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Dadyburb's Shop

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I teach English across Key Stages 3-5, and I teach Film Studies at A Level. I try to create resources which are easy to use and which, for KS4 and 5 pupils, will aid their revision for exams. My resources tend to be word documents, so they can easily be adapted to suit your students' needs.




I teach English across Key Stages 3-5, and I teach Film Studies at A Level. I try to create resources which are easy to use and which, for KS4 and 5 pupils, will aid their revision for exams. My resources tend to be word documents, so they can easily be adapted to suit your students' needs.
Guided Analysis of Scene 10 of A Streetcar Named Desire

Guided Analysis of Scene 10 of A Streetcar Named Desire

This worksheet can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene 8 deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors It is ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too.
Guided Analysis of Scene 9 of A Streetcar Named Desire

Guided Analysis of Scene 9 of A Streetcar Named Desire

This worksheet can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene 8 deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors It is ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too.
Guided analysis of Scene 1 of 'A Streetcar Named Desire'

Guided analysis of Scene 1 of 'A Streetcar Named Desire'

This worksheet can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene 8 deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors It is ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too.
Shaun of the Dead Viewing Booklet

Shaun of the Dead Viewing Booklet

A viewing booklet covering all of the main scenes and sequences in Shaun of the Dead. There are boxes for making nots on all 5 elements of film, plus ideology and narrative. There are tables at the end for making notes about mirrored scenes and jump cuts. It’s ideal for A Level Film Students.
Edexcel IGCSE Language Paper 1 with Danger of a Single Story

Edexcel IGCSE Language Paper 1 with Danger of a Single Story

Because Edexcel have not been too great about creating SAMs for the new IGCSE Language spec I decided to have a go myself. This one is a Paper 1 which closely follows the foramt of the SAMs. The unseen text is one from the old spec, and the Anthology Text is Danger of a Single Story There are two writing questions, too, and the whole thing looks just like a real paper. There is also a full mark scheme.
Hamlet 1,2 for KS3

Hamlet 1,2 for KS3

This resource was designed for use with Year 8s, but it could work at GCSE or even A Level. Students: Read the opening of 1,2 (up until Claudius’ exit) Highlight his speech according to the various themes within it Explore the speech, finding key quotations The final page is to prepare for a hot-seating task where students get to think up questions for Claudius, Hamlet and Shakespeare, based on the opening of the scene. With weaker groups, I adopt the roles and they ask me questions, but with brighter students, they play the roles, too.
Guided Analysis of Scene 8 of A Streetcar Named Desire

Guided Analysis of Scene 8 of A Streetcar Named Desire

This worksheet can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene 8 deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors It is ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too.
Guided Analysis of Scenes 1-10 of A Streetcar Named Desire

Guided Analysis of Scenes 1-10 of A Streetcar Named Desire

10 Resources
After teaching each scene to my A Level students, I give them these sheets. They are Word docs, which can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene lots of deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors They are ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too. Note: There isn’t a sheet like this for scene 11 as I tend to teach that scene quite differently.
A Level Film Studies Viewing Booklet for 'Captain Fantastic'

A Level Film Studies Viewing Booklet for 'Captain Fantastic'

This 26 page resource is perfect for A Level Film Studies students studying ‘Captain Fantastic’. It breaks the film into all of its scenes and sections. Each page has boxes for notes on Spectatorship, Ideology and the Elements of Film, making it very useful for answering exam questions later. You can share it with your students electronically so they can fill in the boxes on computers, or just print it off and given them hard copies. It makes revision really manageable.
Narrative Structure of 'This is England' and how certain scenes 'mirror' others

Narrative Structure of 'This is England' and how certain scenes 'mirror' others

This is a great way for A Level Film students to keep track of the structure of This is England. It’s a largely linear film, but it is divided in half when Combo draws a spit-line on the floor, dividing the skinheads. The first page has all the scenes in two columns, reflecting this split. Students should use coloured pens to colour scnes on each side of the divide which ‘mirror’ each other, such as the two montage scenes, or the scenes when Shaun’s image is transformed, first by Woody and Lol, and later by Combo. On the second sheet, they record in detail how these paired or mirrored scenes are similar and different.
Political statement sorting activity to be used prior to watching 'Captain Fantastic'

