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Rehana Fazil Saving Teacher's Sundays

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Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.




Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
Year 2 SPAG Suffix Endings Display

Year 2 SPAG Suffix Endings Display

Year 1 and 2 SPAG. The all important suffix endings display for the grammar washing line in the classroom. This is a very eye-catching and visual way to display all the suffixes that the children need to be able to spell and use accurately in their writing to secure working at the expected standard. The suffixes are written in bubble writing and have the common suffix ending words written inside them. They will make an excellent and immediate display. It is suitable for classes from year 1 to year 3. It currently stands proudly on display in all our KS1 class rooms. The bubble writing suffix’s available are - ment, -ed, -ly, -ing, ness, -er, est, er, less. Please leave a review as you will find this resource a must in your classroom to support spelling and meet the expected standard on the interim framework! ENJOY and thanks for downloading
Information Text African Snails year 2 TAF

Information Text African Snails year 2 TAF

Year 2 Non Fiction Writing This is 14 page slide powerpoint with apt information about how to write about snails. It includes subheadings for body, eats, habitat, dangers. it gives children enough information about snails so they can research and then write their own information text about how to keep pet snails. This encourages children to apply their learning to a new context. Ideal for a topic unit in science and suitable for keeping pet African snails in class. Otherwise it can be used for English literacy non fiction unit. The text includes suitable sentence level work to incorporate year 2 grammar features such as coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. There are opportunities for children to use questions by addressing the reader e.g. Have you ever wondered how to keep pet snails?
The sound collector and other poems Year 2 Poetry Preview

The sound collector and other poems Year 2 Poetry Preview

Year 2 Reading and Writing Poetry Preview Suitable for GD readers and promote quality reading experiences for all Expected pupils. This is a preview of resources available in the shop. It has an array of classic poetry with comprehensions. The sound collector has targeted comprehension for higher ability (working at greater depth) and then differentiated down so that all the class can access and enjoy classic poetry. Children answer literal, inference and evaluative questions about the poem. After that , they spend a day creating their own verses using similar pattern structures. There are also other many fun and enjoyable poems to learn and perform by Roger McGough, and Valerie Bloom- such as The River, and other sound poems. Children can recite these poems from memory, perform them to an audience and answer comprehension questions. Children will learn how to identify rhyming words and generate their own. They will understand language techniques used by the poet and identify the patterned structures to write their own verse in a similar style. This fun resource can also be used as a poetry unit during English main teaching or guided reading. Please see the shop for complete unit of work and planning with resources.
Year 2 Materials Ice and Blubber  Enquiry

Year 2 Materials Ice and Blubber Enquiry

Two excellent and engaging resources for the Materials topic in science. The lessons are enquiry based and suitable for year 2 and lower keystage 2. Can be used towards the end of the unit after children understand properties of materials, sorting materials, waterproof materials and that the same material have many uses. This resource can be used for an Arctic topic to find out how animals like polar bears and penguins keep warm (blubber investigation). The second investigation sets about finding out which materials can stop the ice from melting. Both comparative tests are fun for year Ks1 and low ks2 children. Lots of language, discussion, science vocabulary and assessment can be done by the teacher facilitating these activities. Suitable for the new Science curriculum - practical and hands on. ENJOY. Great inquiry lessons can be used for science quality mark evidence.
Addition to 20 and  commutative adding  year 1 and eyfs

Addition to 20 and commutative adding year 1 and eyfs

Maths in KS1 This is an excellent resource to secure to addition to 20. The task is designed to encourage speaking in full sentences using sentence stems e.g. There are 2 red cars and 3 blues cars. There are 5 cars altogether. The children can be challenged to show understanding of addition as being commutative - (can be done in any order) - this can also be done by using visuals to represent number sentences where the equals sign is at the front e.g. 5= 3+ 2. Teachers can develop vocabulary by encouraging the use of star words in a full sentence. This is a good resources to use when moving from practical resources to pictorial representations. Excellent and most suitable for EAL and SEN learners. Suitable for Reception EYFS and year 1 working towards.
Guided Reading Year 2 Great Fire of London

