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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

Average Rating4.75
(based on 47 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Tsarist Russia 1894-1917

Tsarist Russia 1894-1917

10 Resources
OCR Alevel Russia 1894-1941 This covers up to the February Revolution All Alevel lessons which are incredibly detailed (2 hours each plus homework) and fully resourced, no need for textbooks and great for beginners as I’ve done all the hard work for you and included all the knowledge your students need to be successful. Half our students got an A* or A grade last year and Russia results were excellent. Also includes some bonus revision flashcards. Total cost for items individually £43
USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

USA Politics Edexcel Topic 1 Constitution

9 Resources
Edexcel ALevel Politics Component 3 USA Topic 1 Constitution Includes all lessons in topic 1 (they are all doubles including homework) as well as two intro lessons to US Politics All updated to Biden Presidency and 117th Congress Total cost for resources sold individually would be £37 Lesson 1 American Politics Intro Lesson 2 USA History and Context includes foundation and War of Independence, Liberal ideals and the Constitution as well as the challenges and major landmarks since e.g. Depression and New Deal, WWII, 9-11 and issues USA are divided over as well as context of Geography/ religious and racial divides in USA. Lesson 3: Intro to and Origins of the Constitution Lesson 4: US Constitution Features and Principles Lesson 5: Amending the Constitution- process and strengths and weaknesses Lesson 6: Federalism and challenges to it- also models of Federalism and analysis/ debate on Federalism- Layer cake or Marble cake? Lesson 7: Evaluation of the Constitition looks at strengths and weaknesses of features according to FOunding Father’s intentions Lesson 8 US vs UK Constitution Comparison including Comparative Theories. Note: Each lesson is 2 hours of teaching time plus hwk.
Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany

Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany

Edexcel GCSE lesson on Persecution of Minorities in Nazi Germany Includes detail of persecution of Slavs, Roma and Sinti Peoples, Jews, People living with disabilities/ mental illness and Homosexuals with some video clips and case studies. Also includes exam skills questions on Kristallnacht and a source skills modelling activity to teach inferences and how to write Q3 a, b, c and d questions for Paper 3 which students struggle with.
Intro to Russia in 1894

Intro to Russia in 1894

This is my first double lesson for ALevel Russia (OCR) course 1894-1941 I use pages from Oxley/ Corin and Fiehn or Access to History by Lynch but students can do their own research with ipads or use the slides also if you do not have access to any of these textbooks to find the information. There is a lot of info in here from various sources so does not matter if you do not have the textbooks. Looking at an intro to Russia in 1894 including the context of Alexander II and III reforms and autocratic repression and how this legacy would cause Nicholas II problems from the outset. Also examines the issues/ challenges facing Nicholas as he ascends the throne in 1894. Students complete a “health report” on RUssia and then analyse Nicholas’ main problems ready for the next lesson (Opposition to Nicholas’ rule). Includes make yyour own card sort activity and some analytical thinking about the positive and negative impact of reform and beginning indurstrialisation. Will actually take 3 hours plus to get through it all - there is a lot! I am including my course guide which took hours in this lesson has topic check lists, key people, key vocab etc which is needed for students as well as tips for good essays and exam paper past questions. This is why this is a bit more expensive than my usual lessons- will get your ALevel Russia students off to a flying start. This is also part of my bundle of resources for ALevel Russia if you want to look at that rather than buying individual lessons.
Lenin's Russia

Lenin's Russia

6 Resources
Full set of lessons on Lenin’s Russia -Bolshevik problems/ establishing Bolshevik rule -The Causes of the Civil War -Why did the REds win the Civil War -How did the Bolsheviks consolidate rule- source lesson -The Kronstadt mutiny, Tambov Rising and the New Economic Policy (NEP) -Evaluation of how successful Lenin was.
The Problems of the Provisional Government

