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AQA Geography Paper 2 Revision Booklet

AQA Geography Paper 2 Revision Booklet

This is a comprehensive revision booklet based around the AQA Geography Paper 2 exam. The idea of this booklet is for students to complete a range of activities in a bit to aid their revision, before their exam. I originally created this booklet for PP students, however this this is more than suitable for anyone to complete. Please note all case studies and examples can be edited to match the ones you use. Inside the booklet you will see activities for the following units: Ubran Issues and Challenges The Changing Economic World The Challenge of Resource Management (Resources and Energy)
Water Cycle Changes - AQA A Level

Water Cycle Changes - AQA A Level

This lesson is based around the new AQA A Level specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Water and Carbon Cycles. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: – Changes in the water cycle over time to include natural variation including storm events, seasonal changes and human impact including farming practices, land use change and water abstraction. Any pages referenced are from the Oxford physical textbook. Please note I do not own the rights to any of the images used in this powerpoint.
Flood Risk and Hydrographs

Flood Risk and Hydrographs

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled River landscapes in the UK. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: How physical and human factors affect the flood risk - precipitation, geology, relief and land use. The use of hydrographs to show the relationship between precipitation and discharge.
Contemporary Urban Environments - AQA A Level

Contemporary Urban Environments - AQA A Level

This resources contains all lessons for the AQA A Level unit of Contemporary Urban Environments. All resources are provided except for a geofile on air pollution in Beijing. Pages referenced are for the Human Geography Book created by Oxford University Press.
Glaciation and Rivers

Glaciation and Rivers

This resource contains all the materials to teach a full unit titled Glaciation and Rivers. This is designed for year 7’s however could easily be edited to cater for slightly older year groups. This resource contains all powerpoints, resources, homeworks and assessment materials. Lesson titles are as follows: Lesson 1 - Glaciation Lesson 2 - Glacial Processes Lesson 3 - Erosional Landforms Part 1 Lesson 4 - Erosional Landforms Part 2 Lesson 5 - Transportational and Depositional Landforms Lesson 6 - Using Glacial Landforms Lesson 7 - Mid Unit Assessment Lesson 8 - The Water Cycle Lesson 9 - Drainage Basin Lesson 10 - Fluvial Processes Lesson 11 - Upper Course Landforms Lesson 12 - Middle Course Landforms Lesson 13 - Causes of Flooding Lesson 14 - River Management Lesson 15 - End of Unit Assessment Plus 2 additional pieces of material: Mid Unit Feedback End of Unit Feedback


This lesson aims to get students to gain an understanding of the different types of waves and to understanding the factors influencing tides. By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following key questions: - What causes tides? - How are waves different? - Why do waves break?


9 Resources
This bundle contains a whole unit of work for coasts. This unit is designed for year 8's and aims to give them the basic knowledge and skills in the lead up to GCSE's. In addition to lessons, this bundle contains assessments and fieldwork that can be carried out.
Coastal Management

Coastal Management

This lesson aims to allow students to gain an understanding of the different ways to manage the coast. It looks at a range of soft and hard engineering strategies, and encourages students to think about the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies, before debating which of these would be the best for a particular coast (this lesson uses Southend but this can easily be changed for a different location). By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following key questions: - What are the different types of coastal management? - Which coastal management is the best and why?
Geography in the news

Geography in the news

This lesson aims to get students thinking about how geography is represented in the news, whilst also ensuring students understand the difference between social, economic and environmental. By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the following key questions: What does social, economic and environmental mean? How does geography link to the news? What types of geography are located in the news?
Challenges of Deserts - Qatar

Challenges of Deserts - Qatar

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Living World. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: A case study of a hot desert to illustrate: - Challenges of developing hot desert environments: extreme temperatures, water supply, inaccessibility. NOTE - When it refers to page numbers please refer to the information provided.
Tropical Rainforests Characteristics

Tropical Rainforests Characteristics

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Living World. The main aim of this lesson is to cover the following element of the specification: - The physical characteristics of a tropical rainforest. - The interdependence of climate, water, soils, plants, animals and people. - How plants and animals adapt to the physical conditions. - Issues related to biodiversity. NOTE - When it refers to page numbers please refer to the fact file provided.
Major UK City - Birmingham Opportunities

Major UK City - Birmingham Opportunities

This lesson is the first part of the major UK city you must cover in the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson aims to cover the following element from the specification: How urban change has created opportunities: • social and economic: cultural mix, recreation and entertainment, employment, integrated transport systems • environmental: urban greening NOTE = When it refers to page numbers, please use the factfile attached
Major UK City - Birmingham's Challenges

Major UK City - Birmingham's Challenges

This lesson is the first part of the major UK city you must cover in the new AQA GCSE specification. This lesson aims to cover the following element from the specification: How urban change has created challenges: • social and economic: urban deprivation, inequalities in housing, education, health and employment • environmental: dereliction, building on brownfield and greenfield sites, waste disposal • the impact of urban sprawl on the rural–urban fringe, and the growth of commuter settlements.
Urban Growth

Urban Growth

This lesson focus on the new AQA GCSE specification. It is the first lesson lesson in the unit titled Urban Issues and Challenges. This lesson covers the following elements from the specification: - The global pattern of urban change. - Urban trends in different parts of the world including HICs and LICs.
Urban Planning - Mumbai

Urban Planning - Mumbai

This lesson is based around the new AQA GCSE Specification. This is a lesson in the unit titled Urban Issues and Challenges. The main aim of this lesson is cover the following element of the specification: An example of how urban planning is improving the quality of life for the urban poor. NOTE = This lesson follows on nicely from the major city lessons which focus on Mumbai.
Extreme Environments

Extreme Environments

8 Resources
A variety of lessons that cover the unit Extreme Environments. This bundle contains 8 lessons and focuses on Hot Arid and Polar Regions, which are the key focus of the AQA GCSE specification.
What are Extreme Environments

What are Extreme Environments

A lesson designed for KS3 Geography. This is lesson 1 from a unit titled Extreme Environments. This lesson will allow students to answer the following key questions: What are the characteristics of Polar and Hot Arid regions? What are the main causes of extreme environments?
Mitigating Climate Change

Mitigating Climate Change

This lesson aims to get students to think about the different way we can mitigate climate change. These include; Alternative energy, carbon capture, replanting trees and international agreements.
Food Chains and Food Webs

Food Chains and Food Webs

This lesson aims to get students to understand what a food chain and food web are, in addition to gaining an understanding of why it is important to understand the balance in an ecosystem.