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Prof_de_francais's Shop

Average Rating3.41
(based on 38 reviews)

Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.




Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.
Display / Printable Booklet - French Verb Tables, Opinions and Connectives

Display / Printable Booklet - French Verb Tables, Opinions and Connectives

Huge time saver! Incredibly useful! Took a day to make! Can be printed as individual A4 pages (or blown up into A3) for French 'Word Wall' display. Very useful to direct students to for help with their own work and to encourage independent learning and flow. Can also be printed as an A4 or A5 booklet for students to have an individual copy for reference in class and at home. Created as when directing students to dictionaries to help source their own verb conjugations, confusion would often ensue as no English translations / pointers on when to use each tense were given to help students who were unsure. Really helps to drive independence and so helpful when teaching as time can be spent supporting LA / pushing HA when circulating, rather than having to constantly be translating verbs to help students continue with their work. 30 pages in total. Verb tables - 24 pages! Present, perfect, imperfect, near future, simple future and conditional tenses for 12 key verbs in French and in English. Definition of when to use each tense also given on each verb table to help student understanding. Connectives - 3 pages. English and French translations given. Separated into different tables of connectives to use with any tense, the present tense, the perfect tense, the imperfect tense and finally the near future, simple future and conditional tenses. Opinions - 1 page. Postive and negative opinions given in French and in English. Ways to introduce points of view also given in table to help students extend and vary communication.
My Teamwork Self Review - Worksheet

My Teamwork Self Review - Worksheet

A useful worksheet to use following partner or group work on a project, asking students to reflect honestly on their teamwork skills and identify an area for improvement. Two sheets of A4 in total, guiding students through types of behaviour that may have hampered their efforts, identify the qualities that are desirable in a group situation, recognise if there were leaders in their group, and provide advice for their group and the teacher for next time. A Plenary Triangle completes the reflection, asking students to identify one positive area of their group work, one positive area of their presentation and one area to improve next time. Much more effective than just providing teacher feedback! Very insightful to use with students to help train them into excellent team members.
The Great Pancake Day Quiz + The Great Pancake Race

The Great Pancake Day Quiz + The Great Pancake Race

An excellent, fun activity to do with a class or a tutor group to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day. The PowerPoint has a text on Shrove Tuesday and the religious importance of Lent, along with historical and cultural context. A quiz follows, whereby students have to answer questions on the text to win points for their team. Directions and instructions for The Great Pancake Race follow - model with students before beginning the race! Great fun! Certificates also included to print!
Oral practice: KS5 - Les Vacances

Oral practice: KS5 - Les Vacances

A great resource, linked to oral practice at KS5 for the topic of 'Les vacances'. Six slides in total, including three slides of questions that can be used in any number of ways as speaking preparation. Presentation also includes a starter and a plenary to engage students and encourage them to warm-up with useful vocabulary for the topic. Can also be used with HA KS4. A huge time-saver!
Plenary Triangle Templates

Plenary Triangle Templates

A set of seven plenary triangles to use with students to review learning. Offers a great insight into areas of confidence and understanding and next steps in their eyes. Can be used with post-its and stuck onto the board before students leave, noted into books or onto whiteboards (a question at a time works well), or orally as a think-pair-share to get feedback. Really helpful to inform planning, especially with challenging topics.
French New Year Traditions - KS3+KS4 -  Full lesson - Worksheet and Answers

French New Year Traditions - KS3+KS4 - Full lesson - Worksheet and Answers

Excellent resource, fully differentiated, focusing on French New Year customs and traditions. Text is taken from an article online (link on document) and has been simplified and split into six paragraphs for ease of translation and discussion. Fully differentiated with a Challenge extension question to extend HA learners - further researching 'La Galette des Rois'. Over a page of vocabulary, split into paragraphs to support LA. A series of questions in English link to the article, with paragraph numbers in brackets to direct learners who require support to the right paragraph. Can easily be deleted to extend challenge if required. Suitable for HA KS3 and KS4. Great fun to teach!
Expo 1 - Bonjour!

