Tes Class Charts

Behaviour management software

Whether you issue, track, or report on behaviour Class Charts behaviour management makes your job easier and allows you to have a more positive impact on behaviour issues in your school.

  • Quickly issue and track behaviour in just 2-clicks
  • Customise your behaviours to match current school policy
  • “Influences” allows you to create seating plans based on interactions of pupils
  • Pinpoint those in need of extra support or praise with behaviour trends 
  • Capture an accurate snapshot of positive and negative behaviour across your school
  • Writeback including SIMS, Bromcom, Arbor, and more
Students in class with their hand up in front of the teacher

Record behaviour in just two clicks

Issuing points via paper diaries or spreadsheets is a slow and clunky process that leads to limited data. This limited data often focuses on the most severe negative behaviour – neglecting the low-level and positive instances of behaviour.

Class Charts streamlines this process, enabling behaviour to be recorded in just 2-clicks. This not only significantly reduces admin time and teacher workload but also provides school leaders with valuable insights into behaviour trends. These insights help identify areas requiring additional support and highlight positive contributions worth celebrating.

Class Charts behaviour record with icons on display

Customise your behaviours

Customise your Class Charts behaviours to match school policy. There’s no need to rewrite your school’s behaviour policy, as Class Charts has the flexibility to replicate the behaviour standards you hold as a school.

Assign custom behaviour points, share updates with pupils and parents, and sync effortlessly with SIMS for a unified system that balances positive reinforcement with constructive feedback.

A behaviour being customised in Class Charts

Unique influences tool for classroom management

Class Charts’ exclusive influences feature enables you to design seating plans that consider student interactions, strategically placing pupils based on data to minimise disruptive behaviour. This is particularly valuable for new staff, cover teachers, and NQTs, helping them create calm, productive classrooms from day one.

Student influencing another student in class

Powerful in-depth reports

Use the dedicated analytics section of the system to stay on top of exactly what’s going on in school. Save report templates and pinpoint those who need extra support or praise with behaviour trends.

Set behaviour thresholds with intel events to alert staff as soon as they’re met, so minor issues are managed before they escalate, and positive behaviour is celebrated.

An in-depth example of Class Charts weekly behaviour breakdown

Getting started with Class Charts Behaviour is quick and simple

  • Create your behaviours

    Customise the layout and arrange desks so pupils, colleagues, observers, or inspectors know exactly who should be sat where.

  • Issue points

    Apply strategy to your seating plans – either with drag & drop – you know your pupils better than anyone – or by using the up-to-date custom fields.

  • Stay up-to-date

    Receive notifications when behaviour thresholds are met, allowing you to deal with issues quickly and stop escalation, plus celebrating the positive behaviour that occurs.

  • Track trends

    Access detailed reports to spot behaviour patterns early. Support students who need guidance before issues escalate and celebrate those consistently making positive contributions.

Request a demo

Please complete our short form and one of our experts will be in touch to answer any questions and give you a demo of Class Charts.

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Here are some frequently asked questions about behaviour management: