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Teach Like a Hero

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'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.




'If you keep trying the same old things, you'll keep getting the same old results'. Imaginative teaching ideas help stimulate students and improve student retention. I don't claim to be an expert but I hope that some of my ideas will help other teachers.
AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Magnets Lesson & Activities

AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Magnets Lesson & Activities

This resource is a lesson and activities covering the magnets content of the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A literacy starter game 3: A sheet for students to fill out throughout the lesson 4: A plotting magnetic fields activity 5: A properties of magnets activity 6: A drawing magnetic fields activity 7: A dice plenary game 8: A properties of temporary and induced magnets activity 9: A set of notes for students to use 10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Generating Electricity Lesson

AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Generating Electricity Lesson

A new lesson covering all the points in the new AQA 2015 GCSE Physics specification, burning fuel for power section. This resource is designed to be taught in 1 lesson and includes activities for students to work through, group work activities as well as lots of opportunities for AFL. Included is the following: 1: A 6 mark AFL dice activity 2: A power point leading students through the lesson 3: Generating electricity information hunt activity 4: Generating electricity card sort 5: 6 mark question 6: How a power station works explanation activity 7: A set of notes for students to use 8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
KS4 AQA GCSE Science (Physics) National Grid Lesson

KS4 AQA GCSE Science (Physics) National Grid Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the national grid content of the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A literacy starter game 3: A national grid model idea 4: A transformers 7 monkey activity 5: A 6 mark plenary question 6: A set of notes for students to use 7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
KS4 AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Renewable Energy Lesson

KS4 AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Renewable Energy Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the renewable energy content in the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This lesson includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A key information starter game 3: A sheet for students to fill in during the lesson 4: 4 suggested models that you can construct to help explain renewable energy 5: A 6 mark question analysis activity 6: A group presentation activity 7: A 6 mark assessment question 8: A set of notes for students to use 9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
KS4 GCSE AQA Physics (Science) Alternating Current Lesson

KS4 GCSE AQA Physics (Science) Alternating Current Lesson

This resource is a new lesson covering the alternating current content of the new 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A 6 mark question starter activity 3: A AC / DC literacy activity 4: A calculating frequency activity 5: A plenary activity pulling the lesson together 6: A set of notes for students to use 7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Electromagnets Lesson & Activities

AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Electromagnets Lesson & Activities

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the electromagnets content in the 2015 AQA physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A key information literacy activity 3: An assessment dice activity 4: Slides explaining the right hand rule and solenoids 5: A parts of an electromagnet activity 6: An electromagnet practical activity 7: Suggested model activities 8: 3 uses of electromagnets activity 9: A 6 mark assessment question 10: A set of notes for students to use 11: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 12: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
New AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Density Lesson

New AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Density Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the density content in the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A describing what density means starter activity 3: A density dice game 4: A section on the density required practical 5: A sheet for students to work through 6: 50 density calculations 7: A series of activities on how the density of different shapes can be calculated 8: A 6 mark assessment question 9: A set of notes for students to use 10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Uses of Radiation Lesson

AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Uses of Radiation Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the uses of radiation content of the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A starter game 3: A radiation information sheet 4: A monitoring the thickness of materials group activity 5: A radiation in smoke alarms key information activity 6: A sheet for students to work through 7: A 6 mark assessment question 8: A 6 mark analysis question 9: A set of notes for students to use 10: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 11: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for watching
KS AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Resultant Force Lesson

KS AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Resultant Force Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the resultant force content of the new 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A calculating basic resultant force starter activity 3: A calculating resultant force of a race car activity 4: A resultant force dice game 5: A literacy activity 6: A set of notes for students to use 7: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 8: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
KS4 AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Work Done Lesson & Activities

KS4 AQA GCSE Physics (Science) Work Done Lesson & Activities

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the work done content in the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: A starter dice game 3: A sheet for students to work through 4: 4 work done games for the main part of the lesson 5: A blockbusters game 6: A work done question circus 7: 2 graph activities 8: A set of notes for students to use 9: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 10: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for looking
AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Nuclear Radiation Lesson

AQA KS4 GCSE Physics (Science) Nuclear Radiation Lesson

This resource is a lesson with activities covering the nuclear radiation content in the 2015 AQA Physics specification. This resource includes: 1: A power point to lead students through the lesson 2: An information hunt starter activity 3: Information, a group activity and a dice assessment game for the 3 types of radiation 4: A radiation deflection explanation 5: A 6 mark assessment question 6: A sheet for students to work through during the lesson 7: A set of notes for students to use 8: A version of the lesson that can be used just from the front of the room 9: A link to a bespoke video that goes through the lesson that can be used for remote learning Thanks for watching