This is a KS3 lesson on the three main causes of the hundred year war.
It involves pupils reading to the class and then recalling information to do a piece of extended writing.
There are both challenge and support activities available.
This power point will take an hour lesson and talk learners through how to write a CV. There are examples on the power point of what they should be putting, and examples of what they should be avoiding. There is also a template to write the CV into before typing it up.
This lesson is for KS3. It looks at who Joan of Arc is and how she impacted the hundred year war. There is a section on turning points. Then it looks at what type of person she is through source work. There is the potential for this to be two lessons.
This power point contains lots of small tasks that build learners up to writing an answer for each of the criteria as set out by City and Guilds. There are sentence starters and structures to help the learners write a perfect answer.