Guided Reading Year 2 Great Fire of London

A fantastic Great Fire of London Guided Reading Information Text Unit. This unit supports comprehension of children working at the expected level as well as greater depth in year 2. Children will have the opportunity to read short extracts and answer retrieval, looking and inference questions. They are also required to summarize the text in their own words. More able readers are expected to read at greater length - which are leaflet style texts and separate questions. Following how the fire started, the children learn more about the Duke (future King Charles II) and learn about his bravery to help out in the fire. Finally they learn about the Monument to understand how we remember historical events from the past. They also follow through to finding out about a famous person from the past - Sir Christopher Wren (who designed many churches and buildings to help re-build the fire). This is a superb unit that can be used alongside the science planning for GFOL and inquire about how to make the best secret ink for Samuel Pepys to write a message to King Charles. See the shop for resources and science Materials topic. It is highly recommended (albeit optional) to visit St Paul’s Cathedral or the Monument if you are a London based school. Suitable to evidence TAF for reading in year 2 and the new English curriculum. Enjoy and I hope you find it useful.
Year 2  SPAG  English Writing Grammar Toolkit TAF

Year 2 SPAG English Writing Grammar Toolkit TAF

This is a fantastic Toolkit with all the Year 2 grammar features to achieve expected in writing. It is designed to be used as a child friendly writing Toolkit. It can also be used as a display around the class on washing lines or working walls. .
Handwriting and Presentation KS1

Handwriting and Presentation KS1

A set of handwriting and presentation rules in different styles. There are a set of rules outlined for children to support them with developing neat presentation and move on gradually to cursive handwriting. This is suitable from EYFS to end of KS1 and possibly even year 3 to ensure consistency and progression. There is a selection of handwriting fonts used, depending on if you use a precursive style or not, there should be something in here to suit the requirements of your school. The rules should be introduced early so that all the expectations are made clear. A reminder of application of these skills in English writing books is also useful on an ongoing basis to get well presented work. Must be displayed clearly around the classroom and ideally the rules should be written and practiced into books. This has been a very useful tool in a year 2 classroom to get children to use cursive writing most of the time and consistently.
Writing for an Audience and Purpose Year 2 TAF

Writing for an Audience and Purpose Year 2 TAF

Writing with a voice, with audience in mind and for a purpose is the most crucial change in the new English framework. See the document to know how to teach the difference between audience and purpose. Teachers have been given examples from the year 2 units of work in this document. It explains how to do a Tweak it Task to show the purpose of writing can change from entertainment, to inform, or to instruct. For example, here is a narrative of an adventure story- now change it to instructions on how to go on an adventure - (the purpose here has changed - and this will effect word choices, tone, structure of writing). Hope you find it useful to explain to the younger ones. Suitable class teachers and English Leaders for CPD writing across the school although examples given are from year 2.
Year 2 Number Partitioning into tens and ones TAF

Year 2 Number Partitioning into tens and ones TAF

Year 2 ITAF statement- to be able to partition in different ways including 43 = 4 tens and 3 ones 43 = 3 tens and 13 ones (now continue the pattern). There are several slides demonstrating how to do this pictorially and practically with resources. Children can then move on to demonstrating how to do this using a systematic written approach. Useful for the new year 2 maths curriculum. Greater depth children are challenged to show other patterns such as the one below. 54 - 4 = 50 64 - 14 = 50 74 - 24 = 50 84 - 34 = 50 Children working at greater depth have additional True or False reasoning questions e.g. Adam thinks 2 tens and 13 ones is greater than 3 tens and 3 ones. Is he right? Explain your answer.
Estimating Reasoning and Rounding Year 2

Estimating Reasoning and Rounding Year 2

Before children can estimate, they need to be able to round up or down. This is a great introduction to rounding to the nearest multiple of 10 up to 100. The children can practice identifying which multiple of ten is on either side of a given number. They then use the rounding rule to round up or down. This is a great differentiated activity to show mastery maths and reasoning with numbers up to 100. Children will be required to reason with problems such as Adam can read 8 pages a day. Estimate how many he can read in a week. The children will round first to solve this answer and show their reasoning. Encourage use of APE it - Answer it, prove it and then explain it to achieve mastery skills. Suitable for the new year 2 curriculum in maths.
Friendship Assembly and Poetry

Friendship Assembly and Poetry

This resource is suitable for a KS1 and lower KS2 Friendship assembly. It can also be used to introduce friendship as part of PSHCE lesson or P4C. There are several poems about friendship as well as a magic gingerbread man trick with instructions to show the children. This activity always gets a big round of applause as the teacher is elevated to a magical performer. Most suitable to show how we can be friends with each other despite our skin colour, size, ethnicity and language barriers.
Look What I've Got Anthony Browne

