TIMESAVERS for TEACHERS specializes in report card comments/end of year remarks, printable, interactive classroom forms, worksheets, spelling activities, practical teacher tools and essential teacher resources that improve classroom management and save time. Download and use our popular time-savers… and have more time for other things in life!
TIMESAVERS for TEACHERS specializes in report card comments/end of year remarks, printable, interactive classroom forms, worksheets, spelling activities, practical teacher tools and essential teacher resources that improve classroom management and save time. Download and use our popular time-savers… and have more time for other things in life!
This REPORT CARD COMMENTS e-book is a massive, 180 page COLLECTION of comments/remarks for busy teachers that can be downloaded instantly and read on any computer.
All 1850 teacher comments/remarks have been ranked and organized by: subject, most positive to most negative; shortest to longest; and general to most specific and marked accordingly.
Browse and locate comments on your computer screen quickly and easily, as key words are bolded and pages uncluttered and bright. All comments are printable and ‘copy and paste’ enabled. Use for ANY reporting period... even end of year!
Motivate your students to begin writing by giving them 1,000 prompts and ideas for writing! Gone are the days of hearing the familiar, “I can’t think of anything to write!” This printable resource contains 1000 practical, creative writing prompts for students who struggle to invent their own, even those who are just looking for a fresh topic. This teacher resource also includes ready-to-use, reproducible language worksheets and often-used forms for writing.
Motivate your students to begin writing by giving them 1,000 prompts and ideas for writing! Gone are the days of hearing the familiar, “I can’t think of anything to write!” This printable resource contains 1000 practical, creative writing prompts for students who struggle to invent their own, even those who are just looking for a fresh topic. This teacher resource also includes ready-to-use, reproducible language worksheets and often-used forms for writing.
OGRANIZE your substitute/supply teacher INSTRUCTIONS in a detailed and professional manner. This is sure to promote classroom order during your absence. Use forms such as: welcome note, location of important items and information, school timetable, daily schedule and classroom routines, emergency procedures, school and classroom discipline policy, seating charts, special needs student information, class list, student background information, bus students list, daily lesson plans, incident report forms, student anecdotal charts, end of the day feedback and more…
Develop clear instructions only once and then use them over and over again! The only updating to be done is usually just the daily lesson plan. This downloadable resource is also INTERACTIVE, which means that you can write/type your instructions directly onto each form and save. Experience interactivity of one of the pages below!
Administrators appreciate staff who prepare thorough substitute teacher instructions that promote and help maintain order at the school.
ORGANIZE your substitute/supply teacher INSTRUCTIONS in a detailed and professional manner. This is sure to promote classroom order during your absence. Make use of forms such as: welcome note, location of important items and information, school timetable, daily schedule and classroom routines, emergency procedures, school and classroom discipline policy, seating charts, special needs student information, class list, student background information, bus students list, daily lesson plans, incident report forms, student anecdotal charts, end of the day feedback and more…
Develop clear instructions only once and then use them over and over again! The only updating to be done is usually just the daily lesson plan. This downloadable resource is also INTERACTIVE, which means that you can write/type your instructions directly onto each form and save. Experience interactivity of one of the pages below!
Administrators appreciate staff who prepare thorough substitute teacher instructions that promote and help maintain order at the school.
This is a unique, complete and probably the largest 267 page collection of often-used, printable, INTERACTIVE, classroom forms that help (ALL) teachers simplify teaching, personal organization, classroom management and record keeping. Choose from a large variety of forms that can be printed and used individually, or printed and placed in a 3 ring binder. This resource is “interactive” which means that text can be entered/typed directly onto the forms before printing, and then saved.
This is a free collection of often-used classroom forms and tools for teachers that save time. Forms included within this publication are:
Weekly Lesson Plans, Class List, Homework Record, Free Computer Time Passes, Multi-purpose Tracking Sheet, Parent Contact Record, Student Anecdotal Notes, Award Certificate, Multiplication Table to 12, Cube Net, and the Creative Letters (spelling activity).