9/11Quick View


A double lesson (but easily split into 2 singles) looking at the causes, events and consequences of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Included several tasks.
9/11 PowerPointQuick View

9/11 PowerPoint

PowerPoint on the 9/11 attack including responses and reactions of World leaders. perfect for a history or citizenship lesson of for an assembly
9/11 Terror AttacksQuick View

9/11 Terror Attacks

9/11 Terrorist Attacks This lessons aims to show students what happened on 9/11. Included in this lesson: Students use the sources to understand how 9/11 unfolded. Students use the sources to understand why America was attacked and how they responded. Students watch video clips to understand how George Bush found out about the disaster and how responded. How was 9/11 portayed in the movies? My students found this lesson fascinating!
9/11Quick View


This is a fuly resourced resource on the topic of September 11th. Within this resource is: Facts about 9 / 11 YouTube Clips Discussion Points Reflective Quote OPTIONAL Christian Prayer Creative Display Project This pack includes a class/school project based on creating a twin towers remembrance display. **Please note the viewing the material before your session is advised due to the sensitive nature of this topic. Thank you. Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us at TeachElite and click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook
9/11 Quick View


Great for an assembly or tutor time on the anniversary of the twin towers. Refreshes or teaches children about the events of the day and why it is remembered across most of the world.
What was 9/11?Quick View

What was 9/11?

Full Lesson including a Power Point and differentiated resources on 9/11. The main task gets the students to categorize the causes, events and consequences of 9/11.
9/11 AssemblyQuick View

9/11 Assembly

Video and facts that can be used as an assembly. Particularly useful in terms of the promotion of SMSC.
9/11 imaginative writing taskQuick View

9/11 imaginative writing task

Workbook for students to plan an imaginative writing coursework task as if we were there on 9/11 experiencing the events as they unfolded, as a tribute to those that lost their lives that day. Word document so you can edit.
9/11 Twin Towers SATs Reading ComprehensionQuick View

9/11 Twin Towers SATs Reading Comprehension

Elevate Resources presents this SATs style reading comprehension pack ideal for cross-curricular work looking at the 9/11 Twin Towers attacks in a child-friendly way. Includes: Non-fiction text - Remembering September 11. A child-friendly text explaining the events of the attacks including sections on the attack, rescue attempts, aftermath, present day and memorials. 18 SATs style reading comprehension questions from assessment focuses including word meaning, retrieval, summarising, inference, choice of words to enhance meaning, and comparisons. Answer sheets.
Causes of 9/11Quick View

Causes of 9/11

A lesson examining the causes of 9/11 suitable for 14-16 year olds. A very complicated topic but this is simplified as much as possible. Good for the first lesson on 9/11 or a single lesson in a SOW on terrosim
9/11 suffering PPTQuick View

9/11 suffering PPT

By Juliet Davies - Head of RE @ Kingsbury Science and Maths Specialist College, Warwickshire davies.j2@we-learn.com
Islam and 9/11 - Double lesson.Quick View

Islam and 9/11 - Double lesson.

Forth lesson in scheme of work exploring Islam and it’s fundamental beliefs. The series now continues to looks at how Islam has become linked with terrorism. This purchase has enough content for at least two hours of teaching time. This lesson takes a detailed look at the events of 9/11 and how and why Islam is linked with this event. Students understand the history of terrorism and are taught valuable context for understanding why these events take place. The lesson includes a research pack for students to work through independently or in groups to learn details of the day. The students then think about who was responsible and how Muslims in America have been affected by these events. This lesson can be taught as a double. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Additional tasks if time.
9.11 History LessonQuick View

9.11 History Lesson

Students loved this lesson on 9.11 some of my students never even knew this happened, I had one boy was in tears. Includes circle map, and sequence plan map. Use of the red thinking hat and questioning matrix. Lesson outcomes are differentiated in to bronze silver and gold.
9/11 Styles of WritingQuick View

9/11 Styles of Writing

A scheme of work all PowerPoint complete and self-explanatory for descriptive, persuasive and writing to argue. Based around the topic 9/11 Currently in use at a school and engaging for students
9.1.1 LocationQuick View

9.1.1 Location

This lesson pack contains detailed information and explanations on: PowerPoint: Factors that determine location and relocation Differences between local, regional, national and international location decisions The reasons for and impact of offshoring and reshoring The impact of globalisation on location and relocation decisions Case study: Starbucks (AI generated using Gemini) Company information on location Student-led discussion or activity
911, Bin Laden and AfghanistanQuick View

911, Bin Laden and Afghanistan

A selection of resources aimed at EBD children. Dyslexic friendly. These resources challenge and develop students knowledge of Afghanistan and it’s religious laws, Bin Laden and his involvement in 911 and the event of 911 itself. You need copies of The Kite Runner to read or see along with the video of the 911 impact. I had major success with these resources and have included photo’s i have taken myself at ground zero in the worksheets.
Remembering 9/11 AssemblyQuick View

Remembering 9/11 Assembly

On September the 11th 2001, America was attacked by terrorists, leading to the deaths of 2,976 victims. This short film is a reminder of exactly what happened on that terrible day. The accompanying assembly will help students to understand why it happened and how it has affected the world we live in. More free resources like this can be found at: www.truetube.co.uk
Why was 9/11 so shocking?Quick View

Why was 9/11 so shocking?

Introduction to 9/11 as part of a scheme on terrorism. Brief explanation of Al Qaeda before looking at what happened and a look at why it was shocking.
9.11, Terrorism, War and PeaceQuick View

9.11, Terrorism, War and Peace

This lesson has been a long one in the making. Having found resources from all over the web, edited my own video compiling footage from 9.11 and interviews from Geroge Bush and Osama Bin Laden, this lesson aims to give as an impartial view of 9.11 as possible. It includes neo-conservative explanations for 9.11, to Noam CHomsky esque critique of American Foreign Policy that Michael Moore would be proud of, and even allows al-Qaeda to explain their opinion. Obviously it makes explicit that targetting civilians is never, under any circumstances, acceptable, but tries to explain that 9.11 was a complicated event with historical, cultural, social and religious causes using a redacted and edited document which summarises complicated historical commentary into a digestible PDF. It even includes a brief mention of conspiracy theories for those more inquisitive students. Above all, it encourages critical thought and human compassion. A wide range of differentiated and extension activities here. Learning Questions: What was 9/11? How did it cause a war? Why did the the USA and al-Qaeda say it happened? Ext: Why do you think it happened? Independent, group and whole class activities included to bolster engagement and learning. There’s enough for at least 2 lessons here. But I’m selling it as one, because I’m nice like that.