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I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.




I am currently a Lecturer in Engineering Design at a University, prior to this I worked in secondary schools as a specialist physics teacher. My experience from working at these levels of education has emphasised the need to ensure fundamentals in science are mastered by students for continued success in education & beyond. My resources aim to clearly communicate complex scientific principles through clear visuals and explanations - with well structured tasks to practice what has been learnt.
Christmas Science Quiz 2016

Christmas Science Quiz 2016

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM Nteach. As the much needed Christmas break approaches some fun activities are needed for the classroom as the typical lessons become near impossible to do. Please enjoy the 2016 Christmas Science Quiz to have some fun your classes before the Christmas holidays. Some more fun Christmas activities to follow.
GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 3.4/3.5 - Energy and Environment + Supply and Demand

GCSE 9-1 AQA Physics 3.4/3.5 - Energy and Environment + Supply and Demand

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on Energy resources and environment + Supply and Demand written in line with new AQA Physics specification. All questions provided with answers within power point. Lesson Objectives: Describe the environmental impact arising from the use of different energy resources Identify why some energy resources are more reliable than others Explain patterns and trends in the use of energy resources Consider the environmental issues that may arise from the use of different energy resources Discuss environmental issues arising from the use of energy resources in relation to political, social, ethical and economic aspects.
FREE GCSE AQA Physics - 7.1 - Introduction to Nuclear Radiation

FREE GCSE AQA Physics - 7.1 - Introduction to Nuclear Radiation

New GCSE AQA Physics lesson on 'Atoms and Radiation' written in line with new AQA Physics specification. Lesson provides a basic introduction to the unit of Nuclear Radiation, ideal for introduction and low ability groups. Starter prompts pupils to write or draw what they know about nuclear radiation onto a post-it note, this can then be reviewed by the teacher to start a discussion on misconceptions and highlighting good knowledge. A brief background on the discovery of radiation is given in relation to Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie. A simple explanation of nuclear radiation is given with some review of the nucleus and ionising radiation. Detection of radiation is highlight with a Geiger-muller tube and counter. The three types of nuclear radiations are stated and the nature of random nuclear decay is highlighted. The lesson concludes with a fun true or false about nuclear radiation with some videos to offer further explanation where appropriate. A summary worksheet is provided. Lesson Objectives: - Explain what a radioactive substance is & what makes a substance radioactive. - Explain how radioactivity can be detected. - Recall the different types of radiation that is emitted from a radioactive substance. - Explain what is meant by ‘nuclear decay’.
Design an Experiment worksheet

Design an Experiment worksheet

A worksheet to help pupils design/plan their own experiment/investigation. Some pupils still struggle with the intention of science experiments and each aspect required to carry out a successful experiment. The worksheet which is the same format as the experiment planning sheet poses each aspect as a question for pupils to really think what each aspect is about. This can be used as sheet to complete with a guided experiment allowing pupils to understand what each part of planned experiment is about or it can be used as a guide to help a pupil design an experiment (with some guidance of course)
Colour Blind Test

Colour Blind Test

The ishihara colour blind test in PowerPoint form to provide an in class activity. 10 images are shown which contain a number which depending on vision will present possibility of a colour vision deficiency.
Experiment Planning Structures

Experiment Planning Structures

Experiment planning sheets to provide a structure for pupils to complete. Helps prepare pupils for science coursework also. Recommend on printing settings to print '2 pages per sheet' to produce a single sheet per pupil View other resources for complete GCSE Physics lessons. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
50 cool Science GIFs

50 cool Science GIFs

A collection of 50 cool Science GIF images (short animations) showing various interesting science principles across Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Can use as starters or plenaries to discuss....or simply because they look really interesting. (Apologies, previous uploaded in error. Now all with titles of experiment in GIF)
GCSE Physics P1 - Reflection

GCSE Physics P1 - Reflection

Complete lesson on Reflection with key content from AQA Physics. This lesson covers the law of reflection, ray diagrams and virtual images. Starter uses a fun challenge to get class involved and thinking about reflection. Reflection investigation practical with guidance on method and supporting practical sheet. Law of reflection highlighted leading to drawing ray diagrams and also ray diagrams for virtual images. Lesson includes some exam style questions which can be used as mini plenaries to link to exams. Complete GCSE Physics P1 resourced in the same format available: https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
GCSE Physics P1 - Electromagnetic Spectrum

