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Lesson Plan - Farm Animals - Farmer Duck's day off

Lesson Plan - Farm Animals - Farmer Duck's day off

Explore what a farmer needs to do to meet the needs of his animals. Based on story 'Farmer Duck'. In this lesson pupils will learn what a farmer needs to do to meet the needs of farm animals. It is based on the popular story Farmer Duck written by Martin Waddell. Pupils act out a study based on what would happen on Farmer Duck's day off - the farmer needs to do everything to ensure that the farm animals are happy and healthy. To prepare for this lesson, pupils could make their own farm animal masks. COUNTRY: England KEY STAGE: 1 SUBJECT: PSHE, Science, Farm animals Included in this lesson plan: Images Starter activity Main activity Plenary activity Curriculum objectives Learning outcomes Vocabulary Worksheets x7 Teachers' notes
Lifecycles - Helping butterflies survive

Lifecycles - Helping butterflies survive

This lesson explores the intricate balance of factors needed to ensure the continuation of a butterfly's life cycle. Pupils will begin to look at ways that human activity can make a difference to the survival of a species and be encouraged to create their own action plan. Teachers&' notes and activity sheets included.
Habitats - What is a habitat?

Habitats - What is a habitat?

Habitats are places where animals and plants live. The plants and animals - including humans - in a habitat need each other to survive. Activities included.
Habitats - The web of life

Habitats - The web of life

This lesson looks at simple food chains and encourages pupils to recognise the importance of each animal within the chain. Activities included.
Habitats - Where do woodlice like to live?

Habitats - Where do woodlice like to live?

This scientific investigation of animals in their habitats can be carried out over several lessons. It is important to consider the needs of animals and avoid moving them into the classroom. Activities included.
Minibeasts - Attitudes to minibeasts

Minibeasts - Attitudes to minibeasts

This lesson aims to explore pupils' attitudes about minibeasts and allows them to develop a minibeasts code. Activities and worksheets included. Pupils should learn: 1. that animals should be treated with care and sensitivity. 2. to appreciate that humans have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all animals, including minibeasts.
Minibeasts - Spiders

Minibeasts - Spiders

This lesson explores the fears that some individuals have of spiders by looking at the useful functions that British spiders perform. Activities included. Pupils should learn that there are different kinds of plants and animals in the immediate environment
Minibeasts - Bees, pollination and honey

Minibeasts - Bees, pollination and honey

This lesson focuses upon bees to give an insight into the complexity of insect life and to explore the beneficial effect of bees on humans and the environment. Activities included. Pupils should learn: 1. to observe and make a record of an animal. 2. that animals and the environment should be treated with care and sensitivity.
Minibeasts - The compost heap

Minibeasts - The compost heap

This lesson focuses on detritivores - minibeasts that recycle essential nutrients. It requires access to a soil/grass area to observe worm casts. (Alternatively pupils could carry out the survey for homework). Activities included. Pupils should learn the role of detritivores and their place in the food chain.
Lifecycles - From spawn to frog

Lifecycles - From spawn to frog

This lesson looks at the life cycle of the common frog. Activities, teachers' notes and work sheets included. Pupils should learn: what a life cycle is, to appreciate that a successful life cycle is dependent upon certain factors including food and the correct environment and why caring for the environment is important.
Winter school activity pack - RSPCA fundraising

Winter school activity pack - RSPCA fundraising

Be an Animal Hero! Your school could help us rescue thousands of animals this winter. Put the fun into fundraising. Get your paws on this great school activity pack. It’s completely free and contains quizzes and games to help you learn all about the animals that we rescue.
Lifecycles - Pollination and dispersal

Lifecycles - Pollination and dispersal

These lessons look at the ways in which animals are connected to the life cycles of plants, focusing on pollination and dispersal. There are two optional sets of lesson ideas. Set 1 is designed to be carried out during the spring/summer in a setting where there is access to flower beds. Set 2 can be carried out in the classroom at any time of year. Teachers' notes and activity sheets included.
Habitats - Who goes where?

Habitats - Who goes where?

These activities introduce pupils to the concept of gathering evidence on different animals' and plants&' habitats through investigation. Then encourages pupils to think about how animals are suited to a particular environment.
Habitats - Ground rules

Habitats - Ground rules

Work with your class to develop a code of conduct before you study wild animals in their natural habitat. Activities included.
Animal image packs

Animal image packs

Image packs covering different animal categories, including pets and farm animals. Can be used in support of lessons, as flash cards or on displays.
School Grounds 5: Maintenance and review

School Grounds 5: Maintenance and review

In this lesson the pupils evaluate the school grounds project and draw up a plan for maintaining the developed area. The pupils should have completed the [Planning the project] lesson beforehand and had the opportunity to implement their plans. Activities, teachers' notes and worksheets included.
School Grounds 2: Animal-friendly school grounds

School Grounds 2: Animal-friendly school grounds

This exercise helps pupils to think about what wildlife needs and how they can make their school grounds more wildlife-friendly. Follow this lesson with [Priorities for improvement]. Activities, teachers' notes and worksheets included.
School Grounds 3: Priorities for improvement

School Grounds 3: Priorities for improvement

In this lesson, pupils draw up plans to improve their school grounds and work out the costs to make these changes. Ideally, they will have completed the lesson [Animal-friendly school grounds] beforehand. This lesson is followed by [Planning the project]. Activities, teachers' notes and worksheets included.