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Millington's Lessons

Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!




Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!
P8.3 Resultant forces

P8.3 Resultant forces

This lesson introduces students to resultant forces by getting students to develop students’ mathematical skills using addition sums including negative numbers to check their understanding. This is then followed by the main part of the lesson ‘Resultant forces and their effects’ (balanced and unbalanced forces) supported by Newton’s First law of Motion. Studnets then move on to free- body force diagrams before consolidating main conepts of the lesson.
P8.2- Forces Between Object

P8.2- Forces Between Object

The lesson has an option of 2 starters to introduce students to the concept of the effect of interaction of forces on objects. This is then followed by the two types of forces, examples and when these forces occur. The main lesson is also divided into two sections. Firstly, students are introduced to the nature of forces (through Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion) using some examples of force pairs; thereby establishing that forces are vector quantities. This is then followed by students completing of an activity to consolidate these ideas (types of forces, nature of forces and force diagrams). There is also an option of two plenaries where students have an opportunity to demonstrate key concepts covered in this lesson.
P8.1 Vectors and scalars

P8.1 Vectors and scalars

This lesson is the first in the series of AQAs P8 unit Forces. Students are introduced to measuring instruments before being introduced to the scalar and vector quantities as well as their differences. This is followed by students linking the instruments from the starter to the type of quantities they could be used to measure (scalar and/ or vector), with distance and displacement used to exemplify these ideas. The second chunck of the main lesson cover scale diagrams (and written descriptions) to represent vector quantities. The plenary consolidates vectors and scalars quantities where students choose the correct words to complete a summary of the key points from the lesson.
BTEC Applied Science C1_Lesson 1_Introduction to show different types of waves

BTEC Applied Science C1_Lesson 1_Introduction to show different types of waves

Students are introduced to the lesson by collating their knowledge of waves from Key Stage 4 and how waves can be produced. A wave machine is then used to show how a wave machine can be simply built. This is then followed by a practical activity where learners, in groups, build a wave machine as shown in the video or of their own design and make predictions about how wave speed may be increased/ decreased. In the practical, students test their prediction by collecting relevant data to calculate the wave speed. Results are then discussed as groups give their results and explain how their results/ calculations agree or disagree with prediction. Key terms required to describe waves are then introduced and consolidated by completion of calculation using the equation f=1/T when either f or T is given. A quick quiz is also included and may be completed at the end of calculation questions a=or at the start of the next lesson in the series.
P2.2 Radiation

P2.2 Radiation

For the Do Now task students distinguish the hotter parts of the objects from the colder ones using infrared images (thermograms). This is then followed by a discussion on the nature of infrared radiation where links are made to the electromagnetic spectrum, and showing how IR is detected. Students then explore the nature of ‘black body radiation’ by observing changes in the radiation given out by a filament lamp as it heats up. This concept is further explored by studying changes in the black-body emission graphs. Exam questions for this lesson are also included and mark schemes for all tasks are provided in the powerpoint lesson.
Activate 2- Using Electromagnets worksheet for Year 8

Activate 2- Using Electromagnets worksheet for Year 8

Year 8 students can watch a series of videos to support their completion of the worksheet. As the teacher, you can give students the option to complete the gapfill or complete their own explanation of the use of electromagnets in the three devices once they have watched the video; (alternatively, students can use the AQA Activate 2 textbook to complete this task). An answer sheet is also provided.
P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction

P2.1 Energy transfer by conduction

Students are firstly introduced to the lesson by completing a starter assessing their previous knowledge on the processes that allow energy to reach the eggs and comparing the rate of energy transfer. (Triple) students then complete a practical where they investigate the effectiveness of sheets of materials as insulators. There is also an option for to test the effectiveness of an increasing amount of layers of a specific thermal insulator. In addition to the plenary which consolidates the idea of energy transfer in particles in a solid through conduction there is also a set of exam questions based on this lesson.
Variables_light intensity and rate of photosynthesis

Variables_light intensity and rate of photosynthesis

This is a worksheet which may be set as homework before students complete a practical on how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis. Alternatively students may use this resource as a prerequisite to a 6 mark question on this concept. Students are given a set of bullet points and are required to complete a table by the placing the bullet points in the correct part of the table (e.g. name of variable, Specific example of variable in rate of photosynthesis experiment and apparatus used to measure the variable). The answer sheet is also included.
Ordering steps: How light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis

Ordering steps: How light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis

This worksheet may be used as a prerequisite to completing a practical investigating the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis. Students order the steps in investigating how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis and also complete an extension by highlighting the three types of variables. A mark scheme is also available.
Separation of mixtures

Separation of mixtures

Students observe simple experiments to separate different mixtures, where the best/ most appropriate technique(s) is chosen using the apparatus provided. A mark scheme is also included and along with referenced video links of experiments.
Year 7- Gas Pressure worksheet

Year 7- Gas Pressure worksheet

For this worksheet, students complete particle diagrams as a liquid is heated then cooled. Students also include a description of each diagram. There are two versions of this worksheet based on the ability of students. The mark scheme is also included.
B10: The human nervous system (AQA)

B10: The human nervous system (AQA)

