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Feedback comment banks for marking

Feedback comment banks for marking

According to Professor John Hattie, feedback has the biggest impact on learning. However, the written feedback that we provide is often rushed (in a bid to finish marking that pile of books!) It is also a common trait that we don’t teach our students how to use the feedback that we provide. So with this method, I tend to concentrate on writing quality feedback and at the start of the year, following my first written feedback, we work on how to use this information to inform and progress our learning. As a result, this is a document type that I use on a daily basis in school. The concept involves writing a set of statements that can be used to feedback on a piece of work. I tend to write the statements/comments at the same time as I write each of the tasks as this allows me to think of all of the possible outcomes that a student will produce. The feedback for each task is provided in four ways: Instant: this is the feedback that the students look for straight away. It very quickly establishing ‘how well’ they have done/ Constructive: this part of the feedback outlines exactly what the student has done well and what they need to develop. I simply ‘copy and paste’ the whole statement into the feedback box and colour code it appropriately. Students are now used to looking into this section in order to ascertain the specifics of where they have achieved/no achieved. Progressive: this is essentially an extension task for the student to follow. I often differentiate these pase on the ‘Constructive’ section. It takes the form of a link to a website; a video lecture or an activity. Sometimes these are assessed online - i.e. a Moodle Quiz or Educanon Assessment. Specific: this section focuses on the school or subject priority. For example, Literacy is high profile in our school environment so I will often tailor comments in this section to be around Literacy and quality of written answers.
Edexcel GCSE ICT Teaching Block One Worksheets

Edexcel GCSE ICT Teaching Block One Worksheets

These worksheets cover the topics: specialist phones; connections; mobile phone usage (x2); responsible use; security; business phones and a summative lesson. I can supply accompanying PowerPoints on request free of charge, but I don't want to put these up here as I have worked on producing them with my colleague. These worksheets can be used as teaching and learning resources of as revision activities with individuals, small and large groups - targeting misconceptions through appropriate intervention.
Edexcel GCSE ICT Course Booklet v1.0

Edexcel GCSE ICT Course Booklet v1.0

This course booklet contains all of the: - worksheets - chunking/terminology activities for each lesson - homework's - associated mind map and revision activities I issue each student that I teach with this booklet and we work through it with the associated PowerPoints. The booklet starts with a specification checklist and a PLC activity for each unit of work. Each lesson starts with the associated chunking/terminology and then features lesson content and an associated home task (past paper of exam-style questions). I work through these one lesson at a time and test the terminology/chunking knowledge in the next lesson (usually a practical or CAB lesson). At the completion of each teaching block, student create their own mind map. At the end of the course are some revision activities and high quality mind maps. This is the complete document for teaching the Edexcel GCSE ICT theory components.
5-4-3-2-1 Arousal Cards/Behavious/Stress Management

5-4-3-2-1 Arousal Cards/Behavious/Stress Management

This is an excellent technique for managing student stress or behaviour issues. I have these card printed and laminated (A5) for individual students who suffer from stress or anxiety and they use this when they are highly aroused. The Learning Support Assistants within my team all have these to hand in order to implement the simple strategy when required.
Edexcel GCSE ICT - Responsible Use

Edexcel GCSE ICT - Responsible Use

This series of resources is aimed at being delivered over a series of 2-3 lessons. In the first lesson I go through the lesson content and provide students with the chunking words for the lesson and the associated 'exam questions' for homework. Chunking section - this is a selection of 3-7 words is subject specific terminology that I assess in a range of different ways: spelling tests; word searches; crosswords; online quizzes; diagnostic questions etc. The idea being that students can learn and retain a small number of words/meanings or data at any one time. This is based on the educational research concept of: Herbert Simon http://www.human-memory.net/types_short.html Lesson content - This worksheets covers the topic: Responsible Use. I can supply accompanying PowerPoints on request free of charge, but I don't want to put these up here as I have worked on producing them with my colleague. This package of work and worksheets can be used as teaching and learning resources of as revision activities with individuals, small and large groups - targeting misconceptions through appropriate intervention. Homework - the homework is based on examination questions from past paper exam and the course revision book. The questions are used with permission from Edexcel and Pearson. At the foot of each homework is the opportunity to feedback to the students in the form of percentage achieved, grade (in relation to target grade) and written feedback. I set a 'MAD (Make A Difference) Time' activity for each piece of work in the form of an intervention or extension task.
Edexcel GCSE ICT - Risk and Protection

Edexcel GCSE ICT - Risk and Protection

This series of resources is aimed at being delivered over a series of 2-3 lessons. In the first lesson I go through the lesson content and provide students with the chunking words for the lesson and the associated 'exam questions' for homework. Chunking section - this is a selection of 3-7 words is subject specific terminology that I assess in a range of different ways: spelling tests; word searches; crosswords; online quizzes; diagnostic questions etc. The idea being that students can learn and retain a small number of words/meanings or data at any one time. This is based on the educational research concept of: Herbert Simon http://www.human-memory.net/types_short.html Lesson content - This worksheets covers the topic: Risk and Protection. I can supply accompanying PowerPoints on request free of charge, but I don't want to put these up here as I have worked on producing them with my colleague. This package of work and worksheets can be used as teaching and learning resources of as revision activities with individuals, small and large groups - targeting misconceptions through appropriate intervention. Homework - the homework is based on examination questions from past paper exam and the course revision book. The questions are used with permission from Edexcel and Pearson. At the foot of each homework is the opportunity to feedback to the students in the form of percentage achieved, grade (in relation to target grade) and written feedback. I set a 'MAD (Make A Difference) Time' activity for each piece of work in the form of an intervention or extension task.
GCSE PE - International Stuff

GCSE PE - International Stuff

GCSE PE - International Stuff These notes are to be used in conjunction with the official revision guide. I get my students to put a line through the sections/sentences that they are most confident with so that they can use them as flash cards.
Giant Race Track - Spheroball

Giant Race Track - Spheroball

Spheroball is a great programmable tool to introduce programming to students. It can be operated using a plethora of free and paid apps and there is a huge amount of support online for teachers and students. I use the attached race track when delivering this unit in either Computing or Creative Design lessons. Students design obstacles to feature around the track which is printed on our poster printer - the pixel size of this image are huge in order to maintain the high print quality.
6 Team League

6 Team League

This is a 6 team league which enables students to work independently during in-class activities (where teams are assigned points for a variety of activities or contributions to learning) or for sports activities. During PE lessons, I use this with large groups who self-manage their fixtures and results, allowing me as the teacher to target my interventions and teaching points with better quality differentiation and fault analysis.