Expo 1 - Bonjour!

Full lesson, linking to Unit 1.1 of Expo 1 - 'C'est parti: Bonjour'. Lesson covers meeting people, using the pronouns 'je' and 'tu' (and 'vous' as an extension), a wide range of greetings (hello, hi, goodbye, see you soon, have a lovely day etc.) and ways to ask how people are and respond to the question. Lots of speaking, mini whiteboard activities, pairs, 'Splat', a dice activity and a 'Spin the Wheel' game at the end of the lesson to consolidate learning. Fully animated with notes under each slide for teacher. Lesson PowerPoint, pairs game and worksheet included in download. Great fun to teach!
French New Year Traditions Article, Worksheet and Answers - KS5

French New Year Traditions Article, Worksheet and Answers - KS5

Excellent resource, perfect as a first lesson back after the holidays. Two-page article (link included on document) exploring French New Year traditions and presenting lots of opportunities for cultural discussion. Article is split into sections for ease of reading and discussion. Examples of cultural interest include the French tradition of sending New Year greeting cards, the annual televised French presidential address on 31 December, the change in date of the first day of the new year over the centuries, and the significance of 'l’Épiphanie' and 'la galette des rois'. Worksheet asks students to draw out synonyms from text for specific vocabulary (e.g. 'les moufles' - 'les gants'), and to respond to six questions in French related to these customs. Fully differentiated for LA learners with a vocabulary table and sections of the text signposted in brackets to support with answering the questions. These can easily be deleted for HA learners. Questions can be extended with reference to the subjunctive and other grammatical elements of the text. Students could also be asked to summarise in 100 words the main differences between traditional French New Year celebrations and those of their home country.
Expo 3 (Rouge) - Ça ne va pas - Illnesses and injuries in the perfect tense

Expo 3 (Rouge) - Ça ne va pas - Illnesses and injuries in the perfect tense

Great lesson, based on Expo 3 (Rouge) spread of 'Ça ne va pas'. Builds on prior knowledge of illnesses and injuries in the present tense, and works on using reflexive verbs with être in the perfect tense to describe problems with the body. Lesson begins with a re-cap of various body parts, then moves on to ask students to match the first and second half of sentences describing injuries in the past tense to five images. Reading, mini whiteboard translation and writing activities follow, with 'être' song to re-cap verb in present tense if teacher wishes. Splat game to review learning at the end of the lesson. Fully differentiated with 'Want support' and 'Challenge options'. Fully animated with all answers and notes for teachers underneath slides if helpful. Worksheet and full lesson PowerPoint in bundle. Interactive and great fun to teach!
Display / Activity - French labels for classroom objects

Display / Activity - French labels for classroom objects

Three pages of French vocabulary for classroom objects. Size 50 text and neatly arranged into boxes to print, laminate and blu-tack to different areas of classroom. Excellent for support during lessons that are taught in target language (provides reference for example for the request 'Ferme la porte s'il te plaît'), and also broadens linguistic horizons of learners being surrounded by TL in normal classroom. Can also be used as an activity for younger learners. Students in pairs or in small groups are given five minutes to translate and categorise words (lots of possibilities - by gender, by objects that touch the floor etc.). Excellent to generate discussion regarding articles and difference between French and English. Students then timed to carefully and silently blu-tack correct label (without referring to translation) to correct part of classroom. Each team starts on 10 points. 5 points awarded for each correct, careful and silent placement of word. 30 bonus points awarded for the quietest and most sensible team. Share points system and Success Criteria, and ask students to generate their own rules to manage game before beginning (for example remember to walk not run).
French Cultural Lesson Bundle - Mystery Countries, Nandos Takeaway Menu , Project Research Sheet

French Cultural Lesson Bundle - Mystery Countries, Nandos Takeaway Menu , Project Research Sheet