7 Resources
B10: The human nervous system (AQA) The bundle contains 7 lessons in B10 for the AQA specification: B10.1 Principles of Homeostasis B10.2 The structure and Function of the Human Nervous System B10.3 Reflex Actions, INCLUDING a The Required Practical (10.2.3) B10.4 The Brain B10.5 The Eye B10.6 Common Problems of the Eye All lessons contain videos, illustrations where needed, key points for the lesson, learning activities and mark schemes for tasks including exam questions.
B10.3 The Reflex Actions

B10.3 The Reflex Actions

This third lesson in the B10 series begins with describing voluntary or involuntary actions OR the ‘Importance of reflex actions.’ The main part of the lesson allows students to carry out tests to record the causes and effects of the reflexes in the table, and suggest why they are important to the body. They then explore the reflex arc using a video introduction, label a diagram of the reflex arc and include descriptions/ annotations. The plenary ‘reflex key words’ gets students to match each part of the reflex arc with its definition. and then arrange the parts of the reflex arc so they are in the correct order. Homework for this lesson is of exam questions on the reflex arc and mark schemes for activities are included.
B10.6 Common problems of the eye

B10.6 Common problems of the eye

This final lesson in the AQA B10 series lesson. The first of two starters to choose from is ‘Near and far’ where students complete an accommodation activity involving the muscles and ligaments in their eyes followed by discussion. The main part of the lesson introduces the concept of accommodation before students annotate diagrams of the eyes to show changes in the eye for near and distant objects. This is followed by students measuring their range of accommodation. Two common eye defects (myopia and hyperopia) are then introduced and further explained in terms of how distant and near objects appear and the focus of images on the retina. Further, students explore the treatment for eye defects. The Plenary includes a gap fill about how the eye focuses on near and distant objects. Homework and exam questions based on this lesson are also included as well as mark schemes.
B10.4 The Brain

B10.4 The Brain

Students have an option to choose from two starters which involves either discussing the function of the brain and make a list of your thoughts OR discuss why we use brain scans having watched a video. The main part of the lesson gives students and opportunity to describe the structure and function of the brain. This is followed by the completion of a practical co-ordination task several times to see if they improve by learning. Results are then analysed by drawing a suitable graph or chart. Higher-tier students then complete an additional worksheet to investigate studies of the brain and new techniques for imaging the brain. Student can also complete a variety of plenaries to consolidate their learning. Mark schemes for all activities are also included with this resources.
B9.4 Metabolism and the liver

B9.4 Metabolism and the liver

As a starter, students complete group work to share ideas about the reactions that occur inside living organisms or they may discuss why alcohol consumption could lead to liver diseases. Following this, students gain an understanding of metabolism is and learn about the main reactions in the human body. This is further extended by group reactions as catabolic and anabolic. The main part of the lesson then allows for some creativity where in groups, students find out more details about the reactants and products of one assigned reaction either as an animation, storyboard and script or cartoon strip showing the reaction assigned to your group (pair). There is also two plenaries from which to choose. For homework, students firstly explore the roles of the liver in terms of , for example, eliminating the oxygen debt AND complete further reading and summarisation the link between the the popularised high protein diet and urea concentration in urine.
B9.3 Anaerobic Respiration

B9.3 Anaerobic Respiration

This lesson is the third lesson series of Unit 9 of the AQA specification. It introduces the topic by thinking about why why a marathon runner has to run a lot slower, and what would happen if they tried to run a marathon at sprint pace. Alternatively, students can complete a starter ‘Muscle contraction’ where they talk about why they are unable to stand on tiptoes for an extended period of time. This is followed by a recap of aerobic respiration. Students then support their understanding of anaerobic respiration by completing a written exercise, supported by textbook work and a video and a short practical. The idea of lactic acid and oxygen debt are then explored before describing using of anaerobic respiration in industry (e.g. food and beverage manufacturing). Lastly students have the option of completing as may of the three plenary activities. Exam questions are also available for extensions/ or homework. All mark schemes are also provided.
B9.2 The response to exercise

B9.2 The response to exercise

The lesson contains many resources to choose from. Changes during exercise or Why exercise are two of the starters teachers could choose from to engage students in this lesson. This is then followed by students gaining an understanding of keywords such as breathing rate, heart rate and breath volume which are later used in describing the observable changes during increased exercise. This is followed by students carrying out an investigation into pulse rate before, during, and after exercise. This investigation is then consolidated by calculating percentage change between resting and exercising pulse rate readings, explaining results recorded and a multiple choice plenary and exam questions that may be set for homework or extension questions. Mark schemes are also available for all activities in the lesson.
B9.1 Aerobic respiration

B9.1 Aerobic respiration

This lesson may be used over the course of two lessons. Students are firstly introduced to the concept of aerobic respiration by exploring why athletes consume specially designed products during competitions. This is then followed by students completing a fact finding activity to establish key rudimentary ideas about aerobic respiration. Lastly, students get an opportunity to develop their skills in the scientific method by planning an experiment to prove that living organisms carry out respiration as a prerequisite to a practical lesson (the second lesson). students also explore the uses of the energy generated in (aerobic) as part of the requirement for this scheme of work. All mark schemes are available for the activities included in this series of lessons.