Focus of lesson:
To learn about the festival of Diwali
Learning Objectives (LOs)
The children will (know/be able to):
Understand what Diwali is, who celebrates it and why they celebrate it.
Understand the history behind Diwali, the story of Rama and Sita.
Children can discuss with each other the importance of the religious festival to extend social and cultural development.
Religious education in English schools: Non‐statutory guidance 2010
Religious Education, the importance:
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Personal development and well-being
Community cohesion
provokes challenging questions and discussion
encourages pupils to explore their own beliefs
enables pupils to build their sense of identity and belonging
teaches pupils to develop respect for others,
prompts pupils to consider their responsibilities
A week of planning, powerpoints, story and resources, Including work on plurals, letter writing and report writing. Is Goldilocks guilty? Let the class decide!
How can I teach children about influential Black athletes?
You can use this lovely PowerPoint to teach children all about influential Black athletes. Including people from a range of sports, these iconic sportspeople are sure to inspire your class and highlight their importance in equality in sport.
Objectives: Capacity - to show the children full, half full and empty.
Development matters: Recognises differences in quantity when comparing sets of objects. Related ELGS: Uses developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems. Experiments with a range of objects and materials showing some mathematical awareness.
Planning, Resources and Activities for 1 full week of Little Red Hen ‘Talk 4 Writing’.
Day 1 - Retell the story
Day 2 - Order main events
Day 3& 4& 5 - Using Time Openers
Focus of lesson: Completing Number Sentences.
National Curriculum references:
• Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations
• Pupils practise counting (1,2, 3…) ordering, and indicating a quantity (for example, 3 apples, 2 centimetres), including some solving simple concrete problems, until they are fluent.
• Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs
• Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as;
7 =? − 9
Lesson planning and resources for completing number sentences. Extension on from Number Bonds to 10, partitioning and using resources for support.
Focus of lesson: subtracting by crossing out.
National Curriculum references:
• Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations
• Pupils practise counting (1,2, 3…) ordering, and indicating a quantity (for example, 3 apples, 2 centimetres), including some solving simple concrete problems, until they are fluent.
• Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs
• Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations.
PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources, Worksheets and Activity posters for a lesson on Subtraction. Differentiated work available. All used for an outstanding lesson observation.
One week of lesson plans, ideas and resources on the topic of Rio De Vida/ Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest. Encourage children to create campagin posters, newspaper resports and help save the animals of the rainforest.
This bundle contains one week of lesson plans - differentiated objectives for three different ability groups. The focus is on Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest and a book link for ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ by Lynne Cherry. The bundle also contains rescources for each lesson and worksheets.
An engaging and passionate set of plans for English in Year 1, aimed to engage and excite the children about their learning! All planning and resources included.
1 - Week one. Planning/Powerpoint and some resources to use for a week of lessons based around adjectives. Children will learn how to describe, then build up from labeling a monster to writing a short story.
2 - A second week of planning, powerpoints, story and resources, Including work on plurals, letter writing and report writing. Is Goldilocks guilty? Let the class decide!
Planning/Powerpoint and some resources to use for a week of lessons based around adjectives. Children will learn how to describe, then build up from labeling a monster to writing a short story.
Two weeks of resources and planning for the topic of Brazil/Rio De Vida/ The Amazon Rainforest. Links to English Texts for the children to deepen learning. Lots of fun, differentiated activities in each bundle!
3 Weeks of Planning and Resources for each lesson following the White Rose Scheme Block 1 - Arrays/Sharing - Division and Multiplication . Extremely easy to follow and carried out as successful lessons previously.
White Rose Maths Planning and Resources for Summer 1 Week 4 YEAR 1. All printable resources for lessons and extensions included. Children will explore halving shapes and amounts (practical and written) of objects and how to solve problems involving halving. Differentiated for ability groups if applicable.
This bundle contains one week of lesson plans - differentiated objectives for three different ability groups. The focus is on researching into the Olympics by holding a week of research lessons/Olympics mini games and posters and newspaper reports about the Olympics held at school. The bundle also contains rescources for each lesson and worksheets.
White Rose Maths Planning and Resources for Summer 1 Week 2 YEAR 1. All printable resources for lessons and extensions included. Children will explore arrays and doubling and how to identify and complete doubling number problems. Differentiated for ability groups if applicable.
White Rose Maths Planning and Resources for Summer 1 Week 1 YEAR 1. All printable resources for lessons and extensions included. Children will explore equal and unequal groups and how to identify and them as well as completing stem sentences. Differentiated for ability groups if applicable.
Focus of lesson: Add by counting on.
National Curriculum references:
• Pupils practise counting (1,2, 3…) ordering, and indicating a quantity (for example, 3 apples, 2 centimetres), including some solving simple concrete problems, until they are fluent.
• Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations.
• Adding by counting on.