Postmodernism - A Level Media StudiesQuick View

Postmodernism - A Level Media Studies

<p>This is a 22 slide powerpoint that teaches the A-Level Media Language concept of Postmodernism.</p> <p><strong>It explores Modernism, then goes on to explain the concepts of:</strong><br /> Intertextuality<br /> Pastiche<br /> Parody<br /> Bricolage<br /> Hybridity<br /> Self-Reflexivity<br /> Hyperreality (Baudrillard)<br /> Versimilitude</p> <p>Put in simplistic ways in which students can understand. This can then be supplemented by further reading AND application to your own set texts from whichever exam board you are with.</p>
Media Studies Theory SummariesQuick View

Media Studies Theory Summaries

<p>A set of short summary slides for key media studies theories:</p> <ul> <li>Audience Theories- Jenkins, Hall, Gerbner, Bandura, Shirky, Hesmondhalgh, Two-step flow, hypodermic needle, Uses &amp; gratifications, Livingston &amp; Lunt, Curran &amp; Seaton,</li> <li>Language Theories- Strauss, Barthes, Todorov, Propp, Neale</li> <li>Representation Theories- Hall, hooks, Mulvey, Butler, Gauntlett, Gilroy, Van Zoonen</li> <li>Postmodern Theories-Postmodern elements, Baudrillard, Lyotard, Jameson.</li> <li>Ecology Theories- McLuhan, Postman, Ong</li> </ul> <p>Can be printed double sided to use as flashcards for student revision.</p> <p>Accessible to a range of students with questions to apply to set texts and case studies to encourage student application of theories too.</p>
GCSE AQA Media Studies (9-1) Revision BookletQuick View

GCSE AQA Media Studies (9-1) Revision Booklet

<p>A 48-slide revision package written to support the AQA GCSE (9-1) Media Studies course 2023 specification. This can be projected with the class, completed by the pupils in using computers or photocopied onto A4/A5 and used as a homework project.<br /> The package deals with the key media theories outlined by AQA and links to the CSPs. It also covers key media language and terms linked to various CSPs with pupil activity involved. The final slides deal with key terms that may be assessed for 2 mark responses and then more detailed exemplar questions for 6, 8 and 12 mark questions.<br /> These resources support the popular CSP resources that are on TES. Reviews have stated:<br /> “Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
His Dark Materials GCSE Media Studies CSP 'City of Magpies'Quick View

His Dark Materials GCSE Media Studies CSP 'City of Magpies'

<p>Resources for the Close Study Product for the AQA GCSE Media Studies course (first teaching September 2021). Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the TV series unit on His Dark Materials: City of Magpies. The 53 slide, 10 lesson resource includes all resources and ten lesson’s work (with possible expansion) and pupil questions/activities. Download also includes a knowledge checklist for the CSP.</p> <p>Lesson 1: What is ‘His Dark Materials: City of Magpies’ and what are the key themes of the episode.<br /> Lesson 2: Target audience analysis.<br /> Lesson 3: Audience and Marketing/Promotion links. Character links to target audience.<br /> Lesson 4: Audience response to His Dark Materials – including audience numbers, critical response and preferred/oppositional readings of His Dark Materials.<br /> Lesson 5: A semiotic analysis of His Dark Materials – including CLAMPS.<br /> Lesson 6 and 7: Media Language theory including genre, Propp, Todorov, Barthes and Levi-Strauss.<br /> Lesson 8: Representation in His Dark Materials.<br /> Lesson 9: The remit and funding of BBC. The production companies behind His Dark Materials. The BBC/HBO link. The multi-platform, multi-channel media landscape.<br /> Lesson 10: Comparing His Dark Materials and Dr. Who.</p> <p>As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs shared on TES:<br /> “Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
OCR Media Studies Video Games (Animal Crossing New Horizons)Quick View

OCR Media Studies Video Games (Animal Crossing New Horizons)

<p>A scheme of work for the OCR A Level Media Studies video games unit, as part of the Evolving Media, Media Industries and Audience assessment.</p> <p>This scheme of work focuses on Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons.</p> <p>Included are lessons exploring -</p> <ul> <li>An Introduction to Video Games</li> <li>A History on Animal Crossing</li> <li>Ownership and production</li> <li>Marketing and production</li> <li>Audience</li> <li>Regulation</li> <li>Theories</li> </ul>
Taylor Swift 'The Man' (Eduqas GCSE Media Studies, Component 2)Quick View

Taylor Swift 'The Man' (Eduqas GCSE Media Studies, Component 2)

