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Welcome. Enjoy using my maths resources!! Any reviews will be much appreciated.




Welcome. Enjoy using my maths resources!! Any reviews will be much appreciated.
15 Linear Simultaneous Equations (Presentation)

15 Linear Simultaneous Equations (Presentation)

This resource can be used to consolidate student's knowledge on solving linear simultaneous equations. Includes 15 questions. The answers are in a step by step approach. Both elimination and substitution method are shown for each question. If you have any questions or feedback (much appreciated) please comment below. Hope this helps, A_Maths
Expanding 40 double brackets (presentation)

Expanding 40 double brackets (presentation)

This resource can be used to consolidate and extend student's knowledge on expanding brackets. The questions range from simple (x+a)(x+b) to challenging (ax+b)(-cx+d). Includes 40 questions. The answers are in a step by step approach. One answer per slide with animations. If you have any questions or feedback (much appreciated) please comment below. Hope this helps, A_Maths
Factorising 50 Quadratics  (presentation & activity)

Factorising 50 Quadratics (presentation & activity)

These resources can be used to consolidate and extend student's knowledge on factorising quadratics. The questions range from simple (x^2) to challenging (ax^2 , -ax^2). Word Document This can be used in two different ways: 1. Give students the question table (first page) and they write the answers in their books. 2. As a matching activity giving students the opportunity to work in pairs and use mini whiteboards. (Note that the answer table is in exact order of the question table so prior cutting is required.) PowerPoint Includes 50 questions, the same ones as in the Word document. The answers are in a step by step approach. One answer per slide with animations. Students knowing how to expand two brackets is highly useful. If you have any questions or feedback (much appreciated) please comment below. Hope this helps, A_Maths
Multiplication trick - Why does it work?

Multiplication trick - Why does it work?

I have demonstrated this trick to test students’ understanding of the multiplying ‘process’. Most students should be able to understand how the trick works. Some students should be able to explain why the trick works. Few students should be able to apply this trick to any times tables*, successfully. *Tested for 11 to 99 times tables. 99+ is a mystery. If you have any questions or feedback please comment below. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Operation Sudoku; maths board game (fun & interactive)

Operation Sudoku; maths board game (fun & interactive)

I have created this board game to help students practice their addition, subtraction and multiplication. All the rules of the game are included. The game works best with a facilitator. If you have any questions or feedback please comment below. Enjoy! Hope this helps, A_Maths.
‘Maths Cycle’: Board game (fun & interactive)

‘Maths Cycle’: Board game (fun & interactive)

I have created this board game to make revising for maths more fun for students. The four key areas of focus are: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Handling Data. All the rules of the game are included. Preparation work is needed to create the questions and answers for each topic. The game works best with a facilitator. All the additional resources you may like to use are also included. If you have any questions or feedback please comment below. Enjoy! Hope this helps, A_Maths.
MADS; maths board game (fun & interactive)

MADS; maths board game (fun & interactive)

I have created this board game to help students with their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Also, I aim to make the process of practicing them more fun. The game can be used to introduce prime numbers to students. All the rules of the game are included. The game works best with a facilitator. All the additional resources you may like to use are also included. If you have any questions or feedback please comment below. Enjoy! Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Circle Theorems: Explaining their existence (proofs)

Circle Theorems: Explaining their existence (proofs)

In this resource, I go into detail about why Circle Theorems are actually true; not just taking them at face value. The aim is to enhance students’ understanding of not only the Theorems, but to introduce them to the idea of rigorously proving statements in mathematics. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Sequences: Linear & Quadratic, nth term (presentation)

Sequences: Linear & Quadratic, nth term (presentation)

In this presentation, I aim to demonstrate how to calculate nth terms of linear and quadratic sequences by giving a couple of examples. There are also questions for students to have ago at (answers are included). Also, I show a second method for obtaining the nth term of a quadratic sequence. In addition, I give practical examples of how linear and quadratic sequences relate to business. I demonstrate the calculation for the nth term of the Triangular Sequence. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Football maths!!.... Analysing the Barclays Premier League (2015-16). Handling Data and Numbers.

Football maths!!.... Analysing the Barclays Premier League (2015-16). Handling Data and Numbers.

My goal in this presentation is to link football with statistics/handling data. (No pun intended). All the activities include analyzing the raw statistics by drawing graphs, a box plot, or calculating percentages. Hopefully, this will give students a clear insight into how maths relates to the ‘real’ world, especially in sports. Please note that the league tables are from the BBC Sports website, but may not be the same since the table changes for every season. Link to the website is provided in the presentation. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Algebra Higher: Max and Min points via Completing the Square (Presentation)

Algebra Higher: Max and Min points via Completing the Square (Presentation)

This presentation develops students' understanding of Completing the Square and links it to sketching quadratic graphs and finding maximum and minimum points. Knowing how to Complete the Square is a prerequisite for this presentation. I have included examples, questions with answers, application of the knowledge and a challenge for the ambitious students. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Algebra Higher: Composition of  functions (Presentation)

Algebra Higher: Composition of functions (Presentation)

This presentation gives students the knowledge on Composition of functions. I aim to introduce the concept and then give a few examples followed by questions with answers and, finally, a challenge question for the ambitious students. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Algebra Higher: Expanding more than two brackets (Presentation)

Algebra Higher: Expanding more than two brackets (Presentation)

I have created this presentation about expanding more than two brackets so that students can begin to understand the breath and depth of Algebra. The presentation includes many examples, questions, a challenge question and an introduction to Pascal’s triangle. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Surface Area & Volume of a Frustum (Simplifying proofs series)

Surface Area & Volume of a Frustum (Simplifying proofs series)

This is a challenging proof, so I have taken a step by step approach at proving, both, the volume and surface area of a frustum. The proof requires a variety of topics in Geometry. High ability students will enjoy the challenge and should be able to make progress after some guidance. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Maths and Magic

Maths and Magic

My goal is to show the ‘fun’ side of maths. The two tricks demonstrate that to solve the mystery, algebra is needed. Algebra shows the inner workings behind the tricks. This presentation can involve the whole class and bring the extra dimension to your algebra class and possibly change the mood from a negative to a positive one. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Maths poster and Geometry logo

Maths poster and Geometry logo

Maths logos can be used, literally, in any way: poster, on a badge, on books etc. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Completing the Square poster

Completing the Square poster

I explain, geometrically and algebraically, how Completing the Square works. This allows students to appreciate the method, once they understand where the method comes from. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Quadratic formula poster

Quadratic formula poster

I display how to derive to the Quadratic formula by Completing the Square. This will show students, how topics in algebra are linked together. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Differentiation by first principle examples, poster

Differentiation by first principle examples, poster

I display how differentiation works from first principle. I give examples on basic functions so that their graphs provide a visual aid. Ideal for in-depth understanding. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.
Trigonometry identities poster

Trigonometry identities poster

I aim to give students a way of memorizing the several identities in C2, C3, and C4. Ideal for revision. Please feel free to review my resource. Hope this helps, A_Maths.