spread over a number of lessons or dipped into when a skill is required! Much of this is relevant to Biology and Chemistry also. Skills covered are: Standard index units Significant figures Converting units Equations - Substitution Equations - rearranging Standard form Percentage and efficiency Ratios Unfamiliar Equations Graph interpretation Gradients
Objects affecting each other SP9a CP8a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Objects affecting each other SP9a CP8a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Energy-Forces

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Objects affecting each other. It covers contact and non-contact forces, the effect of a gravitational, magnetic and electrostatic fields on objects, how pairs of forces occur when objects affect each other and recaps vectors and scalars. Some of this is a recap from SP1/CP1 as it is needed for both paper 1 and paper 2. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Waves Crossing Boundaries SP4d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Waves

Waves Crossing Boundaries SP4d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Waves

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Waves Crossing Boundaries. It covers effects of waves being reflected, refracted, transmitted and absorbed and explaining how changes in velocity, frequency and wavelength are related when waves go from one medium to another. Dispersion is also covered within the context of the lesson. The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Background Radiation SP6d CP6d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Background Radiation SP6d CP6d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Background Radiation. It covers sources of background radiation and how the amount of radioactivity can be measured, what background radiation is and how radiation measurements need to be corrected to account for background radiation and details of how a Geiger–Müller tube works. Updated 04/03/2021 The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Types of Radiation SP6e CP6e Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Types of Radiation SP6e CP6e Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Types of Radiation. It covers the 5 types of radiation, the relative masses and relative electric charges of protons, neutrons, electrons and positrons, describing alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation and why they are ionising and comparing their penetrating and ionisation abilities. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Half-Life SP6g CP6g Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Half-Life SP6g CP6g Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Half-Life. It covers how the activity of a substance changes over time using half-life, how half-life can be used to work out how much of a substance will decay in a certain time and calculations involving half-life. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. UPDATED 13/07/22: a few additions You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Radioactive Decay SP6f CP6f Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Radioactive Decay SP6f CP6f Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Radioactive Decay . It covers the process of β– and β+ decay, how proton & mass numbers are affected by different kinds of decay, what happens during nuclear rearrangement after decay and balancing nuclear equations for mass and charge. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Astronomy SP7 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Astronomy SP7 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

6 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 7 (for Triple Science classes only). Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes six full lesson PowerPoints and associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic. A very small number of the resources require access to Pearson Active Teach, however, the vast majority are included in the presentations or as a separate file.
Electromagnetic Induction SP13a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic Induction SP13a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electromagnetic Induction

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Electromagnetic Induction. It covers how to produce an electric current by induction on a small scale, how different factors affect the size and direction of an induced current, how the magnetic field produced by an induced potential difference opposes the original change, how electromagnetic induction is used in alternators and dynamos, how microphones work in terms of changing pressure variations into variations in electric current and how loudspeakers change variations in current to variations in air pressure. The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes and is for** Higher tier only**. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Transformers and Energy CP11b Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electromagnetic Induction

Transformers and Energy CP11b Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electromagnetic Induction

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Transformers and Energy. It covers how the national grid transmits electricity around the country, why step-up and step-down transformers are used, that transformers can change the voltage of an alternating current, how a transformer works, the factors that affect the size and direction of an induced potential difference and how the magnetic field opposes the original change. The resource is appropriate for Combined Science classes, foundation and higher tiers. The second half of this lesson is higher tier only, however, foundation classes will need longer for the the first section on the national grid and will probably take up a full lesson for them. Note: If you are teaching the triple science topic on Electromagnetic Induction (SP13) the lessons are quite different so see my lessons on SP13 in my TES shop instead. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Atomic Models SP6a CP6a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Atomic Models SP6a CP6a Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Atomic Models . It covers atomic structure, size of atoms and how and why our model of the atom has changed over time focusing on Rutherford’s gold leaf experiment. Updated: 02/04/2020 The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Electrical Safety SP10i CP9i  Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electricity and Circuits

Electrical Safety SP10i CP9i Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Electricity and Circuits

Full Lesson PowerPoint (may take 2 lessons) to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Electrical Safety. It covers electrical safety rules, the 3-pin plug, how the earth wire, the fuse and circuit breakers make circuits safer, the difference between the functions of the live and the neutral wires and why switches and fuses are connected in the live wire and the potential differences between the live, neutral and earth wires. The resource is appropriate for Triple and Combined Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Radioactivity in Medicine SP6j Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Radioactivity in Medicine SP6j Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Radioactivity