<p>Eduqas GCSE Media Studies, Component 2, Taylor Swift ‘The Man’</p> <ul> <li>A 28 page pupil booklet, to accompany a 367 slide PowerPoint.</li> <li>PDF and adaptable Word document of the pupil booklet included, to maintain formatting.</li> <li>Information content largely based on the Eduqas factsheet, with additional research articles and video embedded.</li> <li>PowerPoint transitions used to enhance whiteboard teaching.</li> <li>Whole class plenary and analytical activities included in the pupil booklet, to work alongside the PowerPoint sections.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Covers</strong>:<br /> Key facts<br /> Contexts<br /> Industry<br /> Audience<br /> Media Language<br /> Representation<br /> Website and Social Media</p> <p>Hopefully it will safe someone LOADS of time!</p>
KISS FM Breakfast GCSE Media Studies Radio CSPQuick View

KISS FM Breakfast GCSE Media Studies Radio CSP

<p>Resources for the Close Study Product for the AQA GCSE Media Studies course (first teaching September 2021). Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the Radio unit on KISS Radio’s Breakfast Show. The 27 slide, 6 lesson resource includes all resources and approximately 6 lesson’s work (with possible expansion) and pupil questions/activities. Download also includes a knowledge checklist for the CSP.<br /> Lesson 1: What is KISS and the breakfast show? Who are the Bauer Media Group? What Media Products do BMG own? Why are BMGs acquisitions so controversial?<br /> Lesson 2: What is BMG Radio’s audience reach? What advantages does the cross-media ownership benefit KISS and BMG? What synergy exists between BMG brands?<br /> Lesson 3: How is KISS funded? How is radio regulated? What are the broadcasting codes relevant to radio?<br /> Lesson 4: How does KISS target its audience? How successful is KISS in reaching its audience?<br /> Lesson 5: Why do people listen to KISS? What are the audience readings? What do active and passive radio audiences do?<br /> Lesson 6: How has radio changed? How do this CSP and the Radio 1 Launch compare?<br /> As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs shared on TES:</p> <p>“Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
Black Widow Marvel GCSE Media Studies Film CSPQuick View

Black Widow Marvel GCSE Media Studies Film CSP

<p>Resources for the Close Study Product for the AQA GCSE Media Studies course (first teaching September 2021). Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the Film unit on Marvel Cinematic Universe film, Black Widow. The 27 slide, 6 lesson resource includes all resources and approximately 6 lesson’s work (with possible expansion) and pupil questions/activities. Download also includes a knowledge checklist for the CSP.<br /> Lesson 1: What is Black Widow and what is the MCU franchise?<br /> Lesson 2: Who owns Marvel [includes conglomerate, vertical and horizontal integration]. Genre analysis and impact on global sales.<br /> Lesson 3: Representation and influence in the production of Black Widow and why. Analysis of Star Power. Examining the costs of production.<br /> Lesson 4: How did Black Widow perform at the box office and why? Distribution channels used and the impact of the COVID pandemic.<br /> Lesson 5: Film certification. The marketing and merchandising of Black Widow.<br /> Lesson 6: Hollywood and the links to globalisation and cultural imperialism.</p> <p>As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs shared on TES:<br /> “Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
Online Media: THIIIRD - WJEC/Eduqas A-Level Media StudiesQuick View

Online Media: THIIIRD - WJEC/Eduqas A-Level Media Studies

<p><strong>Online Media: THIIIRD - WJEC/Eduqas A-Level Media Studies</strong></p> <p>Are you teaching A-Level Eduqas Component 2 Online Media? Immerse your students in the world of THIIIRD online magazine with this all-inclusive 10-lesson resource pack (90-minute lessons), perfectly adaptable for 10-12 sessions to suit your teaching pace.</p> <p>This resource pack delves into the essential media framework and contexts, including:</p> <ul> <li>Media Language</li> <li>Media Representation</li> <li>Media Audiences</li> <li>Media Industry</li> <li>Media Context</li> </ul> <p>Engage with the theories of influential thinkers like bell hooks, Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, and others, while exploring key ideas in connection with Thiiird.</p> <p><strong>What’s Inside?</strong></p> <p>• 10 Complete Lessons: Each crafted with rich, interactive PowerPoints, embedded media, and activities that keep students engaged from start to finish.<br /> • Comprehension Tasks &amp; Mini Assessment Practices: Ensure that your students grasp key concepts effectively while building exam confidence.<br /> • Set Theorist Articles: Deep dive into theorists critical for this unit, helping students to grasp complex ideas with ease.<br /> • Sample Exam Response &amp; Activity: Boost your students’ exam skills with a sample response, followed by a structured activity to refine their technique.<br /> • Equip your students for success with this dynamic, ready-to-use resource.<br /> • Creative Design Tasks &amp; Group Presentations: Encourage students to unleash their creativity through design activities and work collaboratively on group presentations, developing both their understanding of media concepts and their communication skills.</p> <p><strong>Why You Should Purchase This Resource Pack</strong></p> <p>Designed specifically for A Level Media Studies students following the WJEC Eduqas curriculum, this comprehensive resource pack is both informative and accessible. The PowerPoint presentations are rich with essential content, and the accompanying worksheets give students the opportunity to actively apply their learning, making complex concepts easy to grasp and engaging to explore.</p> <p><em>Your feedback is truly appreciated.</em></p>
Media studies wall displays/ learning matsQuick View

