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Expanding and Simplifying Expressions with Brackets

Expanding and Simplifying Expressions with Brackets

Differentiated Worksheet with answers Recall Starter of collecting like terms Covers GCSE Expand and Simplify Questions, including where second bracket has negatives. Plenary leads to factorising (you can find that lesson on here too!)
Algebraic Multiplication

Algebraic Multiplication

Simplifying Expressions that are a combination of number and letter terms multiplied together. Simple, step by step explanation and differentiated worksheet with answers. Includes a pdf of a tarsia pzzle to recall basic laws of indices Odd one out and GCSE Q Plenary
Using and Applying Index Laws

Using and Applying Index Laws

A differentiated lesson to teach algebraic multiplication and division of indices from the ground up. Including Multiply / Divide / Brackets Misconception Busting Plenary Four levels of work on Differentiated worksheet with answers included.
Collecting Like Terms - Differentiated Lesson

Collecting Like Terms - Differentiated Lesson

A fully differentiated lesson on powerpoint and Word with notes to teach this topic from the ground up. Fun element of aligning algebra to the McDonald’s drive through and why we make terms simpler. Suitable for Year 6 upto GCSE foundation. With a misconception busting plenary.
Area and Volume of Similar Shapes

Area and Volume of Similar Shapes

A complete lesson worksheet and starter activity for students to discover the link between length scale factor and the area/volume of similar shapes and/or solids. Could be split into Area for one lesson and then volume for the second.
Solving Quadratics By Factorising

Solving Quadratics By Factorising

A straightforward lesson on this essential skill with a differentiated worksheet, with a few non-monic equations, and some equations that need to be rearranged into the correct form first.
Evaluating Zero and Negative Powers

Evaluating Zero and Negative Powers

A clear and straightforward Notebook file to explain what these indices represent. Can be used in conjunction with GCSE textbook or suitable worksheet although there are plenty of examples on screen
Codebreaker - Algebraic Substitution

Codebreaker - Algebraic Substitution

Suitable for a lesson activity or homework for a Foundation GCSE or KS3 teaching group. Students find the values, convert to letters and an easy progress check can be made by asking the students what it spells!
Terminating and Recurring Decimals - Recurring Decimals to Fractions

Terminating and Recurring Decimals - Recurring Decimals to Fractions

A big value bundle which would form the basis of a 2 or 3 lesson block on this topic. First lesson - why do some decimals terminate and some decimals recur? - getting students to find for themselves through division and investigation that this relates to the prime factors of the denominator. Second / Third lesson - plenty of work / practice including a well graded Mild / Hot / Spicy / Inferno sheet for this tricky topic.
Factors, Multiples, Primes into Venn Diagrams

Factors, Multiples, Primes into Venn Diagrams

A lesson to remind students how to classify types of number ideal for Ks3 or Ks4 Foundation GCSE. See my Free "Bingo" resource for an ideal starter or plenary depending on the group. The worksheets allows students to do a bit of fun shading, and likewise also introduces Venn Diagrams which have been added into the GCSE curriculum.
Constructions Enterprise Activity! Trading Game

Constructions Enterprise Activity! Trading Game

This is an excellent trading game activity to be run after teaching students geometric constructions (check out my FREE carousel lesson) Read the lesson plan carefully for the extra equipment needed. For the money I simply used monopoly money templates but I cannot upload those here for copyright reasons
BIDMAS / Order of Operations

BIDMAS / Order of Operations

Differentiated lesson to establish the correct order of operations. Students can usually start anywhere on the first three columns, then brackets will need some explaining! Plenary of target number gives students the ability to be as easy or as complicated as they can with the "Target Number" sum to demonstrate learning