Hero image




Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')

Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')

The following answers scored 9 out of 10 marks and is focused on a passage taken from Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.
Key Sites: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser

Key Sites: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser

Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.1:Key Sites (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age). Image Citation: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/db332f8445c5367fc760c1b03c4397267dee6b4d/0_286_3467_2081/master/3467.jpg?width=700&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=9f88ff16c30ffc7707307573b2f90987
Germany Timeline

Germany Timeline

Timeline for Germany - AQA period study. Split into sections for easy revision of key dates. This can be used for other exam specifications and KS3. It is split into the following sections: Germany before World War I Weimar Germany Weimar Recovery Hitler’s Rise to Power Life in Nazi Germany Germany and the Second World War
‘Odysseus is never made to feel welcome on his travels.’

‘Odysseus is never made to feel welcome on his travels.’

The following answer scored 18 out of 20 marks and is focused on the concept of xenia throughout Odysseus’ travels in Homer’s Odyssey. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students hoping to attain higher grades, intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.
‘The reader never feels optimistic when reading the Aeneid; the epic is completely depressing.’

‘The reader never feels optimistic when reading the Aeneid; the epic is completely depressing.’

‘The reader never feels optimistic when reading the Aeneid; the epic is completely depressing.’’ It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification. *Also includes essay plan, comparing evidence that is optimistic and depressing, in addition to relevant scholarship
Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')

Exemplar 10 Mark Response - Virgil's Aeneid ('World of the Hero')

The following answers scored 9 out of 10 marks and is focused on a passage taken towards the end of Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision. It is intended to be used by AS/A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘World of the Hero’ specification.
OCR: Scholarship in Homer's Odyssey

OCR: Scholarship in Homer's Odyssey

The following document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Homer’s Odyssey and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate books, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. There is an opportunity for students to give their own perception of the view and come to the conclusion as to whether they agree or disagree with them.
Imperial Image Summary Mindmaps

Imperial Image Summary Mindmaps

A selection of 25 mindmaps designed for the OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations specification for Imperial Image. The following mindmaps provide a brief overview of key facts relating to: Early Roman History Octavian Comes to Rome Power Struggle Augustus’ Reign Augustus’ Legacy Later Representations These are intended to be used as a source of revision (A3 in size)
Myth and Religion: Revision Checklist

Myth and Religion: Revision Checklist

Revision checklist for OCR GCSE Classical Civilisation: ‘Myth and Religion,’ covering all eight topics studied as part of the course and covering the contents found within the specification.
OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations: Myth and Religion Knowledge Organisers

OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations: Myth and Religion Knowledge Organisers

7 Resources
This bundle contains knowledge organisers covering 1.1 - 1.8 of the GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion.’ Each consists of a series of condensed revision notes Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes Based on the endorsed textbook for the course
Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

The following documents consist of a break-down of all the key themes found within the epic and of the characters. Quotes are found alongside analysis of passages, with supporting scholarship where appropriate. These have been designed for ‘The World of the Hero’ Paper (OCR: A-Level Classical Civilisation). Themes that are included: The Concept, Value and Behaviour of a Hero Disguise Deceit, Disguise and Trickery Recognition Role of Revenge and Justice Role of the Immortals Relationships between Mortals and Immortals Xenia Nostos The Role and Power of Fate Relationships between Men, Women and Children Family Role of the Slave Role of Women in the Epic and Society How Different Societies are Characterised and Portrayed NB: Rieu’s translation has been used when creating this document
GCSE OCR Classical Civilisations - Myth and Religion Revision Bundle

GCSE OCR Classical Civilisations - Myth and Religion Revision Bundle

20 Resources
A bundle of resources for the OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE specification for ‘‘Myth and Religion’’. This bundle contains: A detailed revision guide Exemplar Answers Revision Checklist A fill-in revision guide (40 pages long). 21 revision quizzes that cover the whole course (with answers) Knowledge Organisers Summary Notes Revision Booklets
Homer's Odyssey: Quote Collection

Homer's Odyssey: Quote Collection

A document containing a selection of quotes, broken down into their relevant themes and characters, designed for AS/A-Level students studying the ‘World of the Hero’ as part of OCR’s A-Level specification. Themes included: The Concept, Value and Behaviour of a Hero, Disguise, Deceit and Trickery, Recognition, Revenge and Justice, Role of the Immortals, Relationship between Mortals and Immortals, Xenia, Nostos, Fate, Men, Women, Children and the Family, Role of the Slave, Role of Women, Portrayal of Different Societies Characters included: Odysseus, Telemachus, Suitors, Odysseus’ Crew, Phaecians, Penelope, Calypso, Polyphemus, Circe, Laertes, Slaves and Minor Characters
Imperial Image: Modern Scholarship (OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations)

Imperial Image: Modern Scholarship (OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations)

An eight-page document providing relevant scholarly views for: Octavian Comes to Rome Power-Struggle Augustus’ Reign Augustus’ Legacy and Later Representations Augustus and the Imperial Family Relevant prescribed sources This can be easily adapted so that you can add or remove relevant pieces of scholarship. There is space for annotations too
Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Designed for use for AS/A Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’ (Classical Civilisations). There is a summary sheet for each of the prescribed books, with the opportunity to provide a brief summary, give an overview of key characters and themes and to note down any important quotes that can be used in essays.