Media studies wall displays/ learning mats

<p>These excellent resources work perfectly in any media studies classroom! I have used these posters as wall displays, learning mats and hand outs when students are completing classwork/ coursework. My current head teacher commented on these resources stating they were “the best resources” he has seen in the classroom.<br /> My students find them incredibly helpful during lessons especially during assessment/ coursework and revision work.</p> <p>**The documents include: **</p> <ul> <li>An introduction to Audience (Mass, Niche, Primary + Secondary target audience, demographic and psychometrics).</li> <li>A guide to audience theories (VALS and Young and Rubicam).</li> <li>Audience theories (Audience positioning, Stuart Halls Encoding and Decoding theory).</li> <li>A guide to Uses and Gratification Theory</li> <li>A guide to Representation</li> <li>A guide to Todorov’s Narrative Theory (Including clear example, Monsters Inc)</li> <li>A guide to Propp’s Character Theory</li> <li>Magazine Terminology</li> </ul> <p>I remember being taught media studies at GCSE and A Level and wished I had resources like this to support me when completing assessment work. I hope your students enjoy them to.</p> <p>Leave a review and any suggestions for new learning mats and I’ll continue to plan and develop these resources.</p>
AQA GCSE Media Studies Knowledge Organisers BundleQuick View

AQA GCSE Media Studies Knowledge Organisers Bundle

<p><strong>Ideal for AQA GCSE Media Studies SOWs. Complete set of knowledge organisers for core areas of two-year course (exams from 2023 onwards- updated CSPs). 13 included- perfect for revision and retrieval!</strong></p> <p>What’s included?</p> <ul> <li>An introduction to media</li> <li>Tier 2 + 3 vocabulary</li> <li>Media theories</li> <li>Key media theories</li> <li>Camera shots + angles</li> <li>Advertising</li> <li>Magazines</li> <li>Radio (BBC Radio 1)</li> <li>Radio (KISS FM)</li> <li>Film marketing</li> <li>Music videos</li> <li>Newspapers</li> <li>TV drama</li> </ul>
Radio 1 Launch Tony Blackburn GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP RadioQuick View

Radio 1 Launch Tony Blackburn GCSE Media Studies Close Study Product CSP Radio

<p>Resources for the Close Study Product for the reformed AQA GCSE Media Studies course. Designed for AQA, also applies to Eduqas and anyone discussing the launch of Radio 1 in 1967 and the changing radio landscape at this time. The resources study the Media Audiences and Industries around the Radio 1 launch and the social and political aspects of this decision. The Powerpoint includes all resources and four lessons work (with possible expansion).</p> <p>Lesson 1: The historical development of Radio 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the rationale for this, the growth of pirate radio and the politics of their legal challenge and how BBC radio is funded and the impact on content.<br /> Lesson 2: The Radio 1 presenters on launch and the reasons for their appointment, an examination of the early audience reaction to Radio 1, how ‘needletime’ impacted on the content and success of Radio 1 and the longer term audience response to Radio 1 and its impact on popular culture.<br /> Lesson 3: An analysis of some of the features of the launch programme and how this linked to the target audience. The conflict that emerged after the launch of Radio 1 and beyond and how this links with the BBC public service remit.<br /> Lesson 4: Comparing the way we consumed radio (and music) in 1967 and today. Includes Personal Learning Checklist to review learning.</p> <p>All of the above are linked through activities to the Radio Launch Show and could extend into further lessons and discussions. As previous 5-star reviews for other CSPs published on TES have stated ‘these are great starting points’ for lesson delivery.<br /> Powerpoint file contains all resources, along with a Personal Learning Checklist (PLC) for students to RAG-rate their knowledge, skills and understanding. As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs:<br /> <strong>"Just buy it!"<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Excellent AS Eduqas revision tool. Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> "These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money"</strong><br /> Reviews welcomed</p>
AQA A Level Media Studies Lupin TV SOWQuick View