Political statement sorting activity to be used prior to watching 'Captain Fantastic'

I find that studying a film full of political ideas and views is easier if the students have grappled with these ideas first a bit themselves. This resource contains many statements about a wide range of political views expressed or shown in the film. I print it onto card, cut them up and then get the students to sort the cards into three piles: statments they agree with; staments they disagree with; and ones they are undecided about. The cards can then be used to provoke discussion and debate.
Year 9 Film Studies Unit based on scenes from Jaws and 28 Days Later

Year 9 Film Studies Unit based on scenes from Jaws and 28 Days Later

We don’t offer Film at GCSE at my school, but we do at A Level, so we have decided to include some short units in English in Years 9-11 to familiarise the pupils with the subject. Here is what we will be doing with Year 9 for the last couple of weeks of the summer term. The unit starts with the students researching the 5 elements of film which the Eduqas A Level covers: cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound, editing and performance. They then explore a (totally non-violent) scene from early in 28 Days Later, using these new terms. This will take a couple of lessons. There is then a longer section where the pupils explore the beach scene in Jaws in several different ways. This culminates in a task which could be a written piece, a group presentation or a podcast. It’s up to you. The final section contains two silent clips from live action and animated movies. The students then create their own Foley sound for one of those clips. All the clips the links needed are embedded into the ppt. The PowerPoint SoW is accompanied by a 12 side pupil booklet they can use for making notes and writing their responses.
Edexcel IGCSE Language Paper 1 with Young and Dyslexic

Edexcel IGCSE Language Paper 1 with Young and Dyslexic

Because Edexcel have not been too great about creating SAMs for the new IGCSE Language spec I decided to have a go myself. This one is a Paper 1 which closely follows the foramt of the SAMs. The unseen text is one from the old spec, and the Anthology Text is Young and Dyslexic? There are two writing questions, too, and the whole thing looks just like a real paper. There is also a full mark scheme.
Edexcel IGCSE English Language Sample Exam Paper

Edexcel IGCSE English Language Sample Exam Paper

Edexcel have not done a great job of providing SAMs for the new IGCSE, and there are few past papers yet. I have created lots of them. They closely follow the format of the SAMs and past papers. Many of the unseen resources are from old spec IGCSE lang papers. This one uses Danger of a Single Story from the Anthology. It also has a full marks scheme.
A resource enabling a detailed, structured analysis of the opening 5 minutes of WNTTAK.

A resource enabling a detailed, structured analysis of the opening 5 minutes of WNTTAK.

This is for students who know the whole film well, but who need to carefully prepare a few key scenes for the exam. This resource focuses on the Specialist Study Area of Narrative, and takes students through the structure of the sequence and the 5 elements of film. There is an essay title at the end, and a couple of sample paragraphs to show how they might tackle it. There is nothing on Ideology in this resource as I tend to teach that separately. It’s an electronic resource with boxes that expand as students type in them, but you could easily enlarge the boxes yourself, print it off and get them to write in it by hand.
Hamlet Act1, Scene 1 unit of work for KS3

Hamlet Act1, Scene 1 unit of work for KS3

This is a short unit I use with Year 8 when doing ‘Hamlet’. We tend to focus on Act One, so I start by exploring the opening scene. Students: Read the scene aloud in groups (or as a whole class, if you like) Complete a cloze exercise about the scene Investigate how they would stage the ghost if they were producing the play in 1608 I usually show a YouTube clip of what the Globe Theatre would have been like at the time to help them visualise the scene.
Guided Analysis of Scene 5 of A Streetcar Named Desire

Guided Analysis of Scene 5 of A Streetcar Named Desire

This worksheet can be given to students so they can type their responses directly into the fields provided. Alternatively, you could hand out paper copies and they could handwrite their responses. The tasks include: stating when this scene is set giving a brief synopsis of the scene 8 deep-dive questions into the characters and dialogue exploring the use of stagecraft and plastic theatre in the scene examining relevant contextual factors It is ideal for use with A Level English Literature students, but could be used in Drama lessons, too.