Notes on emails for Leaving Cert French students. Includes opening sentences, formal and informal sample sentences for the body of the email and endings appropriate for both registers.
For lots more French resources, see My Shop
9 PPTs and a word doc activity. All based on OS maps. This is everything I cover with 1st year students (Year 7).
A 13 slide PPT introducing OS maps, scale, the legend etc…
A word document ‘Cops and Robbers’ Activity to get students using the legend
A 16 slide PPT on measuring distance (Straight line & Curved Line). Include 2 YouTube links to online demonstrations.
A 9 slide PPT on 4 figure grid references
An 8 slide PPT on 6 figure grid references
A 10 slide PPT on height on an OS map (colour, contour lines, sport heights, triangulation pillar)
An 11 slide PPT on slope on an OS map (even slope, concave slope, convex slope)
A 5 slide PPT on direction (N, S, E, W)
A 13 slide PPT on sketching an OS map (Manageable, step-by-step guide with visual aids)
An 8 slide PPT on reading the landscape on an OS map (relief, drainage and human landscape)
Each PPT is colourful and well-laid out with transitions and animations already done. Lots of images & extracts of OS maps used as visual aids. Some PPTs contain ‘to do’ and ‘homework’ slides. These refer to the EDCO book ‘Geoplanet’ but can be changed to suit the book you use in your own class.
*For More Geography resources and similar PPTs, see ‘My Shop’ .
A 21 slide PPT based on Fold mountains. Suitable for 1st year students. Includes embedded video clips, key words and images/diagrams. There are some ‘to do’ and ‘homework’ slides which can be amended to suit the textbook, workbook or worksheet(s) you use yourself. The textbook and workbook we use is ‘Geography in Action’.
For more on Plate tectonics or for a bundle including this PPT, see ‘My Shop’.
A worksheet based on Belgian singer/songwriter Angele.
The worksheet begins with a short comprehension followed by English questions. This gives an overview of her life and how she got into music.
Second exercise is based on her song ‘Tout Oublier’. Students must watch the music video and put the images from the video in the correct order.
Finally, there are selected words from the lyrics of the song and students must catagorize the words e.g. an adverb, a past participle, an infinitive verb etc…
I use this resource with my TY classes as Angele is very current. Beware… Some of her music is explicit! Song chosen is OK for class.
For more worksheets and activities on French music and film, see My Shop
Five resources based on francophone artist Stromae. I use these resources in my Transition Year module and also with my ordinary level leaving cert classes.
First is a worksheet and youtube link. Students watch an interview (in English) with Stromae and must note in English as many interesting points as they can. They then have to use the facts/info to make 8 sentences in French about Stromae (can be done individually or as a pair activity a good opportunity to use dictionaries).
Listening activity in the form of a gapfill exercise using the lyrics of ‘Formidable’. A word bank can be given to facilitate differentiation if needed.
The next activity and worksheet are based on the song Papaoutai. Firstly, there is a listening activity where the lyrics (printed in the larger font) are laminated and cut up into small chunks of text. Students work together in groups to listen to the song and re-order the lyrics correctly. This listening task is followed with the worksheet which takes a closer look at the lyrics. Students are asked to find different types of words/grammar in the text (e.g. an infinitive verb, an adverb etc…), then have to catagorize positive and negative adjectives and finally have to translate some potentially new words from the lyrics.
There are two lyric sheets here for both of the songs mentioned about that can be used for a sing-a-long class activity (Students love it!) .
Final worksheet is adapted from an authentic text (le Figaro) and is a quickfire interview with the artist. Accompanied by English comprehension questions.
Papaoutai resource can be purhcased separately from My Shop
Worksheets to be sued for a pair activity (listening & comprehension). Description of a bedroom ('La chambre' vocab and prepositions revision) and an empty box on each worksheet. Students must listen to their partner read the description and draw the image to correspond with the paragraph. Each bedroom description is different.
French in the world! A 28 slide ppt including several activities and embedded YouTube clips. Also includes details of project work which I assign after this unit of work - this slide can be deleted or amended to suit your lesson. Also included is a sentence builder/notes sheet which can be given to students to assist them with the project work or with an additional translation exercise if you wished.
I use this resource with a mixed ability TY class.
For more resources like this, see ‘My shop’.
An introduction to the food pyramid and healthy eating. PPT has 12 slides with an activity at the end. Suitable for younger students as part of a personal care/social education lesson.
A one page word document worksheet based on the professions/jobs in French. Contains one translation exercise and one comprehension exercise. Could be used for HW, class task or exam.
A short 9 slide PPT explaining articles; The definite article, the indefinite article and the partitive article. Can be used to initially introduce the basic articles or can be used with an older class to revise.