AQA A Level Media Studies Lupin TV SOW

<p>236 slides including 16 comprehensive lessons covering the in-depth CSP Lupin (paired with The Responder) for the 2024 cohort. This sow covers all frameworks such as: representation, audience, contexts, narrative, genre, media language, and industry. Each framework has at least one lesson covering the relevant theories such as: Hesmondhalgh, Reception Theory, Hall (Representation), post-colonialism (Gilroy), Cultivation Theory, Neale (Genre theory), Barthes, Todorov, Semiotics, Butler, Van Zoonen, bell hooks, Levi Straus, etc. There are also 10 hwk tasks includes which aim to further understanding of Lupin or wider contexts which are relevant for the study of the media course such as: Shipman, London Riots, etc. HWK tasks are designed to interleave some of the skills from Media One and Media Two. There are also relevant articles included in a pack for context.</p>
NEA Coursework Booklet - GCSE Eduqas Media StudiesQuick View

NEA Coursework Booklet - GCSE Eduqas Media Studies

<p>A coursework booklet for students to complete in the pre-production, production and post-production stages of their GCSE Media Studies coursework (Eduqas).</p> <p>This booklet supports and encourages:</p> <ul> <li>Details of the brief</li> <li>Research and planning</li> <li>Completion of the Statement of Aims coversheet</li> <li>Production</li> </ul>
Newspapers OCR Media Studies GCSEQuick View

Newspapers OCR Media Studies GCSE

<p>This resource comprises of SOW exploring Theory, Media Language, Representation, Industry, Audiences and Contexts. Each lesson (five in total) is planned for a duration of 80 minutes).</p>
Fake News Media LiteracyQuick View

Fake News Media Literacy

<p>A detailed, engaging and well-differentiated lesson to encourage critical thinking (lasting 1-2 hours), focused on the growth of Fake News and ‘alternative facts’. These resources teach students how we must always use critical thinking skills when studying media material.<br /> Included: 1 - 2 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, alternative facts reading comprehension, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.</p> <p>You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: <a href="">EC_Resources<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a></p> <p>Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:<br /> <a href="">Mental Health PSHE Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources</a><br /> <a href="">British Values Citizenship Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Islam Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Sex and Relationships Education</a><br /> <a href="">GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1</a></p>
2024+ Daily Mirror and The Times GCSE Media Studies Newspaper CSPQuick View

2024+ Daily Mirror and The Times GCSE Media Studies Newspaper CSP

<p>Resources for the Close Study Product for the AQA GCSE Media Studies course (first teaching September 2022). Designed for AQA, and anyone examining the Newspaper unit on The Daily Mirror <em><strong>and</strong></em> The Times. The <strong>73</strong> slide, 12 lesson resource includes all resources and twelve lesson’s work (with possible expansion) and pupil questions/activities. Download also includes a knowledge checklist for the CSPs.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Introduction to The Daily Mirror and The Times. The politics of the press and impact on content.<br /> Lesson 2: Comparing tabloids and broadsheets including key media language terms and analysis of pages.<br /> Lesson 3: Detailed Daily Mirror analysis and media language and representation.<br /> Lesson 4: Detailed Times analysis and media language and representation.<br /> Lesson 5 and 6: A semiotic analysis of The Daily Mirror and The Times using media theories including Propp, Todorov, Barthes and Levi-Strauss.<br /> Lesson 7: Audience analysis of The Daily Mirror and The Times including using media theories such as Blumler and Katz and Stuart Hall.<br /> Lesson 9: How groups, people and events are represented in The Daily Mirror and The Times CSPs and why.<br /> Lesson 10: The changing nature of newspaper circulation and distribution.<br /> Lesson 11: Ownership of The Daily Mirror and The Times and how they have adapted in the light of changing audience habits.<br /> Lesson 12: Press regulation</p> <p>As reviewers have stated for previous Media Studies CSPs shared on TES:<br /> “Just buy it!”<br /> “Your resources have been life savers!”<br /> “Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br /> “I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br /> “Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br /> “They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br /> “Your new spec resources are saving me hours &amp; hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br /> “These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>