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English teaching gone rogue into film and media too! 20+ years experience across England, Australia and NZ




English teaching gone rogue into film and media too! 20+ years experience across England, Australia and NZ
Promising Young Women  A Level film study plus workbook plus PPTS

Promising Young Women A Level film study plus workbook plus PPTS

Updated Feb 2025 - addition Theory of identity - for higher level responses. Some complex ideas linked to specific scenes. This scheme is constructed for examination purposed for the UK exam boards for A Level UPDATED April 7 2024 workbook - in word doc New addition Nov 2024: theory of trauma and idealogy [ Addition : making a link to the politics of pretty I have added a PPT which reflects students reading around the subject and idealogy - it has a quite difficult essay task but my students enjoyed it as some had read ’ women dont owe you pretty’ ] The workbook has been updated as I continue teaching this, with real world student input. I have dipped more into ideology- gender, misogyny, continued looking at the aesthetics of cuteness, and how spectator is constructed . There is a newer section on the ‘femme fatale’ PPT1 It is a focused on how meaning is made, spectatorship and ideology and the context [67 slides0 PPT 2 is focused on the ideology of being cute and #toxicmasculinty PPT 3 looks at some of the failures in the film - it’s a discussion prompt with several examples including the look alike to Bridget Bardot homage PPT1 suggests viewing broken down to 3 sessions - and has short and long writing task and some discussion breaks. It also has a selection of film shots for students to explore as well in depth of how meaning is made through soundtrack, costume, context and milennial ideas of feminism - however teachers can adapt to how they teach film /length of lessons With 67 slides - there is enough for about 10-12 one hour lessons [It does not teach basics of film, because no one teaching this, is likely be using it as their first text and cinematography basics would have been taught already! ] PPT1 has some useful links - which at January 2024 are active - and a short teaching rationale for teachers Please note I always charge very little for resources which takes hours to put together and therefore, respectfully ask you do not put my work online as your product :)
Memento  Nolan  A Level  ppts & workbook

Memento Nolan A Level ppts & workbook

This is new to the UK curriculum, but I taught it from 2005-2011. Students fell into two groups: loved it or hated it There is a work book, and three PPTS - all updated and linked to the UK boards. Essay question, auteur theory specific to this film. Dips quite deeply into the how to make meaning of this films, However, I have assumed two things: teachers know how to teach film, and students have some basic cinematic teaching/knowledge. I would never suggest this is the first film to kick off with an A Level course If I update anything and you can not access updates - please message me so I can send it to you for free.
Do The Right Thing Spike Lee  updated 2024

Do The Right Thing Spike Lee updated 2024

UPDATES Jan 2024 - New Music PPT to support CONTEXT & PPT Gender and Race - New Hollywood [ revision ] This workbook is 30+ pages to support A Level film study - for the Eduqas exams 2019 + . The PPTS have beem added to: tfor example the rise of the BUPPIE The workbook covers initial reactions to the film with some original reviews, it has sections on cinematograpy, props and costume, context and narrative, with a strong focus on Lee the auteur : celebrity auteur or ‘sellebrity auteur’. It looks into Mookie: the hero or anti hero, and the complexity that Lee wrote, directed and starred in the film. There is a model scene analysis, and prompt for students to start their own. There are plenty of opportunities for students to record their own responses, and work alone, but this workbook is designed to be used with teacher support, and peer interaction. There are discussion prompts, questions to begin paragprah writing to build into essay responses that address that this film is part of Component A - a comparative study. ( Although this workbook is stand alone and does not assume which film it will be paired with) I like these books to be visually appealing so they look best when printed in colour. Please be respectful and do not put this work on line for your students. It is a word format so you can easily modify and insert your school logo etc., if you want. UPDATED 2024
Media studies Beyonce Formation updated April 2024

Media studies Beyonce Formation updated April 2024

A few exam series in, I have added a short PPT based on how my students wrote about Formation and scored overall near 100% on MV questions - they were pushing for links that were out of the ‘box’ and drilling down on ‘media’ the artist and the poltics of Music |Videos per se- Hope it helps Contains 4 PPTS 1] This is a 90 slide PPT introducing formation: This is a teacher led PPT and covers: Beyonce’s connection to the Black Panthers New Orleans Bounce culture Relevance of Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath Connections to Slavery Awards The Superbowl release Oblique references to policing and #BLM Costume/Mise en scene/ framing Of the 90 slides about 12 are selections from the Music Video which focus on key moments suitable for evidence for writing task evidence - there are so many frames to choose from - what is included in this 90 PPT is A selection This PPT is in a sense a generic unit - you may for example want to use the 2] DO NOW PPT which is a separate PPT at various stages interspersed in the main PPT I have assumed there is a general knowledge about cinematic terms and that is NOT included 3] PPT close analysis of 6 frames - this demonstrates to students how to use media language in dissecting frames each frame should have further analysis done by students - based on ‘I model, you know do’ 4] PPT 4 is short extension PPT on mediated histroical stereotypes of Black women
Jojo Rabbit  Film studies Eduqas board  updated March 2024