GCSE Physics P1 - Electromagnetic Spectrum

Complete lesson on Electromagnetic Spectrum/Uses/Risks with key content from AQA Physics. This lesson covers the electromagnetic spectrum, waves uses, wave risk, order and size of waves and mobile risks. Starter uses a fun riddle challenge which pupils enjoyed doing in Generating Electricity and so asked for another. The lesson explores the spectrum by order of identities of waves, wavelength, frequency and energy. A quick task on multipliers, standard form and prefixes helps pupils understand the notation commonly seen on the EM spectrum and also as questioned in exams. A task gets pupils to explore different EM waves using information sheet for them to use to summarise key information. Then mobile phone risk is then discussed along with correlation and causation. Plenary quick quiz and some exam style questions which can be used as mini plenaries to link to exams. More lessons in same format for P1. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
GCSE Physics P1 - Wave Properties/Natures  of Waves/Measuring Waves

GCSE Physics P1 - Wave Properties/Natures of Waves/Measuring Waves

Complete lesson on 'Wave Properties/Natures of Waves/Measuring Waves' with key content from AQA Physics. This lesson covers types of waves, parts of waves/characteristics, wave speed equation, terms and starts discussing EM waves. Starter uses a cryptogram for pupils to solve and produce the key words for the topic Guidance provided on Slinky demo and questioning to prompt pupils to produce key statements which are later detailed (as common exam questions). Wave speed question explained and modelled with practice questions. Task sheet with stretch and challenge questions which can be edited out. Lesson includes some simple exam style questions which can be used as mini plenaries to link to exams. More lessons to in same format for P1. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
GCSE Physics P1 - Specific Heat Capacity

GCSE Physics P1 - Specific Heat Capacity

GCSE lesson on specific heat capacity including key content from AQA GCSE Physics. Includes an example which could be used as an teacher demo if wished for starter. Lesson focuses on words to inform what specific heat capacity means to help understand the equation and units. Questions included for practice of using equation for exam to secure marks in exam. Also an exam question is attached at the end. More P1 lessons in same format. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
Christmas Science Quiz 2015 (2 choices)

Christmas Science Quiz 2015 (2 choices)

A Christmas Science Quiz to finish a hard term with to have a bit of fun with the class and at the same time still doing work in class relevant to Science. 2 quizzes to use, one basic and one extended. Basic Quiz contains 5 rounds: 1)Biology Trivia (5 questions) 2)Chemistry Trivia (5 questions) 3) Physics Trivia (5 questions) 4) What is under the microscope? (10 questions) 5) Who is the Secret Scientist Santa? (5 questions) With some bonus questions between each round. (5 questions) Extended Quiz contains 6 rounds: 1)Biology Trivia (10 questions) 2)Chemistry Trivia (10 questions) 3) Physics Trivia (10 questions) 4) What is under the microscope? (10 questions) 5) Who is the Secret Scientist Santa? (5 questions) 6) What is the pix-elated piece of science equipment? (5 questions) With some bonus questions between each round.
GCSE Physics P2 - Plug wiring and design (Plugs)

GCSE Physics P2 - Plug wiring and design (Plugs)

GCSE Physics P2 lesson on plug wiring and design including key content from AQA Physics exam specification. Starter begins with a discussion of why we have different plugs around the world, this leads to review of AC/DC current through a brief history of the AC DC current war between Edison and Tesla (not part of exam spec but alternative content for pupils to engage with). Features of the anatomy of a plug are reviewed and related to safety. This leads to important features of a well wired plug which pupils are then tasked with wiring their own plugs. Design features and their relation to safety are reviewed leading to summary questions. Summary questions included. More P2 to come.
GCSE Physics P1 - Energy and Power of Electrical Devices

GCSE Physics P1 - Energy and Power of Electrical Devices

Complete lesson on Energy and Power of Electrical Devices with key content from AQA Physics. Starter uses a discussion on pupils power is based on where they may have encountered it before. Main includes a clear description of what Power is in Physics and an explanation of the units. This lead onto clear example of using the equation and to a classroom activity looking at power rating of electrical devices and making energy transferred calculation from them. Included is a review of the power efficiency calculation with examples. Lesson concludes with task sheet with questions using lessons content. Worksheet includes 'Energy & Power' task to be printed on one A4 sheet to save on printing. Set-up to print '2 pages per sheet' to produce one worksheet. More lessons to in same format for P1. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV)

GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV)

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Power (E=Pt & P=IV) including key content from AQA exam specification. Starter focuses on units and what they measure as a nice recap of all P2 units of measure. Power and a key definition is provided is reviewed through relatable examples and then put into the context of electrical devices. Examples of calculating power from energy used and time are provided with a worksheet for this. Activity included for power rating circus is optional as alternatively another worksheet is provided allowing the exercise to be completed without a power rating circus. Energy is then related to current and potential difference with the key equations and exercised with a worksheet. Finally questions to identify appropriate fuse ratings for electrical devices. More P2 lessons to come.
GCSE Physics P2 - Acceleration and Velocity - time graphs (v-t graphs)

GCSE Physics P2 - Acceleration and Velocity - time graphs (v-t graphs)

Completely resourced lesson on velocity-time graphs with key content from AQA and Edexcel Physics. Lesson begins with a starter to get pupils thinking about acceleration whilst recapping terminal velocity. A prompt questions focuses on cars 0-60 mph time so pupils to discuss what acceleration is and what affects it. The acceleration equation is covered in detail clearly highlighting the units used - followed by questions to use the equation. Speed and velocity are contrasted whilst explaining what is meant by vectors and magnitude. The main task uses a movie car chase sequence for pupils to record the time between key incidents which are associated with a set velocity allowing a v-t graph to be produced, this allow for a discussion of v-t graph trends related to data. Key v-t trends are highlighted following this. Acceleration is related to the gradient of a v-t graph very clearly as done in the d-t graph lesson. This allows for a more detailed analysis of the car chase v-t graph (worksheet included). Plenary relates v-t graphs to d-t graphs and uses a v-t graph of a skydive for further questioning (also reviews terminal velocity).
GCSE Physics P1 - The Big Bang Theory and the Expanding Universe

GCSE Physics P1 - The Big Bang Theory and the Expanding Universe

Complete lesson on the 'Big Bang Theory' and the 'Expanding Universe' with key content from AQA Physics. Starter uses post-it note from pupils onto the board which allows the teacher to review thoughts from pupils on the origins of the Universe. This is good starter to discuss different pupils beliefs. Following this a focus on 'theories' discusses what theories are and why this is important in Science and evidence which support theories. The main part of the lesson guides pupils through the Big Bang Theory explaining the evidence behind this theory (red-shift and CMBR) with clear description of the Doppler effect. End of lesson uses a written task for pupils to summarise the key points on red-shift. This can then be peer marked by the class using the guidance provided. A homework is included asking pupils to research the fate of the Universe as this is common question from pupils. Plenary includes exam style questions. More lessons to in same format for P1. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach
GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Safety with Fuses, Circuit Breakers and RCCBs

GCSE Physics P2 - Electrical Safety with Fuses, Circuit Breakers and RCCBs

A completely resourced lesson on GCSE Physics P2 - fuses, circuit breakers and RCCBs including key content from AQA exam specification. Starter reviews previous unit content on plug wiring and AC/DC current which leads to fuses. Electrical safety is discussed through the effects of electric shocks and resistance is briefly revisited, reviewing previous P2 content. Resistance in a wire is related to the operation of fuses which is then detailed ( a nice demo is included in the comment box but alternatively a video can be shown). Circuit breakers and their function is detailed with animations and videos with key questioning on functions. A written task reviews fuses and circuit breakers. The detail required by the exam specification is provided (with an alternative slide for classes that would want to know more). The importance of earthing is explored through questioning (relating back to P2 Statics). The plenary task uses pictionary to review all key concepts. More P2 lessons to come
GCSE Physics P1 - Sound

GCSE Physics P1 - Sound

Complete lesson on Sound with key content from AQA Physics. Starter uses simple task to get pupils thinking about how sound can be represented and how these may look like different sounds. The lesson contains the bell jar and oscilloscope but as these often require a specialist or dedicated time to use links to on-line simulators are included which shows these very clearly and are easy to use. The on-line oscilloscope allows you to change the frequency and amplitude of an audible sound the class can hear allowing you to question them on the wave changes and effects. Also included is a short description and discussion of echoes. End of lesson uses a written task for pupils to summarise the key points on volume and pitch. This can then be peer marked by the class using the guidance provided and then pupils can act on this feedback as homework. More lessons to in same format for P1. https://www.tes.com/member/Nteach