English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
AQA English Language Paper 2 bundle that has recently been revamped and updated. Every lesson took around 7-10 hours to make and include modelled answers, scaffolds, differentiated activities, sources, engaging activities to open up challenging Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 (Non-fiction writing) tasks to all students.
The bundle contains 20 resources that cover both Section A (Nonfiction reading) and Section B (Nonfiction writing) so you know you'll be looking at the whole exam.
The lessons contained are:
1) Introduction lesson that looks at travel writing (Q1, Q2, Q4) - Armitage and Dickens
2) Lesson on Donald Trump article that covers Q1 and Q3
3) Lesson on travel writing (Rory Stewart, Dorothy Wordsworth) that covers Q1, Q2 and Q3.
4) Summary writing lesson that looks at Dickens and a Unicef speech
5) Crime and Punishment lesson on Q1 and Q2
6) Crime and Punishment lesson on Q2
7) Crime and Punishment lesson on Q3
8) Crime and Punishment lesson on Q4
9) Paper 2 walking, talking mock that uses the theme of crime and punishment
10) Section B opening and ending articles
11) Newspaper article writing / writing to explain
12) Magazine article writing / writing to argue
13) Speech writing (Winston Churchill)
14) Speech writing (Barack Obama)
15) Paper 2 exam preparation lesson
16) Paper 2 revision lesson
17) Escape room revision lesson
18) Paper 2 Section A knowledge organiser
19) Paper 2 Section A exam practice pack
20) Florence Nightingale themed Q1-Q4 lessons
Bundle (20x 1hr PP, differentiated tasks throughout using new GCSE numbering system)
All tasks differentiated according to new GCSE numbering system, this bundle is designed for the New Spec AQA Language Paper 2.
Complete 1 hour, well differentiated lessons, with worksheets where applicable.
Suitable for KS4 or adaptable for KS3
Different level tasks for MA,LA or Core
Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for' Good' or above.
Many more inexpensive, high quality English resources are available at my shop:
Lead Practitioner's Shop
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A walkthrough pack for the May 2024 paper.
Model answers for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
Analysis and breakdown of all tasks and answers provided
Success criteria
Exam walkthrough tasks
Exam tips and advice
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS RESOURCE DOES NOT CONTAIN THE EXAM PAPER, THE EXTRACT, OR THE QUESTIONS FROM THE EXAM PAPER. The 2024 paper is a secure material that can only be accessed via the AQA website and therefore it is NOT included in this teaching aid.
Please note that the extract from The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing is not included in the pack due to copyright restrictions, but will shortly be available to download via the AQA website.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A walkthrough pack for the June 2024 paper.
Model answers for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
Analysis and breakdown of all questions and answers provided
Success criteria
Exam walkthrough tasks
Exam tips and advice
Please note that the extracts from the paper are NOT not included in the pack due to copyright restrictions, but will be available to download via the secure e-AQA website or through other sources. We cannot provide copies of these extracts on request due to copyright restrictions.
If you are having access issues to the resources then please don’t leave a review, it’s not the author’s fault! Just email us at info@englishgcse.co.uk and we can help :)
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A walkthrough pack for the June 2023 paper.
Model answers for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
Analysis and breakdown of all questions and answers provided
Success criteria
Exam walkthrough tasks
Exam tips and advice
Please note that the extract from Life of Pi by Yann Martel is not included in the pack due to copyright restrictions, but will shortly be available to download via the AQA website.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls **TES AWARD NOMINATED** - Over 20 hours worth of fully differentiated lessons (powerpoints, worksheets and exam practice / prep) + a GCSE revision guide AND a knowledge organiser. A bundle of very highly rated lessons, projects and revision sessions for the study of An Inspector Calls.
It basically covers everything you need to teach 'An Inspector Calls' and get successful results (I do). If you think there's anything missing, let me know.
Hope you find this useful, as a Head of English I have given this to my whole department to use and they are very pleased about how much time they've saved.
Here is the order of lessons:
1 - Introduction
2 - Act One Introduction
3 - Arthur Birling
4 - The Inspector
5 - Responsibility
6 - Sheila Birling
7 - Gerald Croft
8 - Sheila Birling and Historical Context
9 - Gerald and Daisy
10 - Mrs Birling
11- Eric Birling
12 - Eric and Eva
13 - The Inspector Leaves
14 - Young and Old
15 - The End
16 - Revision Guide
17 - Knowledge Organiser
18 - Exam Practice Pack
19 - Revision Session
20 - Scheme of Work document
A Christmas Carol - AWARD NOMINATED: EVERY LESSON for Charles Dickens' text. 20x fully differentiated and resourced lessons to prepare KS3 and KS4 students for AQA GCSE English Literature questions on Charles Dickens' classic novella. All created by a Tes Bev Evans Award nominated author 2017.
