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GReat Learning

Average Rating4.76
(based on 471 reviews)

An experienced writer of Computing/ICT resources (and four text books) my free products have been downloaded over a million times all over the world.<br> Following years of regular 5 star ratings and very positive feedback I made the decision to start writing commercially. My commercial resources continue to be praised for their professional look and imaginative content. Please download and enjoy! Greg (Computing Science teacher for 23 years and now a national computing education adviser)




An experienced writer of Computing/ICT resources (and four text books) my free products have been downloaded over a million times all over the world.<br> Following years of regular 5 star ratings and very positive feedback I made the decision to start writing commercially. My commercial resources continue to be praised for their professional look and imaginative content. Please download and enjoy! Greg (Computing Science teacher for 23 years and now a national computing education adviser)
Comic Life Help Sheets & Projects

Comic Life Help Sheets & Projects

These were written as part of my new Curriculum for Excellence course for S1 pupils. Pupils are not forced to work through the help sheets but use them when required. All pupils then work through the Comic Life Projects sheets to a level of their own choosing. Each new project is more challenging. If you definitely wish to use this unit, please e-mail me for a copy of the files as there are too many to upload. Thanks Greg Reid
Games Programming using PyGame - Project 1 - Balloon Burst

Games Programming using PyGame - Project 1 - Balloon Burst

Many students these days wish to be games programmers. This booklet is the first in a series of four that teaches students the tool and techniques of object orientated programming required to become a beginner games programmer. In Project 1 students will use the programming language Python, along with its add-on Pygame, to write an object orientated game called Balloon Burst. The booklet covers: . object orientated programming theory . coding Balloon Burst (with full instructions) . extension tasks . ways to improve your coding This could be your first step to becoming a games programmer! This booklet was co-written with my colleague David Stott for the Scottish Advanced Higher Computer Science course but could be used as part of any advanced programming course or games programming club. Project 2 is also available.
MIT App Inventor – 3 Completed App Examples

MIT App Inventor – 3 Completed App Examples

(My resources are used in thousands of schools all over the world. I hope you enjoy this one.) At the end of my App Inventor unit I asked my students to create a phone app of their own. While most coped well others required a bit more help. These three worksheets provide worked examples to be used for inspiration. The worksheets may also be used by staff who wish to see working examples of apps as part of their own learning. Screenshots and images from App Inventor for Android are created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License located at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 Have fun. My students loved these! Previously downloaded 40,000 times on a few websites comments have included: “Brilliant resources! Thank you for sharing.” “Would love to introduce this into my school ICT curriculum.” “Fantastic resource.
SQL Computational Thinking Exercises - Set 1 (Basic Search Instructions)

SQL Computational Thinking Exercises - Set 1 (Basic Search Instructions)

Make your lessons fun with Computational Thinking! Structured Query Language is a programming language used to manipulate information stored in databases. As with all programming languages the best way to learn its functions is through solving problems. In this series of fun worksheets (or possible homework sheets) are sets of problems that are solved by writing or interpreting SQL instructions. Students must either predict the output of SQL instructions or calculate the SQL that must have been used to produce some given output from a database. Set 1 includes an explanation of the uses of SEARCH, FROM and WHERE functions followed by 5 pages of questions. This style of learning is very well received by students who &quot;love solving the problems&quot;.
Basic Computer Drawing using Serif DrawPlus

Basic Computer Drawing using Serif DrawPlus

(Hi there. I am an experienced writer of resources who has written two Computing text books for the Scottish education system. My resources are always designed to be engaging and exciting. As a result they are used in thousands of schools all over the world.) Six worksheets that teach the basics of computer drawing using shapes (known as vectors). The worksheets cover creating shapes, adding colour, adding text, using brush strokes, grouping and layering. These colourful, professional resources have already been downloaded thousands of times receiving an average rating of 5 out of 5. Previous comments for these worksheets are shown below: Thank you for sharing these fab resources! Thanks for sharing - these are ideal! :) Just what I needed to introduce Serif Drawplus to my students, thank you! Great resource, thank you :) Fantastic resource - thank you so much for sharing! Intermediate and Advanced worksheets are also available.
Creating a Fun Computer Game using Scratch

Creating a Fun Computer Game using Scratch

(Hi there. I am an experienced writer of resources who has written two Computing text books for the Scottish education system. My resources are always designed to be engaging and exciting. As a result they are used in thousands of schools all over the world.) Previously downloaded over 27,000 times, this worksheet is an excellent introduction to Scratch. Scratch is a fantastic free program developed by MIT to teach programming concepts to young children. The worksheet is very visual, providing a clear set of instruction on how to create a basic 'shark chasing fish' game with movement, control and scoring. Royalty free images are supplied for use with the worksheet. 7 Extension Sheets are also available to download. This resource was previously rated 5 from 29 ratings. &quot;The teaching resources are fun, and task sheets clearly explain all aspects of Scratch and the game elements.&quot;
Data Science (Sandyhaig Bus Campaign)

Data Science (Sandyhaig Bus Campaign)