3 Resources
A brilliant bundle, encouraging higher-order thinking skills and independent learning. Lessons are fabulous to teach and enourage students to identify mystery TL-speaking countries from a series of activities and clues (food, geography, music etc.). Nandos Takeaway Menu asks students to pick their own mini topics from a series of increasingly challenging options, giving them ownership. My most popular lessons!
Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (er, ir, re)

Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (er, ir, re)

Fantastic and very comprehensive resource covering all aspects of present tense formation with er, ir and re verbs. All animations and formatting ready to go. A huge time-saver! Powerpoint is 27 slides and can be adapted to suit all learners. Includes clear and concise explanations of conjugation of each verb type and questions to gauge understanding. Perfect for mini-whiteboard activities. Differentiated to help LA access translation questions. Excellent for introduction at KS2 / KS3 to conjugation and for revision and further practice at KS4.
AQA Exam Factsheet - GSCE German

AQA Exam Factsheet - GSCE German

A great resource, clearly explaining the topics studied over the course of the German GCSE and the format of the upcoming exams with a detailed breakdown for the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing papers. Information includes the length of each exam, the question styles and number of marks available. The GCSE qualifications from 1-9 are also explained in a user-friendly format. Colourful pictures of Germany, easy to read and informative! A great time-saver! Perfect for students and parents.
Grammar Bundle - Adjectives, Adverbs, Après avoir + Après être, Asking questions

Grammar Bundle - Adjectives, Adverbs, Après avoir + Après être, Asking questions

Comprehensive grammar bundle, suitable for HA KS2 - KS4. All formatting, animations and answers in place. Templates (tables, whiteboard activities) easily adaptable, huge time-saver! Designed to be used to explain concepts alongside other exercises in class. 1. Adjectives - 11 slides - Emphasis on describing teachers (School and Education module) although easily adapted. Introduces concept of masculine and feminine, adjectives before the noun (BAGS) and includes differentiated whiteboard activity. 2. Adverbs - 5 slides - Introduces concept in English and in French through celebrity 'Twitter' feeds (classtools.net). Matching table exercise and word fan task on last slides. 3. Après avoir + Après être - 3 slides - Introduces après avoir and après être. Example sentences and translations. Excellent 'A*' GCSE phrase, also great to extend HA KS3. 'Jeu de furet' (Pass the Parcel) game at end. 4. Asking questions - 3 slides - Linked to school and education but easily adapted. Introduces the three ways to ask questions in French, with an oral exercise as the last task.
Grammar Bundle - Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, Dont, Impersonal verbs, Indirect Object Pronou

Grammar Bundle - Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, Dont, Impersonal verbs, Indirect Object Pronou

Excellent grammar bundle, covering KS4 and KS5 key grammar topics. Also great for HA KS3. Differentiated with clear explanations and student translation activities. Easily adaptable to suit group, very time-saving! 1. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns - 6 slides - Very comprehensive explanation of DOP and IDOPs, with lots of examples and practice for students. 2. Dont - 1 slide - Clear and concise explanation, giving students example sentences and asking them to work on how it is translated. 3. Impersonal verbs - 2 slides - Clear and concise explanation over full slide of impersonal verbs. Full slide of questions for students to translate, great as a printed worksheet or as a whiteboard activity. 4. Indirect Object Pronound (AS) - 4 slides - A deeper explanation of IDOP, suitable for KS5 learners or high-ability KS4 learners. Includes prounoun flag.
Grammar Bundle - Common infintives, Comparatives, Depuis + ça fait que, Depuis

