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All the resources I have created are specifically targeted at the new specification for Edexcel (9-1) I have followed recommendations from Active teach and the exam specification to make sure all relevant content is covered. Most are lessons within themselves and for those new to teaching may find it reassuring to know that the information the class need is often written in a simple, easy to understand format on the power points themselves.




All the resources I have created are specifically targeted at the new specification for Edexcel (9-1) I have followed recommendations from Active teach and the exam specification to make sure all relevant content is covered. Most are lessons within themselves and for those new to teaching may find it reassuring to know that the information the class need is often written in a simple, easy to understand format on the power points themselves.
CP8b Vector diagrams

CP8b Vector diagrams

Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Pupils begin by solving the force diagrams (printable sheet on powerpoint) Main: includes information on power points about vector diagrams including, explanations, diagrams, video link, progress checks and tasks. Pyramid of learning plenary Pleanry: pupils have to sum up in 3 sentences
CB9e Biodiversity and humans

CB9e Biodiversity and humans

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Pupils have an information sheet which they have to summarise in 3 sentences (on powerpoint) Mains: includes the positive and negative impacts of humans on biodiversity with videos and tasks. Also includes eutrophication Plenary: match up the definitions OR sum up (both if required)
CP2 Forces and motion Revision mat with answers

CP2 Forces and motion Revision mat with answers

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Covers a variety of exam style questions for the new CP2 unit of work. This is a double sided sheet which included drawing graphs, interpreting graphs, recall of equations, stopping distances and other exam questions. This also includes sheets with answers on separate sheets Simple power point to put up on screen also included
SB4i Fertilisers and Biological control

SB4i Fertilisers and Biological control

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Printable Information sheet on powerpoint and questions on the slides. Pupils think about organic farming and uses of pesticides. Main: information on pesticides and fertilizers, pictures for pupils to assess what is happening, progress check, think and share task, short video and edexcel worksheet tasks (one extended writing task on slides) Plenary: Choice of three included on slides
CP6f Radioactive decay

CP6f Radioactive decay

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) (not quite a complete lesson) Starter- Quix to ensure pupils know different particles given out during radioactive decay Main: Outlines alpha beta and gamma decay and the effect on the nucleu but currently doe not include neutron or positron emission. Main tasks uses edexcel worksheets
CP12 & CP13 Forces and matter revision mat

CP12 & CP13 Forces and matter revision mat

Resource based on the edexcel 2016/17 spec (9-1) This powerpoint contains a double sided revision mat, with longer answer questions and graph work on the back. It also includes all the answers formatted to fit the revision mat to make it easier for pupils to mark. There is a simple LO slide with a simple starter for pupils to read the questions and predict their stronger and weaker area's.
CP5c Using long wavelengths

CP5c Using long wavelengths

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Starter to recap information from previous lessons Information on slides about longer wavelengths including higher tier content on powerpoints Progress check included at mid points Pupils tasks include mind maps followed by some exam questions on the powerpoint (with answers) Also requires use of worksheet CP5c.2 from edexcel (not included)
SB4h GM and Agriculture

SB4h GM and Agriculture

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Information sheet with 4 questions for pupils to answer, Pupils can do this in silence or collaboratively. Main: key information about insecticides and BT toxin including Progress check questions and some graph work. Uses Edexcel sheets for tasks PLeanry: Matching key words and definitions or choice of evaluation tree or sum up pleanary depending on the group
CP13a Bending and stretching

CP13a Bending and stretching

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) You do not need any of the edexcel worksheets for most of this lesson but they could be used in addition for homework or additional work. I have used one of the homework sheets as a classroom task but this could easily be avoided Starter: article to read followed by explaining how suspension works using quotes from the article. Main. Information about elastic and inelastic properties and Hookes law (with video)> also includes some information on linear relationships with graph work. Plenary: match the definitions
CB6 Plants Revision mat

CB6 Plants Revision mat

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) This powerpoint contains 2 double sided revision mats, one is a foundation tier revision mat and the other higher tier revision mat. There are shorter answers on one side and extended answers on the other. It also includes all the answers formatted to fit the revision mat to make it easier for pupils to mark. There is a simple LO slide with a simple starter for pupils to read the questions and predict their stronger and weaker area's. Last two slides are information taken off Bitesize to help students.
CB9b Abiotic factors

CB9b Abiotic factors

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Quiz starter with answers on powerpoint. This tests knowledge from previous lesson to help with retention and allow progression in this lesson Main: Information on different abiotic factors including an informative video and information on climate change. Plenary: An evaluation tree allows pupils to evaluate their progress during the lesson.
CB9a Ecosystems

CB9a Ecosystems

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) Note - I have included some questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. Starter: Pupils begin by drawing a simple food chain. Extensions on powerpoint which get pupils thinking about how animals affect each other Main: Pupils have all key information, pictures/ diagrams and a range of tasks throughout including some edexcel worksheets. Plenary: Quickfire questions in two minutes.
CP12c core practical only

CP12c core practical only

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec (9-1) You do not need any of the edexcel worksheets for this lesson but they could be used in addition for homework or additional work. A practical powerpoint which can be used for two experiments for CP12c. The first is melting curves using ice and the second is how to find Specific heat capacity of water. (if you don't have joule meter then a voltmeter and ammeter can be used instead). Includes an aim, definitions task, instructions, printable tables, questions and a quick quiz on slides
CP6a atomic models

CP6a atomic models

All worksheets/ Printouts included in the PowerPoint. Resources based on Edexcel 2017 Spec (9-1) Starter is a knowledge test to determine what pupils already know. Main teaching talks about different models including the plum pudding and Rutherford's model including his experiment Tasks include longer exam questions (with 2 out of three answers on the slides) and an extended copy and correct plenary
SB4c Development of Darwin's Theories

SB4c Development of Darwin's Theories

Resource based on the edexcel 2016 spec for Biology (separate science/ Triple Science) Note - I have included some exam questions on the powerpoint but you will need to use edexcel worksheets for this lesson. This lesson is the can be added to the combined sciences core principles bundle. link below: Starter: Information sheet about evolution vs creationism for pupils to read and questions on powerpoint. Main: Outlines the work done by Darwin and other scientists at the time to lead to the theory of evolution and his publications. Includes tasks, video, information and discussion based slides. PLeanry: Choice of Three plenarys. Sum up in 3 sentences, true or false or evaluation tree
Revision mat Bundle

Revision mat Bundle

12 Resources
Get all my revision mats for new edexcel (9-1) spec for only £11.50. That 53% off the normal price. Included are CB1 CB2 CB3 CB5 CB6 CC1&2 CC5,6 &7 CC8 CC12,13 &14 CP2 CP3 CP12 & 13