Jojo Rabbit Film studies Eduqas board updated March 2024

Kia Ora, Exam prep PPT added 2024 UK series updarted Janu 2024! too with three new PPTS including one which gives a short but important factual details about NZ/ being Maori and Jewish which is Waititi’s background! One linking gender and humour in the film there is also and update from June 2023 - added a sentence starter PPT for exam revision post the Summer 2023 UK exam series this resource has been re-written for the new eduqas film studies GCSE set texts global - and I am excited! I lobbied for this film to be considered so YAY! The workbook has been updated [ april 2022] and has a detachable back page if you want to avoid the spoiler of Rosa. It’s 22 pages and will form an teaching and revision guide The workbook takes the students through the who what and why - and with the PPTS should get them ready to answer some questions as well as provide a solid introduction to the satire of the film, the context and filming. There are three PPTs ** see uodates now 5+ - the longest is aimed at film, but can work with an English subject eg the NZ curriculm and will fit into an extended media study of film The two worksheets are to support film viewing for any of the subjects as the teacher can select the emphasis The longer PPT has a research task, an end of module essay. Youtube markers are current as at 27/09/2020 I anticipate adding to this so please check in for updates after the UK summer 2024 exams - although this film will not be examined until 2024 by eduqas. I will be uploading more questions in August 2024
Sun goes Down OCR Lil Nas X

Sun goes Down OCR Lil Nas X

This is targetting OCR media A Level music video [ MV} The links are current at March 2024 - but you will need to update the MV set text SUN GOES DOWN from youtube yourself - the offical version is the one referred to As a point of comparision The old town road is suggested: to understand a bit more about the artist The resouce introduces shot/camera/costume exploration, and detailed lyric exploration while reflecting on the artists role in hip hop and as part of the LGBTI community and conflicts with hegemony. It does contain a bad language warning - and a reminder that this MV does refer to thoughts of suicide. OCR chose it - not me !!! This PPT spreads over 4-5 lessons - with writing tasks ege 4 - 5 hours -
The Victorian era - context for literature updated 2024

The Victorian era - context for literature updated 2024

UPDATED 30/11/2024 This is an information PPT - not especially interactive, I used for a very low level Year 10 - who were struggling with Sherlock Holmes and the context (Sign of F|our) and Year 11 Jeckyll and Hyde. There seems to be a lot of confusion that the VIctorian era is in three parts! And context needs to be connected to publication dates. I had them self select two important pieces of self selected information from the slides and then research from the last slide - no surprise what they gravitated to with screams of horror! [ spoiler alert contraception in the 19th century] and nearly as popular of course, Jack the Ripper and media students explored the media aspects of the influence of newspapers for cross curricula
some like it hot A Level workbook film study and PPTs

some like it hot A Level workbook film study and PPTs

This is a workbook created for the Eduqas board current course ( first exam June 2019) This has been updated again September 2021 - with an extra 30 slide PPT reviewing context, the Hays Code, the tension between Old hollywood and Wilder’s vision, images of colour stills versus the back and white Updated 2020 and added quick fire PPTs - great for revision! It covers the broad range of ideas with the film: context, history, aesthetics, auteur, cinematography, male gaze, gender bender. It has a suggested main essay question, short work tasks, and various stills from the film It is not per se a viewing log, but should be used before during and after viewing.
Hamlet   Revision Act 1

Hamlet Revision Act 1

Whilst this targets A Level OCR it can be used for any board for revision: the PPT takes students through the basics of ACT 1, what really is the absolute minimum of expectation of knowledge [ teaching!] It could be used as an online self paced module - it does have writing tasks and esssay question - a student could use this if they are concerned they need more than they have been taught, in progresive linear format
City of  God  film study cinema verite ethnofiction

City of God film study cinema verite ethnofiction

I have been teaching City of God since 2009: in three countries and this is my updated resource[s] as at October 2021 Suitable for A level, IB or NCEA Targets Eduqas A Level film - Global Cinema and assume this is NOT the first film being taught! Includes PPTs for chronological teaching ( 2) PPT for curated independent extending reading suitable for home learning PPT Cinema Novo PPTs include questions Word doc guide to PETAL essay writing for films PPT of film shots for guided analysis Links etc were checked 2021 October
Exit Through the Gift Shop  Banksy

Exit Through the Gift Shop Banksy

This is a first run 30 PPT introduction to the film/documentary and 3 further PPTS - connecting F is For Fake Orson Welles to Exit, one asking Who is Banksy and one asking who is Guetta All have some essay questions to encourage students to think more deelpy about the complexity of fake versus fictions, authenticity, art and art fraud, and the role of graffiti It assumes it will be teacher led and the main PPT is approximately 1/2 before and 1/2 post viewing I introduce ideas about authenticity, cinema verite, voice over narration, and there is a slide in which the I list the sequences - this would be best printed for students! There are writing ideas and discussion points I have assumed students have a knowledge of the language of film and therefore the deep dives are limited to what is more unique to the documentary This should cover somewhere between 3-5 lessons excluding viewing
AQA  Multicultural London English  A Level