Welcome to the fictional town of Sandyhaig where the residents are desperately seeking to hire a data scientist to help with their Campaign for Better Buses. Students will take on the role of a data scientist learning: about Sandyhaig town along with the current bus routes and the data obtained on buses and passengers how to find the data they need for the campaign how to present the data in a meaningful easily understood way. To deliver this unit of work the following student files are included in the download: A 30 page, student booklet including tasks, examples and final projects of varying difficulty An appendix booklet with 10 appendices that cover skills like filtering, creating charts and creating a dashboard A large map of Sandyhaig town In addition, the following have been supplied for teaching staff: Advice on delivering the unit Answers to the tasks Advice on how each project can be completed Files used to create the appendices including the completed Excel files and dashboards This unit has been trialled in several schools with excellent feedback. Have fun.
Digital Photo Editing using Serif PhotoPlus X4

Digital Photo Editing using Serif PhotoPlus X4

These worksheets were written for my Scottish, Curriculum for Excellence S2 course. The worksheets cover the basics of editing digital photographs (eg. terms like resolution) to complex techniques like cloning and colour selection. The unit is based around Serif's PhotoPlus X4 application which is a superb, easy to use, yet powerful, bit-mapped editing program. The files that go with the unit are too large to upload so please contact me for a copy. G Reid Principal Teacher of Computing
Website Analysis and Design

Website Analysis and Design

This 16 page booklet is the first of three written to cover the process of creating a website from analysis to coding to final evaluation. Booklet 1 (analysis and design) covers: client - developer discussions requirements (user and functional) wireframe designs form designs website structure diagrams (navigation) prototypes 5 tasks have been written to accompany the booklet. These come with marking instructions and may be used in class, as homework exercises or even as assessments. Booklet 2 (implementation examples and task) covering HTML5, CSS and JavaScript coding is also available.
PyGame Teacher Tutorial

PyGame Teacher Tutorial

Many students these days wish to games programmers. Pygame is a fabulous addition to the extremely popular programming language Python. It is used to write professional looking computer games. This tutorial was originally written as part of a training day I led for staff interested in using Pygame as part of their teaching or as part of a games programming club. The training day was very well received so I have adapted the materials to allow self tuition by staff. If you have an interest in Python programming you'll love this extension to your own skills and knowledge. Although written for staff, pupils could easily follow the tutorial themselves. The knowledge acquired in this tutorial would allow you to deliver my PyGame student course: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/games-programming-using-pygame-project-1-balloon-burst-11303976 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/games-programming-using-pygame-project-2-tile-match-11303996 I love teaching with PyGame. Have fun!
How to Create a Great Looking PowerPoint

How to Create a Great Looking PowerPoint

(Greg Reid has written two Computing text books for the Scottish education system. His resources are used in thousands of schools.) Previously selected by TES to appear on their Twitter feed, this resource was created to help younger students understand the basics of good PowerPoint design. It covers the correct use of colour themes, text content and animation, often indicating that less is more. The resource may also be used as a poster when printed in A3. This resource was previously rated 5 out of 5 and included comments such as: Brilliant well done. Often the children are tempted to add every possible text, colour, image and animation possible. This guide helps to show them how to keep their presentation looking snazzy without looking a mess! Thank you! This is an excellent resource has been selected to feature on the @TESPrimary twitter feed over the next week. Thank you so much for sharing, you are helping to inspire teachers and students all over the world!
Intermediate Computer Drawing using Serif DrawPlus

Intermediate Computer Drawing using Serif DrawPlus

(Greg Reid has written two Computing text books for the Scottish education system. His resources are used in thousands of schools all over the world.) Five intermediate level worksheets that teach the specialist skills of computer drawing using shapes (known as vectors). These colourful, professional resources cover cutting shapes in two, adding effects like transparency, shadows or filters and how to add clip art from Serif's built in gallery. Worksheet II introduces students to nodes, allowing them to potentially create as complicated a shape or drawing as they wish. Previously these resources had an average rating of 5. Previous comments are shown below: &quot;Thank you for sharing these fab resources!&quot; &quot;Just what I needed to introduce Serif Drawplus to my students, thank you!&quot; &quot;Great resource, thank you :)&quot; &quot;Fantastic resource - thank you so much for sharing!&quot; Basic and Advanced worksheets are also available.
Website Implementation (Coding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

Website Implementation (Coding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

This 72 page booklet is the second of three written to cover the process of creating a website from analysis to coding to evaluation. Booklet 2 is split into two parts and should take between 20 and 40 hours to complete depending on the coding proficiency of your students. 2A - Implementation Examples: This 48 page booklet gives worked examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript code using a cycling website as a scenario. 2B - Implementation Tasks: This 24 page booklet contains 13 tasks by the end of which students will have coded a 13 page “student cooking” website. The content covered can be briefly summarised as: Building a template page HTML 5 page structure (header, nav, main and footer) Positioning content (margins, padding, display &amp; float) Building a navigation bar using lists and CSS HTML 5 forms (text, number, radio button, text area and select input) Interactivity using JavaScript mouse events (roll-over images, changing page styles, showing/hiding content) Please note that students should have a basic knowledge of HTML (head, body, links, headings, paragraphs and images) and a very basic understanding of CSS (changing text size, font, colour) before starting this course. The download comes with four additional sets of files: The complete cycling website created during booklet 2A. The complete cooking website created by students during the task booklet 2B. The student files required to get started. Additional content that can be dropped into blank pages to save student spending hours typing in content. Booklet 3 (testing and evaluation) will be coming soon.
Database SQL Questions (Intermediate)

