This MCQ quiz is revision for the interaction of demand and supply curves. It covers market equilibrium and market disequilibrium
20 MCQs - should tak 10-15 minutes to complete.
53 MCQ questions to review Unit 1 - The Accounting Environment
Types of Business Organisation (20 MCQ questions with extension questions)
Use of Accounting Software (13 MCQ questions with extension questions)
Professional Ethics and Accounting Roles (20 MCQ questions and extension questions)
25 multiple choice questions for A/AS level Demand and Demand Curve revision.
Answer sheet included.
We set these questions off at the start of each lesson to aid revision.
Business Studies
25 MCQs questions on Supply Curves
20 MCQs on Demand Curves
25 MCQs on the interaction of Demand and Supply curves (including market equilibrium and market disequilibrium)
3 individual worksheets (with answers)
20 MCQ questions for A/AS level Business Studies
Supply and Supply curves - revision.
Should take students about 10-12 minutes to complete as a recap exercise.