An explanation sheet of what is expected in each part of a PEEZE paragraph and gives students a chance to look at model PEEZE paragraphs before attempting their own.
Resource based on 'Of Mice and Men' but can easily be adapted to other literature texts as appropriate.
Used with top set Year 9 group as a whole class activity, possibly could be adapted as a H/W task for GCSE students.
By using Dharker’s poem ‘Blessing’ (printed on sheet provided), students can identify, discuss and write about structural techniques in poetry. Can be adapted and used from 11-16 as a revision tool before any assessment based on poetry.
Could be an extension activity/H/W, cover work or could begin a thought provoking discussion about how conscientious objectors should be remembered. Ties in well with studying war poetry.
Used successfully with both a top set and mixed ability Year Eight classes.
Revise GCSE writing criteria by applying it the model paragraphs - should generate some discussion before attempting own persuasive writing. With some adaptation, suitable for all secondary students.
Grid to support writing about the character of Crooks. Can easily be adapted for most abilities, used this with my (lower) mixed ability Year Nines. I provided points, gave specific page numbers for Section Four so they could find relevant quotations and sentence starters for their explanations.
Page numbers refer to the Penguin edition 'Of Mice and Men' (pictured in cover image.)
Could be used when teaching Section Four.
I'm expecting they'll be able to use this grid to support them in writing an analysis assessment - consisting of around 4/5 paragraphs, analysing the character of Crooks; could be adapted to other characters.
Cloze summary starter/homework/revision activity for less able GCSE students of the first four chapters of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.'
Also includes a challenge activity.
Using the PEEZC model (POINT-EVIDENCE-EXPLAIN-CONTEXT), I have written an example of an under developed paragraph with suggested steps to improve, along with further quotations to analyse writing PEEZC paragraphs independently.
Used with mixed ability Year 10 class.
I wrote some simplified criteria and typed up some model paragraphs so that my mixed Year Nine group could assess some work before attempting their own pieces of persuasive writing. Could easily be adapted for any persuasive writing task.
Could be used as a lesson activity or homework.
Smartboard slides (so won't work unless you have the necessary SMART notebook software) that were originally created by me for a now redundant Year Seven SoW. Could be adapted for any Key Stage Three class looking at the history of the English Language or Chaucer.
If you have SMART notebook software, you can access the other files that accompany the scheme (copies of extracts/worksheets etc.) through the paperclip icon either to the left or right of the smartboard slides.
A lesson starter/main activity to start a unit of work on Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’. Encourages students to consider how new discoveries were being brought back to England at the time the play was set.
Copy of 'The Manhunt' plus detailed questions exploring each stanza.
Could be a good introduction/revision resource to Unseen Poetry for GCSE English Literature.
Edited footage from the documentary that inspired this footage freely available from this short Youtube clip: to aid understanding of context if required.
Supported activity with ‘No Fear’ Shakespeare extract of Lady Macbeth reacting to Macbeth’s letter. Ideal for mixed Year 9 students or weaker KS4 students. PEEZ sentence starters and a writing task.
Extended extract from Aron Ralston’s account of getting trapped by a boulder in Utah and being forced to amputate his own arm with a multitool.
On last page have included some tasks. Probably best for Year 9, 10 and 11. Effective for exploring how tension and suspense is created through language.
AQA style Paper TWO (READING QUESTIONS 1-4) with appropriate source texts about London. This gives students an opportunity to practise the skills needed in answering the new Paper Two ‘Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives’.
Model paragraphs for Q4 for students to mark against simplified criteria provided.
Planning grid for Q4 also provided to support them with their answer.
Have used with Middle/bottom Yr 10 group.
Could be adapted for H/W or used as a basis for a series of lessons (one/two lessons per question.)
A-Z fun activity after reading or watching an adaptation of the play plus a cloze activity on a comprehensive summary of the whole play to help revise plot, character names and themes.
Used with middle/low Year 10 group after they watched a theatre production for the first time.
Some stimulus material to help students decide who would play the roles of Curley and Curley's wife in a brand new, big budget film production of &'Of Mice and Men.&';