Grammar Bundle - Common infintives, Comparatives, Depuis + ça fait que, Depuis

Excellent grammar bundle covering key concepts of KS3 and KS4 syllabi. All animations, formatting and answers ready to go. Easily adaptable for any year group. A real time saver! 1. Common infinitives - 3 slides - Covers key verbs in French and past participles of both avoir and être. Asks students to categorise verbs and to work out rules for endings in perfect tense. 2. Comparatives - 9 slides - Uses films to introduce concept of 'plus/moins/aussi...que'. Example sentences and translation. Whiteboard activity, differentiated to support LA with key words at top of slides. Task linked to watching of 'Minions' film trailer in French. Students asked to use language in own sentences following trailer. 3. Depuis and ça fait que - 7 slides - Comprehensive explanation of two conjunctions and whiteboard activity across six slides, differentiated to help LA learners with key words at top of slide. Students must decide which phrase to use and why, 4. Depuis - 4 slides - Precedes activity with 'ça fait que'. Explanation of when to use and mini-whiteboard translation. Easily adaptable and suitable for all ages.
Work and Education Bundle - Opinions on School Uniform, School Rules and Chores

Work and Education Bundle - Opinions on School Uniform, School Rules and Chores

A bundle of five slides, linked to the Work and Education module of the GCSE course. The first slide is a poster of rules from a French school. Students are asked to translate as many as possible a given time limit. Challenge is to think of any others that are not mentioned that students would expect to see in their own school. Forms a good basis for cultural discussion (for example in terms of uniform or how rules are phrased). The second slide presents two tables (24 items of vocabulary), drawing links between rules and uniform. The conditional tense is introduced alongside negatives and could easily be extended to forming the conditional and other negative forms. The third slide introduces positive and negative opinions about uniform, asking students to translate and categorise those given before forming their own for a debate / discussion on the fourth slide. The fifth slide lists excuses regarding household chores, asking students to translate those given and think of their own.
Lesson PowerPoint - Sport 3 (using faire + definite article)

Lesson PowerPoint - Sport 3 (using faire + definite article)

Great lesson building on Sport 1 (recognising different sports + opinions) and Sport 2 (jouer + definite article). Fully differentiated and animated, with directions for each activity in Notes section for teachers. 37 slides in total. Can easily be split into two lessons if best for group. Slide 1: Date, title, learning objective, starter (adding in the right definite article for sports with jouer and translation). Slide 2: YouTube video montage of London 2012 Olympics highlights. Students encouraged to think about one main difference between the sports that they are watching. Draw out that some use balls (jouer) and some don't (faire). Slide 3: Students re-cap names of different sports, naming as many as they can from 12 images on slide in given time limit. Slides 4 - 15: Students repeat (with actions if wished) sports that use faire, picking out the definite article each time. Slides 16 - 18: Students complete table of sports that use faire. Slides 19 - 23: Points game, guessing the hidden sports, to consolidate vocabulary. Slides 24 - 25: Students note down grammar rule for definite article and how it combines with faire. Slides 26 - 28: Students spot use of faire + definite article in reading text (Twitter feeds created using classtools.net) and answer questions. Slides 29 - 35: Students translate sentences with faire on mini whiteboards. Slide 36: Writing activity. Clear Success Criteria given. Slide 37: 'Big Wheel' plenary to finish.
AQA New Italian GCSE (Specification 8633) - Student Factsheet

AQA New Italian GCSE (Specification 8633) - Student Factsheet

A great resource, outlining the new AQA Italian GCSE as a simple Factsheet. Very useful for students as an introduction to the course. Also used with excellent feedback at Open Evenings to provide further information (from the AQA website) for students, Parents and Carers, and for staff within the department alongside the new Specification. Suitable for Foundation and Higher tiers. A huge time-saver! The Factsheet provides information about the advantages of studying Italian at GCSE level, alongside answers to the following questions: 1. What will I study? (Core themes and sub-topics.) 2. How will I be assessed? (Information on the four exam papers, the length of the exams, the marks awarded and the types of questions.) 3. When will I take my exams? 4. How do GCSE grades 1-9 work? The Factsheet is attractively and simply presented with photographs and images. A space for Student reflection is provided at the end of the document, as well as the link to the AQA Specification at a Glance for further information.