This lesson covers:
How communicable diseases spread
Viral replication
Methods to prevent communicable diseases from spreading
Lots of activities WITH answers!
Exam style questions!!
This lesson covers:
Function of xylem and phloem
Structure of xylem and phloem
Vascular bundle
Exam style questions
Lots of activities WITH the answers!
This includes all of the lessons within the topic of Enzymes (Module 2) for OCR A-Level Biology.
All lessons are packed full of acitvities WITH answers!
Lots of exam questions!
This lesson covers:
Examples of non-communicable diseases
Link between non-communicable diseases and lifestyle choices
Lots of acitvities WITH answers!
Exam style questions throughout!
Lesson covering:
State what the term adaptation means
Describe the anatomical, behavioural and physiological adaptations or organisms
Explain why organisms from different taxonomic groups may show similar anatomical features, including the marsupial mole and placental mole
Exam questions included
This lesson covers:
Word equation for aerobic respiration
Balanced symbol equation for aerobic respiration
Why aerobic respiration is an exothermic reaction
Why all living organism carry out respiation
Exam questions
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
This includes all of the lessons within the topic Classification and Evolution (Module 4)
All lessons are packed with activities WITH answers!
Lots of exam questions!
Lesson covering:
Stating the difference between intraspecific variation and interspecific variation
Describing the causes of variation
Distinguishing the difference between continuous and discontinuous variation
Exam questions included
This lesson includes:
How charcteristics are inherited
Difference between dominant and recessive alleles
Punnett squares
It is filled with activities with the answers on the next slide. Very easy to follow!
This includes all of the lessons for the OCR Combined Science GCSE (B6.3).
Every lesson has lots of activities which ALL have answers!
Lots of exam questions!
This lesson covers:
Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections
Causes of sexually transmitted infections
Packed full of activities WITH answers!
Exam questions included!
Optional - comprhension task.