Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!
Hello all! Do you want to enjoy your half term by planning less? Well come take a peak at my resources like vaccinations, antibiotics and painkillers, specific heat capacity, transport of substances in living cells (e.g. osmosis). Mark schemes are ready to print as are worksheets and exam questions! So don't waste another minute pop in, click and pick... a resource and enjoy the rest of your half term doing the things you deserve!
This lesson is based on the inverse square law for Applied Science (Extended Certificate). It introduces the idea of attentuation which forms some of the basis for understanding the mathematics behind the equation for the inverse square law. It also includes main activities such as a demonstration in case practical equipment is not available to explore this concept, presenting results in a graph and calculations using the two equations required in for this lesson. Mark schemes for each activity as well as hints for calculations are also provided.
For this worksheet, students complete particle diagrams as a liquid is heated then cooled. Students also include a description of each diagram. There are two versions of this worksheet based on the ability of students. The mark scheme is also included.
Year 8 students can watch a series of videos to support their completion of the worksheet. As the teacher, you can give students the option to complete the gapfill or complete their own explanation of the use of electromagnets in the three devices once they have watched the video; (alternatively, students can use the AQA Activate 2 textbook to complete this task). An answer sheet is also provided.
The resource contains a simple introduction into factors which affect the amount energy transferred when the temperature of an object changes and then gets students to consider numeracy skills in completing calculations of specific heat capacity. It then concludes with students getting an opportunity to complete calculations (of specific heat capacity, temperature change, and so on).
Student are firstly introduced to how electricity is generated followed by their completing of a research task on the national grid. There is also a quick true false plenary which students assesses students' learning. Video links are also available for further reading and consolidation of how the National Grid works.
This lessons opens with the polarizing question, ‘what color do you see?’ to engage students. The bundle consists of the main PowerPoint with a wide choice of videos (including an eye dissection) to explore the structure and function of the main parts of the eye and further exploring the eye’s structure through exploration of the eye’s blind spot.
These lesson(s) boasts a rich variety of activities including discussions, videos, research on the role of hormones as well as the kinaesthetic activity ‘menstrual bracelet,’ Kahoot (Which hormone?) and graph interpretation based on changing levels of hormones and their effect on the menstrual cycle.
This lesson firstly introduces students to the various types of nutrients in food and then students are able to complete a research task on the molecules and atoms of nutrients, their monomers and functions. Students then move on to understanding in a little more detail the intricacies of food labels in order to explore how scientists are able to determine the information on these labels. The lessons finally ends with exploring the food tests for starch, simple sugars, lipids and proteins. As an assessment of progress in the lesson, students get to use results collected to determine the nutrient in the food sample.
This resource is an introduction to electrolysis for a lower ability group. It firstly introduces students to some key terms in electrolysis and then what this process entails.
This resource may be used for a low to mid ability. It firstly gains their interest using a 2d image to begin a discussion and explores how ultrasound (echos) are ultimately used to produce prenatal scans
Elements of this lesson include:
Do now task to revise specialised cells in animals
An overview of variety of cells in the leaf
An introduction to the four specialised cells in plant
A simple research activity for students (high and low ability) to identify the adaptations and explain the adaptations in 4 specilised cells.
The plenary includes a choice of a kahoot quiz or exam questions based on this lesson (and previous lessons in this scheme of work)
This lesson may be taught over two hours and include the following:
a starter which allows students to discuss their existing knowledge about earthquakes and seismic waves.
the operation of a seismometer
a research task which further analyses the types of seismic waves followed by a Venn diagram task to compare seismic waves.
a video further summarising what seismic waves teach us about the structure of layers of earth
students then summarise their learning in the form of a mock BBC Science report.
Homework further consolidates their understanding of the operation of a seismometer, interpreting seismographs and what seismic waves teach us about the structure of layers of earth
This lesson is the third lesson series of Unit 9 of the AQA specification. It introduces the topic by thinking about why why a marathon runner has to run a lot slower, and what would happen if they tried to run a marathon at sprint pace. Alternatively, students can complete a starter ‘Muscle contraction’ where they talk about why they are unable to stand on tiptoes for an extended period of time. This is followed by a recap of aerobic respiration. Students then support their understanding of anaerobic respiration by completing a written exercise, supported by textbook work and a video and a short practical. The idea of lactic acid and oxygen debt are then explored before describing using of anaerobic respiration in industry (e.g. food and beverage manufacturing). Lastly students have the option of completing as may of the three plenary activities. Exam questions are also available for extensions/ or homework. All mark schemes are also provided.
The lesson contains many resources to choose from. Changes during exercise or Why exercise are two of the starters teachers could choose from to engage students in this lesson. This is then followed by students gaining an understanding of keywords such as breathing rate, heart rate and breath volume which are later used in describing the observable changes during increased exercise. This is followed by students carrying out an investigation into pulse rate before, during, and after exercise. This investigation is then consolidated by calculating percentage change between resting and exercising pulse rate readings, explaining results recorded and a multiple choice plenary and exam questions that may be set for homework or extension questions. Mark schemes are also available for all activities in the lesson.
This is a two hour lesson.
In lesson one, students will firstly recall what reaction time is before selecting a factor which may affect the reaction time of individuals. They will then plan an investigation using a suitable method of measuring reaction times. This is concluded with gaining an understanding of key ideas of reliability and repeats in scientific experiments. In the second lesson students get an opportunity to carry out their plan before carrying out analysis and conclusion of results and an evaluation of their method.
As a starter, students complete group work to share ideas about the reactions that occur inside living organisms or they may discuss why alcohol consumption could lead to liver diseases. Following this, students gain an understanding of metabolism is and learn about the main reactions in the human body. This is further extended by group reactions as catabolic and anabolic. The main part of the lesson then allows for some creativity where in groups, students find out more details about the reactants and products of one assigned reaction either as an animation, storyboard and script or cartoon strip showing the reaction assigned to your group (pair). There is also two plenaries from which to choose. For homework, students firstly explore the roles of the liver in terms of , for example, eliminating the oxygen debt AND complete further reading and summarisation the link between the the popularised high protein diet and urea concentration in urine.
This lesson draws on the familiar concept of how pole in magnets behave when their magnetic fields interact before relating this to the charges of subatomic particles and their behavior when in contact. Students then compare the Plum pudding model and nuclear model of the atom before getting an overview of the alpha particle scattering experiment. The lesson then closes with students understanding what the evidence from this experiment reveals about the structure of the atom and nucleus.
The resource explores the how a knowledge of pressure may be used do things such as breaking and scratching objects. It also explores why objects are able to float, or sink on state of matter such as liquids.
This lesson may be used over the course of two lessons. Students are firstly introduced to the concept of aerobic respiration by exploring why athletes consume specially designed products during competitions. This is then followed by students completing a fact finding activity to establish key rudimentary ideas about aerobic respiration. Lastly, students get an opportunity to develop their skills in the scientific method by planning an experiment to prove that living organisms carry out respiration as a prerequisite to a practical lesson (the second lesson). students also explore the uses of the energy generated in (aerobic) as part of the requirement for this scheme of work. All mark schemes are available for the activities included in this series of lessons.
Students are firstly introduced to this lesson by putting themselves in an extreme environment and consider their bodily responses. This is then followed by the introduction of the various conditions which need to maintained and the key components which maintain homeostasis. Students then get to consolidate this learning by exploring specific examples of how each condition is maintained in homeostasis. Exam questions further stretches the learners to solidify their understanding of the this subject further.