The Problems of the Provisional Government

Two-hour lesson plus homework for OCR ALevel (can be used for other courses/ specs) on the Problems of Dual Power for the Provisional Government, lacking Legitimacy and Soviet Order #1, the war and issues of National Minorities demanding independence as well as ALexander Kerensky and the Kerensky offensive. Does not cover Lenin/ April theses and the increasing popularity of the Bolsheviks or Causes of Oct Rev…that info is all in my Causes of October Revolution lessons.
The New Economic Policy (NEP)  Lenin's Russia

The New Economic Policy (NEP) Lenin's Russia

Alevel Russia 1894-1941 OCR but can be used for any spec with Lenin. Very detailed resources on the effects of War Communism, impact and opposition to the Bolsheviks and the reasons why NEP was introduced, what the NEP was and successes and failures of the NEP as well as impact on the Bolsheviks includes Decree on Party Unity and hints about how Stalin used this later on. All resources are included, does not require any textbook/ additional worksheets. Also includes an example 10 mark Question about why NEP was introduced- Kronstadt rising or famine in the countryside. Bonus content included: Video question sheet for the documentary Russian Revolution in Colour Part 2 based on Kronstradt rising Analysis continuum activity with answers: did the Bolsheviks rely on Terror to keep control (as this is the last lesson in Bolshevik control under Lenin).
Long Term Causes WWI

Long Term Causes WWI

Long Term Causes of World War I This is a two-three lesson plan looking at the MAIN causes of WWI starting with tensions between the Great Powers and looking at key themes such as Weltpolitik and Imperialism, Alliances and Nationalism and Militarism and Arms/ Naval races. Also includes the Moroccan and Bosnian crises (in brief!) Includes powerpoint, worksheets and several activities- including historiography and interpretations of Germany’s role in “starting WWI.” Suitable for KS3 or as an intro to KS4 unit on International relations.
Weimar Germany Introduction

Weimar Germany Introduction

Lesson for GCSE History Weimar and Nazi Germany Edexcel spec but can easily be adapted to any other Germany spec which requires a lesson about the impact of WWI or indeed KS3 History. This is lesson 1 from my unit of work on Weimar Germany 1918-1929 Lesson 1: Intro to topic and WWI Context This lesson examines the impact of WWI on Germany following the Armistice setting context for the German Revolution. Also includes a map of Germany and details of political unrest in 1918. Fully resourced and includes link to youtube video. (History file). Includes a detailed, dual coded learning journey and timeline of Weimar Germany. Note: PNG files are for visual only- the files include fully editable powerpoint and word document files. Please make sure you download all files.
Stalin and use of Terror

Stalin and use of Terror

ALevel lesson for OCR course Russia: 1894-1941 but can be used for any ALevel with a question about Stalin’s control/ purges or use of terror. This is an incredibly detailed lesson- my motto with ALevel is I do the reading so you don’t have to! I’ve read extensively and included a lot of detail within all the resources. Demonstrates turning points in Stalin’s rule e.g. the death of his wife and the 17th Party Congress and significance. Also includes key case studies e.g. the Ryutin Platform and impact. Examines the role of NKVD and various leaders including their purges! Includes Stalin’s purges of various sectors of Russian society and the Communist Party.
Opposition to Tsar Nicholas II

Opposition to Tsar Nicholas II

Lesson for OCR ALevel spec Russia 1894-1941 but useful for any other spec involving Russian revolution- can also be simplified for GCSE. This lesson is designed to reflect on Nicholas’ problems and explain the growth of opposition against the Tsar in Russia prior to the 1905 revolution. Looking at the long term impact of Alexander IIs reforms such as the creation of Zemstvo and Emancipation of Serfs and the political spectrum. Lesson designed to take 2 hours plus homework- the Marxism stuff takes a lot of explaining!
Stalin Collectivisation

Stalin Collectivisation

Lessons on Collectivsation under Stalin in USSR For ALevel OCR Spec Very detailed lesson on Collectivisation- Stalin’s aims as leader and the impact of Collectivisation
Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eleanor of Aquitaine