Includes the following lessons:
1) Introduction to the text
2) Historical context
3) Stave one language analysis
4) Fred and Scrooge character analysis (Stave One)
5) Marley's Ghost - language analysis (Stave One)
6) Marley's message (Stave One)
7) The Ghost of Christmas Past (Stave Two)
8) Fezziwig (Stave Two)
9) Fan and Belle (Stave Two)
10) The Ghost of Christmas Present (Stave Three)
11) The Cratchits (Stave Three)
12) The Next Visits (Stave Three)
13) Stave Four - Part One
14) Tiny Tim and Scrooge - Stave Four
15) Stave Five - The End
17) Exam practice pack (10 questions)
18) Exam question review
19) Key quotes
20) Knowledge organiser for revision
Please note: When downloading a bundle each resource must be downloaded separately. If you have any issues downloading the resources please email me at info@englishgcse.co.uk and I will help you.
AQA English Language Paper 1 materials. TWENTY hours worth! A collection of well differentiated lessons and revision materials to prepare GCSE students for AQA English Language Paper 1: Explorations In Creative Reading And Writing, prepared by an Outstanding-rated English specialist and Lead Practitioner.
Lessons included:
1) AQA English Language Paper 1 Introduction
2) Falcons (Language and Character analysis)
3) Birdsong (Language and Character analysis)
4) Reluctant Fundamentalist (Language and Structure analysis)
5) Spies (Language and Structure analysis)
6) The White Tiger (Character evaluation)
7) Structure lesson (I'm the King of the Castle)
8) Structure (Beginnings and Endings)
9) Section A Walkthrough (Mock exam paper, indicative answers, success criteria, exam tips)
10) Full SOW document
11) Descriptive Writing Introduction
12) Descriptive Writing (Zooming In and Structure)
13) AQA English Language Paper 1 escape room
14) Analysing descriptive writing examples (Jamaica Inn and Little Dorrit)
15) Language techniques recap
16) Section B assessment planning lesson
17) Revision guide which covers both Section A and B
18) Jamaica Inn Mock Review (Based on specimen exam paper)
19) Paper 1 Section A Knowledge Organiser
20) Section A exam practice papers and answers
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A walkthrough pack for the June 2023 paper.
Model answers for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.
Analysis and breakdown of all questions and answers provided
Success criteria
Exam walkthrough tasks
Exam tips and advice
Please note that the extracts from the paper are NOT not included in the pack due to copyright restrictions, but will be available to download via the secure e-AQA website or through other sources. We cannot provide copies of these extracts on request due to copyright restrictions.
If you are having access issues to the resources then please don’t leave a review, it’s not the author’s fault! Just email us at info@englishgcse.co.uk and we can help :)
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
English cover for KS3 lessons that includes:
2x Analysing fiction texts (English Language Paper 1 Q1-3)
2x Analysing non-fiction texts (English Language Paper 2 Q1-3)
2x Descriptive/narrative writing (English Language Paper 1 Question 5)
2x Non-fiction writing (English Language Paper 2 Question 5)
3x Unseen poetry lessons (English Literature)
3x Shakespeare lessons (Extracts from The Tempest, Henry V and Richard III)
14 cover lessons with differentiated activities, scaffolds, easy-to-follow instructions and designed so non-subject specialists can teach them. Really useful for setting last minute cover and ensuring the lessons are challenging, meaningful and engaging.
They are designed to help support students at KS3 as they move from Year 7, 8 and 9 into KS4 and Year 10 and Year 11. Adaptable for KS4 classes, too. All extracts are included.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section B walkthrough pack for the May 2024 paper.
Activities for planning and writing BOTH descriptive AND narrative writing pieces
Advice and models for planning both descriptive and narrative writing tasks
Success criteria
Exam walkthrough tasks
Exam tips and advice
Full model answers for BOTH the descriptive AND narrative tasks (very hot place description AND disagreement story).