AQA Multicultural London English A Level

This is a one off lesson - about 60 to 90 minutes - and has links for students to do further reading which is why it could take 90 minutes. It has some excerpts from the controversial Ed West article in the Telegraph from 2011 which no longer seems to be online Primarily this is guided lesson, wherein the student task is to summarised what they have learned and do some independant learning Either class room or online There once was a teachit resource for the two newsaper articles [ back in 2017] but you would need to source that yourself!
Hurtlocker Workbook for EDUQAS Film study

Hurtlocker Workbook for EDUQAS Film study

This is a 22 page workbook to accompany the film viewing of HURTLOCKER with the spcialist viewing information from the board included. Students found this very helpful for revision and consolidating the big ideas but this work does assume students have a grounding in the language of film It hass response sections but students should build from these writing prompt sections, the basic response to anticipated film questions
For Sama - 5  lessons and spectatorship

For Sama - 5 lessons and spectatorship

For Sama is a complex documentary. A talking head, set in Syria, by a citizen journalist, in which some 500 hours of footage was reduced to under two hours, and with the addition of a co-director who had never been to Syria The resource is 6 PPTs which reflect how I have taught in, not introducing the awkward question of propaganda until the last - they spread over 7 hours and do not at this stage contain revision . [ when I get to that point I will add and you can acces the new material] I have avoided the political quagmire of Syria, and suggested a fairly neutral position for teaching, but given/gave some research tasks to encourage students to find their own position, so they can address spectatorship authentically. There is a dedicated PPT to spectatorship with a range of tasks which can be oral / peer to peer or written When I do revision - I expect to allow four hours and a full second viewing but as the film is widely availale online - I also assume teachers may well set it for holiday work too.
Blinded by the Light  Chadra  Film Study

Blinded by the Light Chadra Film Study

FILM STUDY This is a set of 10 PPTS as the introduction from first to second viewing of the film. I have assumed that the teacher leading this knows how to teach film and has reviewed the film! The PPTS use stills, and questions to prompt students to securely locate the Britishness in this film using cinematic evidence It is not however, an introduction to cinematic terms so I have assumed basics have been taught eg lighting props costume It has only a few youtube links which are all working at the time of upload This does dig into the context of era so has some challenging ideas about the Thatcher era, racism and as such students should continue to be trigger warned - a heading from the Times used is genuine, sadly.
Rocks  the film director Sarah Gavron  Eduqas Board

Rocks the film director Sarah Gavron Eduqas Board

This is a 70+ slide PPT intoduction to Rocks; it breaks the viewing dowin into 3 slots reflecting it is a short film. The PPTs introduce various ideas about the film including it is has polyglot casting, largely female cast and productions crew, and in paticular this is British film. There are quite a few stills from the film for students to break down with an emphasis on mis en scene, and frame composition. This is one of a two part approach to Rocks for GCSE - however please note that both this INTRODUCTION assume the teacher knows how to teach film! There are short writing tasks, a check list template for students on short or even long writing tasks - some share pair work, and some background information
Eduqas English Language Component Revision Mat

Eduqas English Language Component Revision Mat

This is for students to revise expectations for Component 1. It reviews the marks awarded, the timings and the gritty specifics to Comp 1. This resource is only suitable for use with teacher guidance and is only accurate to GCSE after the Summer GCSE 2018. It is quite prescriptive with timings, and working smart with the question marks and Section B. It is an A3 format. Hope it helps.
Knowledge Organiser [5] The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare

Knowledge Organiser [5] The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare

This is a series of 5 knowledge organisers which build sequentially from each other introducing the form of the play, acts, context and moving onto the complicated ideas about how/if this is a comedy. The 5th organiser focuses on Kates Act 5 speech and 3 of the organisers have prompt essay questions. I have also attached a teacher viewing sheet of online video verision which had working links checked in August 2022 - obviously these can change I also attach a copy of the 2012 Guardian review which is a helpful tool for classroom discussions.
Moonlight  film Barry Jenkins   Eduqas

Moonlight film Barry Jenkins Eduqas

This resource is the first stage teaching of MOONLIGHT. I have focused on the assumption that students are grounded in the language of film. Ideology is over 2 PPTS - an includes a clip from BAD BOYS 4 [ 2024] as it is set in Miami and shows a contrast of hyper masculinity! PPTS 1- 3 are in teaching and viewing order There PPTS on Chiron/Black and Juan, Cinamotography, theory, the film playlist ( sound is linked on ideology] and a genreic film screening template which I print on A3 - two copies per student, a PPT in theory linked to MOONLIGHT This will be added to maybe, after September 2024, and if you see something added , please message me if you can not access for free after your first purchase!
Macbeth  The Witches

Macbeth The Witches

This is a PPT with some external links [ working at the time of upload] suitable for online or teacher assisted learning The PPT encourages the students to think about the role of the witches with Macbeth, and about how we might perceive different interpretations of witches It has a short writing task question