Full Lesson PowerPoint and resources to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Radioactivity in Medicine. It covers the use of radioactive tracers in diagnosis, the use of PET scanners in diagnosis & why isotopes used have to be produced nearby and the use of radiation applied internally & externally for treating tumours. The resource is appropriate for Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can download the FREE resource “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP6 & CP6 Radioactivity Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Investigating Acceleration Core Practical CP2d SP2d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

Investigating Acceleration Core Practical CP2d SP2d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Motion

PowerPoint presentation to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics Core Practical on Investigating Acceleration. It includes a context, equipment, an introduction to the Core Practical and information on how to collect the required data. The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP2 & CP2 Forces and Motion Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Magnetism and the Motor Effect SP12 / CP10 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Magnetism and the Motor Effect SP12 / CP10 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

4 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic 10/12 Magnetism and the Motor Effect for Combined (CP10) and Triple (SP12) Science classes. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes 3 full lessons (3rd lesson is for Higher tier only) with associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic.
Particle Model CP12 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Particle Model CP12 Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

7 Resources
Full lessons with resources for those teaching GCSE Edexcel Physics Topic Particle Model, CP12 for combined science. Lessons include easy to follow presentations that promote high levels of pupil engagement. The bundle includes 4 full lessons and 2 core practicals with associated resources plus my lesson overview and resources list for the topic. Note: If you are teaching triple science as well/only I have created a separate bundle for SP14 that includes the extra triple science lesson.
Resultant Forces & Newton's First Law CP2a & CP2b / SP2a & SP2b Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Resultant Forces & Newton's First Law CP2a & CP2b / SP2a & SP2b Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Resultant Forces and Newton’s First Law for the Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Topic Forces and Motion. It covers free body diagrams, calculating resultant force and describing the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces on moving and stationary objects. Higher only: explaining why circular motion at constant speed is an acceleration and describing the force needed to keep an object moving in a circular path (centripetal force). The resource is appropriate for Combined and Triple Science classes, Foundation and Higher tiers. You can also download the FREE resources “GCSE Physics EDEXCEL 9-1 SP2 & CP2 Forces and Motion Lesson outline and equipment list” for this topic from my TES shop. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
Pressure and Upthrust SP15d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Matter

Pressure and Upthrust SP15d Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Physics Forces and Matter

Full Lesson PowerPoint to teach the GCSE 9-1 specification Physics lesson on Pressure and Upthrust. It covers how upthrust occurs and that the upthrust is equal to the weight of fluid displaced, the factors that determine whether or not an object will float/sink and relates the upthrust to the floating/sinking of objects immersed/partially immersed in fluids, using the equation relating pressure in a fluid to height, density and gravitational field strength and why the pressure in a liquid depends on density and depth. The resource is appropriate for Higher tier Triple Science classes only. Note: update due to typo. The FREE sample lesson “GCSE Physics Energy Stores and Transfers FULL LESSON (Edexcel 9-1 CP3a SP3a) Conservation of Energy” is also available to download from my TES shop.
CP1 / SP1 and CP3 / SP3 Motion and Energy retrieval practice revision

CP1 / SP1 and CP3 / SP3 Motion and Energy retrieval practice revision

Revision resource for the Motion and Energy topics for GCSE EDEXCEL Physics - for combined and triple science. This resource includes: A challenge grid that contains colour-coded tasks relating to the C/SP1 and C/SP3 content in the order that it is taught - pupils get higher score for tasks that are chronologically further back. This can be used multiple times throughout the year and pupils can aim to improve their score! A picture/animation prompt activity where pupils explain the significance of each one and why they are important to the topics. Answer slides for both are included - I have tried to keep the answers concise so as not to take up more than one slide for each activity. Pupils may end up with more detail! I have included a slightly easier version of the challenge grid on the last 2 slides of the presentation for lower ability classes as an option. See my shop for the full paper 1 revision resource ‘Physics EDEXCEL Paper 1 revision - retrieval practice activities for triple & combined’ and for full lesson resources for GCSE EDEXCEL Physics triple science and combined science physics lessons.