5 PPTs based on Aerial Photographs;
1. An introduction to the different types of aerial photos and an explanation on locating features on aerial photos
2. sketching Aerial photos
3. Settlement on aerial photos
4. Colour on aerial photos/determining land use/determining time of year
5. Economic activities on aerial photos
A lesson on smoking and vaping amongst young people, aimed at higher level, Leaving Cert students.
The first document is a sentence builder worksheet. I ask students to work together to translate the key vocab (dictionaries are available to them for this if required). I then mix up the student pairings so that everyone is working with someone new, and ask the students to categorise the vocab into nouns, verbs and adjectives (this helps to prepare them for the ‘trouvez dans le texte’ questions often seen in the comprehensions in LC exams). Once the words have been translated, categorised and corrected, students work alone to translate the sentences on the worksheet from French to English. These sentences can then be used in an opinion piece on this topic.
The second document is a text which can be used to further build and enrich vocab, can be used as a reading activity, or as a comprehension. Useful vocab and expressions can be identified and copied into a notes copy or added to the first worksheet for future use in opinion pieces.
I find these activities really useful for preparing students for opinion questions or oral questions on these themes.
Differentiation can be facilitated through the student pairings.
For more Higher Level Leaving Cert French resources, see ‘My Shop’.
A 26 slide PPT (19 slides of notes, exam questions at the end of PPT) which introduces Aerial Photographs to geography students. Differentiates between vertical and high/low oblique aerial photographs, using examples. Also explains how to locate features on a aerial photo using correct terminology e.g. foreground, middleground, background.
For more PPTs on Aerial photographs and a great value bundle, see 'My Shop'.
A full unit of work customised for the new Junior Cycle Geography curriculum (GCSE equivilant). Lots of Irish references, but these can be changed to suit your location. Nine PowerPoints in total - all incorporating diagrams, highlighted key terms, exam practice/to-do/homework slides, and embedded YouTube clips to consolidate learning. Also included is an end off chapter exam which uses a variety of old and new style JC exam questions.
An introduction to the atmosphere
Air masses & Weather Fronts
Ocean Currents
The Water Cycle
Weather instruments & Weather forecasts
A significant weather event - Hurricane Irma
End of chapter exam also included.
Graphic organiser for the study of weather instruments included.
For many more geography resources, see my shop!
A full unit on ‘Urbanisation’ customised for the Irish Junior Cycle curriculum (GCSE equivilant). Uses lots of Irish cases studies throughout. Incorporates exam practice/to-do slides/homework slides.
16 slide PPT - The causes of Urbanisation and Dublin’s development.
28 slide ppt - Urban problems - Urban decline & Urban Sprawl
27 slide ppt - Solutions to urbanisation - Urban renewal, urban redevelopment, New Towns, and Traffic Management Strategies
29 slide ppt - Urban functional zones
15 slide ppt - Land use values
8 slide ppt - Residential accomodation in Ireland
8 slide ppt - Dublin, a primate city
For many more geography resources, see My Shop!
A unit of learning based on the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Suitable for a range of ages/year groups. Lots of differentiation.
Graphic organiser/vocab worksheet - students need to use the Quizlet study set (linked here) to complete the worksheet. Small extension exercises included here e.g. can you not only list but also conjugate the verb?
Listening exercise using ‘Un jour, une question’ YouTube video (authentic material)- also linked here. Two worksheets - one with English questions and one with French questions. I allowed the students to choose which one they wanted here. Includes a word bank. *I slowed the video down to 0.75 speed as it is quite fast.
Gap-fill exercise based on the transcript of the YouTube video (slightly adapted), using the key vocab from previous exercise as the missing words. Facilitates written production in a scaffolded way.
For more materials like this, see My Shop!
Four PPTS - Plate tectonics, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Fold mountains. A full introduction to tectonic activity for junior studnts/1st years.
All PPTs include learning intentions, key terms, key words, diagrams, video clips and to-do slides. Worksheets and visualisations also included.
Some PPT slides refer to the textbook and workbook we use - ‘Geography in Action’, but these can be adapted to suit your class materials.
A 26 slide PPT based on Volcanoes - suitable for 1st year geography students. Includes images, embedded video clips and activities. The to-do/homework slides are based on the Irish textbook and workbook ‘Geography in Action’ but these can be amended to suit whatever books you use yourself.
For more geography resources, see my shop!
A 4 page pdf document based on the ‘journal intime’/French diary writing. This writing task comes up in Irish Leaving Cert Exams, (OL and HL). This handout introduces students to the diary and lays out some useful phrases which can be used in most diaries e.g. Beginnings, endings, positive feelings, negative feelings and extra vocab. Also includes a note on examiner’s report (2016).