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Everything you need to teach Macbeth! TWENTY+ HOURS' WORTH! Includes a 2 hour Macbeth overview (or revision /recap session), a complete GCSE revision guide, and NINETEEN lessons:
Macbeth Introduction
Introducing Macbeth and Banquo
Analysing The Witches
Introducing Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 7
Act 2 Scene 1 - The Dagger Scene
Act 2 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 1
Murdering Banquo
The Banquet Scene
Lady Macbeth's Sleepwalking
The End
Knowledge Organiser
Exam Practice Pack
With more to come! Keep checking your downloads as more lessons will be added shortly.
An Inspector Calls 2025 revision for English Literature Paper 2 revision lesson on characters and themes. We explore all of the major characters in JB Priestley’s play and consider how they tie in to key themes, helping students to prepare for the exam in the 2025 summer.
The lesson includes worksheets (printer symbol), differentiated and adaptive learning approaches, incredibly detailed revision sheets that can be shared with students and more.
We explore Arthur Birling, Sybil, Sheila, Eric, Gerald, the Inspector, Edna the maid.
A really useful way of revising this novel in time for the Paper 2 exam in May 2025.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that supports students as they analyse two unseen poems and answer both unseen poetry questions (24 marks and 8 marks) in preparation for AQA English Literature Paper 2. With the exam only a few weeks away it is amazing how many schools focus so much of their energies on the anthology poetry in Power and Conflict and Love and Relationships but seem to sideline Unseen Poetry when it is worth 32 marks in total. This lesson is definitely worth getting if you want to help build students’ independence rather than them relying on you to spoon feed them all the necessary information.
Macbeth Act 1 annotated copy with detailed notes on language, structure, form and context.
Perfect as a revision / differentiation document or as a hand-out for students. Useful for homework, intervention, tutoring, displays, exam revision and more.
Leave a review and we’ll send you another single resource for free. Just email us at info@englishgcse.co.uk once you’ve left your review.
All artwork is copyright EnglishGCSEcouk.
FREE Macbeth resources:
Tragedy and genre lesson
Key quote posters
Scheme of work document
Act 1 Macbeth revision poster
Lady Macbeth revision poster
Malcolm revision poster
Witches revision poster
Revise AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 or Section B with this mammoth 46 slide revision and exam practice pack!
Revision guide for students OR resources that could be used for revision lessons for teachers
Modelled examples included that cover writing to argue and writing to explain, as well as letters and magazine articles
Step-by-step guides to writing for all purposes, audience and forms or types
Self-reflection sheets for students to reflect on their own writing
The perfect exam practice questions and revision pack for AQA English Language PaQuestion 5, but easily adaptable for other exam boards such as Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, Eduqas and so on.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
2024 Unseen Poetry model answer for BOTH questions on The washing is never done by Jaan Kaplinski and A Day in Autumn by R S Thomas.
This model essay is designed to hit the requirements for Grade 9 for AQA English Literature Paper 2. Includes two answers that weaves together language and structure analysis, relevant comparisons how and why the two writers present their poems in relation to daily lives and connecting to the natural world.
Please note that due to copyright restrictions, the actual poems are not included in this resource, but are available from the AQA website or online.
20 fully differentiated lessons and revision guides to help prepare GCSE students analysing the text for new spec GCSEs. Ideal preparation for those studying The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde for AQA English Literature Paper 1. Includes Jekyll and Hyde Escape Room too.
Revamped recently and all resources are now twice as detailed. Don't forget to leave a review! :)
Quiz - Christmas Quiz: A fun and accessible English Christmas Quiz with over 20 questions and hidden YouTube surprises. Works on PowerPoint. Questions focus on lessons students have been using to prepare for GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature.
An easy to use reading comprehension pack with three sections of differentiated questions. This activity focuses on the debate around tattoos and the prejudices many have against them. It contains one mild slang term and is aimed more at KS4. It can be used in form time as part of literacy focus, or in an English lesson for KS3/4 GCSE comprehension training.
It is interesting, useful, very easy to use and good way to combine Current Affairs and English.
For everything English GCSE and KS3, free and inexpensive, check out my Tes Award nominated shop:
Lead Practioner's English Store
An easy to use reading comprehension pack with three sections of differentiated questions. This activity focuses on urgent environmental issues . It can be used in form time as part of literacy focus, or in an English lesson for KS3/4 GCSE comprehension training.
It is interesting, useful, very easy to use and good to raise awareness of envirornmental issues.
For everything English GCSE and KS3, free and inexpensive, check out my Tes Award nominated shop:
Lead Practioner's English Store