Look What I've Got Anthony Browne

Non-fiction labels and captions or narrative text - familiar settings.Retell and sequence. Describe the main character Sam or Jeremy. Write a list of rules for the bully Jeremy to follow. Write a letter to Sam advising him how to behave if someone is mis treating you or bullying you inside school, in the playground, or out of school. Link the story to Anti bullying week. Make a rosette from Jeremy to Sam as a good will gesture. The main characters (jeremy, sam, old lady, park keeper) can be made into stick puppets to role play the story successfully.
Year 2 Maths open ended challenges

Year 2 Maths open ended challenges

Year 2 working at greater depth and mastery level. This challenge is suitable for HAPS to challenge them to record in tables( by creating their own) and think about how to work systematically. It challenges them to begin looking for patterns and write a simple formula to estimate the 10th number. This is an excellent, engaging and fun way to see children working at greater depth level and how they apply their skill of reasoning. The challenge asks children to make a straw house and then estimate how many are needed for a street of 10. They are extended to look at rockets and create their own straw challenge for others to complete. Great team building exercise. Can also be used with children working within the expected level if, practical straws are provided alongside a table template.
Changing Materials by Heating Year 2

Changing Materials by Heating Year 2

Changing Materials by heating is an exciting investigation for children to learn about other materials - not just metal, plastic, wood, rubber. They understand that heating makes materials change shape, colour, size. They use their observation skills and predict what changes will happen to chocolate, butter and kernel seeds. This bundle has differentiated recording to allow for observation over time skills. Children can interpret data and then think about follow up questions like what will happen if we now let the heated materials cool down. Suitable for the new science curriculum in year 2.
Fractions of Amounts Shape and Length Mastery Level Year 2

Fractions of Amounts Shape and Length Mastery Level Year 2

There are differentiated worksheets on Fractions from working within to Mastery level in maths as well as a powerpoint with success criteria and word problems. There is opportunity for children to practice mental maths with fractions and then move onto word problems. For gifted children in maths, there is opportunity to work on 2 step problems. These activities have been used in a year 2 class to teach Maths for the new curriculum 2016.
Little Red Riding Hood Year 2 Front Cover

Little Red Riding Hood Year 2 Front Cover

Traditional Story with a twist Front Cover Developing vocabulary in year 2 with the following grammar features; synonyms homophones idioms thoughts, feelings, speech and dialogue Exemplar text with a traditional story (LRRH), but re-written with a twist. This resources is to be used to encourage development of language using a variety of games, such as imitation, role play, over the fence etc. See the complete resources available in the shop. Follow the author for more updates on instagram @thisisrehanafazil
The Blue Balloon year 1 Stories with a familiar setting

The Blue Balloon year 1 Stories with a familiar setting

Great visual resources suitably differentiated for year 1. Read the Blue Balloon and sequence the pictures and use time connectives to retell. Write a list and captions using words to describe the balloon changing shape. Link to the new curriculum and used expanded noun phrases and or adjectives. Use phonics and sounds to match words to pictures. As creative starters to the unit -teachers can write a message on a helium balloon from each child and release in outdoor playground - ‘This balloon is indestructable. Please look after it!’ Wait and see if anyone replies to the message. Blow up a balloon and release in hall for inspiration to dance and movement in P.E. Also includes ideas for problem solving in maths using balloons as inspiration.
Charlie Superhero Underpants Fiction Recount News

Charlie Superhero Underpants Fiction Recount News

Charlie Super hero Underpants is a complete bundle and unit of work with planning and differentiated resources. This is an excellent story for reluctant boy writers. You will find three examples of Exemplar text that can be used as a model piece of writing for students to learn in the imitation stage. The newspaper recounts are set in the context of the story as well as other examples, related to sports day and a made up news event about a fox invading sports day. The children will be able to design their own superhero, write recounts or news, and also be able to make inventions linked to whatever is happening in school or around the world. Newspaper templates have been provided. Great for meeting new English curriculum expectations - wriitng for different purposes.
Adding and Subtracting in steps and  number lines.

Adding and Subtracting in steps and number lines.

Adding and subtracting on a number line including finding the difference. An excellent array of worksheets differentiated according to structured numberline in 5’s 10’s or in 1’s. Can be easily edited to move on to different scales for year 2 e.g. jumping in steps of 3s , 4s or 10s. Children can start from practical resources using bead strings and number lines and then move on to pictorial and abstract form when ready. Very good for EAL learners and SEN learners.