This is designed for KS3 looking at life of Eleanor of Aquitaine- her strengths as a ruler and why she deserved to be remembered. It is important to not see medieval women as passive, dutiful wives and partners nor victims but to present them as they really were- fierce, resilient, intelligent and powerful.
The Nazi Police State

The Nazi Police State

Edexcel GCSE lesson on the Nazi Police state. Fully resourced comprehensive lesson- powerpoint, word doc tasks e.g. table to fill in and practice paper exam question 12 marker. Starter- anagram key words- Hitler’s rise to power and becoming dictator Source work- different elements of police state e.g. Gestapo, SS, Concentration Camps Includes a “tour” of Sachsenhausen- if you don’t feel confident explaining Sachsenhausen yourself there are video links to documentaries on youtube showing what sachsenhausen was like although I prefer to do it myself. Includes a model answer to 12 mark question on police state
Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

5 Resources
Edexcel GCSE Superpower RElations bundle Key Topic 3 The End of the Cold War Includes a load of useful resources Including: Key word glossaries for all topics Exam questions and a variety of model answers/ tasks e.g. find and fix, gap fills, planning etc Retrieval tasks e.g. highlighter heads- who is who from Topic 1 and 2 Lesson 1 and 2 DEtente, SALT and Helsinki Accords and Why did Detente fail?/ Failure of SALT 2 Lesson 3 The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Lesson 4 Reagan and the Second Cold War including Reagan Doctrine and the Star Wars programme Lesson 5 Gorbachev’s New Thinking and the collapse of Soviet Control in E. Europe and End of the Cold War Lesson 6 The Fall of the Soviet Union/ USSR Total of lessons individually £24
WWI Medicine on the British Sector Western Front

WWI Medicine on the British Sector Western Front

6 Resources
This bundle is my new and updated Medicine Through Time bundle of lessons on WWI Medicine: British Sector of the Western Front Total cost to purchase individually £24 Heavily discounted Includes all the basics you would need to teach this topic for the first time. All lessons are fully resourced, no need for a textbook but obviously if you have the textbook you can further enhance the lessons. Also includes model answers and exam questions for every question type and a guide for students on how to answer the questions.
Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

Superpower Relations Cold War Question Guide

This word document is a how to guide on how to answer each of the three question stems for Edexcel GCSE Paper 2 option P4 Superpower Relations in the Cold War It includes breakdowns of how to answer the questions, top tips, past paper examples and a model answer of each type of question. It is to glue into pupil books.
Weimar and Nazi Germany Revision Booklet

Weimar and Nazi Germany Revision Booklet

Edexcel GCSE History Weimar and Nazi Germany This booklet is designed to offer complete revision support to GCSE History students with the 2015- GCSE History spec for Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939. The idea is to encourage independent revision rather than simply giving students all the information. It has tasks designed to improve recall and test knowledge as well as practice exam questions with tips and hints and mark schemes. It has activities for every part of each key topic -over 50 pages. Ready to print and use.
Medicine Through Time WWI Western Front Battles

Medicine Through Time WWI Western Front Battles

This introductory lesson looks at the context of WWI and the new advances in weaponry as well as the key Battles of WWI. Very developed and detailed resources for students including video clips of documentaries about battles and key features such as the blood bank at Cambrai, the underground hospital at Arras etc. Examines the nature of Trench warfare and Attritional warfare as well as tactics such as Creeping Barrage to minimise injuries in the battles.
Bloody Sunday  and Causes of 1905 revolution

Bloody Sunday and Causes of 1905 revolution

Lesson made for OCR Russia ALevel 1894-1941 but can be adapted or used for other specs/ GCSE. This follows on from my previous lessons on Russia in 1894, Opposition to the Tsar and the RUsso-Japanese War however can be used as a stand alone lesson provided your students have prior knowledge of problems in Russia prior to 1905 etc. Includes all slides, video clip from Battleship Potemkin, card sort, analysis sheet, primary sources and analysis of why Mirsky’s appointment was significant, why Banqueting Campaigns were significant and why the Bloody Sunday protest was significant. This is 2 hour lesson- part 1 of my 1905 Revolution causes work.