Database SQL Questions (Intermediate)

This unit was written to provide homework, class assessments or additional tasks to complement your own database teaching. The theme of the five table relational database provided is Scottish golf club members and their competition results. There are eight task sheets included as MS Word files: Task 1 – Analysis &amp; Design – students must identify how problems identified from the beginner design can be solved through the introduction of more tables. Tasks 2,3 – Query design questions where the columns, tables, criteria and required functions are identified. Task 4 to 8 – SQL question sets covering: SELECT from multiple tables, alias, calculations, wildcards, aggregate functions (COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG) and sub-queries. Two versions of task 8 are included showing solution as two separate queries (MS Access) and using a single query with a sub-query. All marking instructions are provided. The above tasks were initially written as homework/assessment style questions (I spent 20 years writing questions for the Scottish exam system) but I have since created database files should you wish your students to code the SQL. The database files are provided in three formats for different environments: Access files (a student version and others with the completed SQL tasks 2 to 8 queries) CSV files that you can use to import the table data and build the database Text files that contain SQL CREATE and INSERT statements which you could use to create the database on a database server Excel files, Python programs and explanations that can be used to add more of your own data.
Programming Homework/Assessment Practise Questions (Set 1)

Programming Homework/Assessment Practise Questions (Set 1)

These exercises were written to solve that familiar problem of; “what homework do I give during practical lessons like programming?”. In this series of questions students are asked to consider small programming problems and design solutions using pseudocode or a programming language of their choice. Homework 1 of 10 includes questions on: - Input - Output - Calculation - Conditional (If) Statement - Fixed Loop. Two additional theory questions cover Test Data and Input Validation. Two marking schemes give answers in: 1. Pseudocode and Python 2. Pseudocode and Visual Basic My students found this a very helpful aid to their understanding of program structures and problem solving. Questions 1-5 are available to purchase as a bundle. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/practise-programming-questions-1-to-5-bundle-11543151
Word Processing Features & Functions - Homework/Class Cover

Word Processing Features & Functions - Homework/Class Cover

This is a simple homework that may be used with a variety of ages that covers: Cut, Copy Paste Bullet Points Text Wrap Clip Art Inserting Graphics The 2 page homework is entirely self contained providing the theory notes on one side and questions on the other. This would also make the homework a perfect resources for cover work when staff are absent. All graphics used in the homework are copyright free clipart or produced by myself.
Database Revision/Homework Question 4

Database Revision/Homework Question 4

A 14 mark database homework/revision question covering: Entity Relationship Diagrams Data Dictionaries Compound and Surrogate keys Use of Forms and Reports Note that two versions of the question have been uploaded. One contains a simple ERD (entities and relationship) and the other contains a more complex ERD (also including attributes) Written for the Scottish Higher course but valid for all intermediate level Database units. My students found this very useful. Question 4 of 6.
Web Coding Problem Solving Homework 2

Web Coding Problem Solving Homework 2

This is a short written task is designed to following an introductory few lesson on HTML. The 15 minute, 15 mark homework sheet has four pages which use basic HTML tags to encourage students to learn the skill of finding errors in code. Question 1 shows a html file containing 10 deliberate errors. Students have to identify the position of each error and write in a correction. Question 2 consists of five similar problems. Students are shown a web page in a browser, each of which are not displaying as intended. Students told how the web page should have looked and have to identify what error may have been made in the code that would cause each page to display as shown. Question 2 may be used to generate lots of good discussion as often there may be several possible answers. This could easily be used as class written work or for staff absence cover. The download includes the original HTML files created while writing the questions. These may be used for demonstration, discussion or as part of your HTML course.
SQL Computational Thinking Exercises - Set 2 (Insert, Update & Delete)

SQL Computational Thinking Exercises - Set 2 (Insert, Update & Delete)

Make your lessons fun with Computational Thinking! Structured Query Language is a programming language used to manipulate information stored in databases. As with all programming languages the best way to learn its functions is through solving problems. In this series of fun worksheets (or possible homework sheets) are sets of problems that are solved by writing or interpreting SQL instructions. Students must either predict the output of SQL instructions or calculate the SQL that must have been used to produce some given output from a database. Set 2 includes an explanation of the uses of INSERT, UPDATE &amp; DELETE functions followed by 5 pages of questions. This style of learning is very well received by students who &quot;love solving the problems&quot;.
Computing Starter Activity for New Classes

Computing Starter Activity for New Classes

A getting to know you activity for new Computing Science classes. Pupils have to circulate and find the names of pupils who... &quot;own an 8Gb Flash Drive&quot; &quot;can say who their ISP is&quot; and so on. There are 19 Computing related facts or questions on the sheet. Once completed the class can discuss what they have learned about each other (and about Computing). Works really well in class. Have fun!