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Experienced UK Primary teacher with a focus on interactive cross curricular power-point lessons.




Experienced UK Primary teacher with a focus on interactive cross curricular power-point lessons.
KS1 & 2 Australian wildlife fact sheets

KS1 & 2 Australian wildlife fact sheets

Three A4 sheets with information about six Australian animals - Koala, kangaroo, shark, snake, Tasmanian Devil, crocodile. Useful for enabling pupils to research and access non fiction information in a simple format.
How to secure your first teaching post -booklet

How to secure your first teaching post -booklet

This booklet is for NQT's seeking to secure their first teaching post. It is a 13 page practical guide on how to write application letters which match the person specification criteria and maximise chances of getting shortlisted. There is advice on how to prepare for school visits, interviews and performance tips including a strategy to use to avoid 'going blank ' in the interview. Tried and tested by teachers who have won their first posts!
Grace Darling KS1 Powerpoint lesson(s)

Grace Darling KS1 Powerpoint lesson(s)

A KS1 power-point of 31 slides about the life of Grace Darling and her bravery in the rescue of the Forfarshire. The slides are supported with key questions for pupils focusing on geographical vocabulary and location of Bamburgh and the Farne Islands, historical date ordering and timelines and ordering the cross section of a lighthouse home. There is a link to a clip and poetry about the life of Grace Darling and a range of cross curricular activities to develop knowledge of the rescue. The final slides focus on a simple storyboard scaffold and word vocabulary mat to aid pupils to write an account of the rescue. This power-point can be used as a discrete lesson or to dip into to support teaching about the different aspects of Grace Darling’s life and work. The slides are structured to maximise paired and small group talk and activities.
How to write a biography. series of 5 power-point lessons.

How to write a biography. series of 5 power-point lessons.

How to write a biography. A series of five power-point lessons for pupils in Y5 and Y6. The lessons involve small group tasks to enable pupils to learn the definition of ‘biography’, identify people they know who have been the subject of a biography, analyse biographies (differentiated at three levels for HA, MA, LA), identify and highlight the features using a colour coded checklist and give feedback using subject specific vocabulary. Each lesson includes a short ‘recap’ session with practical activities linked to the features checklist. Pupils will write their own biographies with the support of a structured planning template and research frame (included on slides) to aid content development and offer an opportunity for peer feedback to improve their work. Lesson five focuses on an assessment task for pupils to extract information from a Facebook page to write a biography about Florence Nightingale.
Roald Dahl - three differentiated biographies

Roald Dahl - three differentiated biographies

Biography of Roald Dahl simplified into three differentiated pieces for HA, MA, LA in Y5/6. Each simplified biography is up to one page long. Can be used to identify features of biographies, to aid understanding of how to structure a biography and support content understanding.
Early Years non negotiable spoken vocabulary (Birth -50months) assessment record

Early Years non negotiable spoken vocabulary (Birth -50months) assessment record

Non- negotiable spoken vocabulary assessment record grid for EYFS practitioners. There are vocabulary lists for 14 key topic areas eg colours, body parts, family, verbs, comparisons etc. organised into age expected bands. Colour coded assessment for use in under3 setting, YN or 3 year old setting and YR and equivalent setting. A useful tool to monitor record individual speaking and listening progress.
KS2 Y6 cross curricular powerpoint lesson (36 slides) Secret Agent Academy.

KS2 Y6 cross curricular powerpoint lesson (36 slides) Secret Agent Academy.

KS2 Y6 powerpoint lesson of 39 slides. Secret Agent Academy is a lesson (s) set in a ‘real’ context where pupils are ‘trained’ for a special mission to catch a villain. They create Agent Code Names and numbers, work as part of an Agent Cell, take an oath of secrecy and create common experiences eg a secret handshake. Their mission consists of 4 tasks which include cracking Substitution and Caesar codes linked to Maths problem solving challenges (equivalent numbers, comparing fractions with different denominators, sequences, missing numbers and ordering, patterns and calculations). Slides 2-9 include an introduction to cracking codes and a go at deciphering a real code sent by Mary Queen of Scots before y pupils enter the Secret Agent Academy (slide 10 onwards). The Maths challenge resources are included on the slides at the end of the PP as well as information for further teaching resource websites on Codes and Ciphers. Learning Objectives Use Maths to solve problems in a real life situation. Apply a simple Substitution Code and Caesar Cipher to solve messages. To solve problems using missing numbers, equivalent numbers, number facts and place value. To apply operations and inverses using Substitution codes To identify specific knowledge of English Grammar such as high frequency letters, consonants, patterns and clusters of letters, short words and frequent pre/suffixes.
KS1 & 2 RE : A Christening Mystery powerpoint lesson (s)

KS1 & 2 RE : A Christening Mystery powerpoint lesson (s)

KS1 & 2 RE : A Christening Mystery. A powerpoint lesson beginning with twelve clues of images, a sound bite and questions which build up into a Christening celebration. Pupils work in small groups of three and four and are guided through the problem solving slides via key questions and discussion/written tasks to try to help Lewis solve which celebration has taken place using the clues from the mystery box found in his attic. Pupils are encouraged to learn key vocabulary (font, Holy water, pew, aisle etc) and discuss the celebration possibilities giving reasons for their thoughts as the clues emerge. Slides 20-23 offer simple factual information about Christenings and include a painting of ‘The Baptism of Christ’ (Da Vinci) and images of stained glass windows. The final slide offers a simple photocopiable activity for pupils to complete on what three wishes they would give to a baby and an opportunity to write about/find out about how they were named – a class or homework follow up task.
EYFS Weekly planning unit for the song/rhyme: 'There was a Princess long ago.....'

EYFS Weekly planning unit for the song/rhyme: 'There was a Princess long ago.....'

Weekly planning unit for EYFS. Learning activities and theme based upon the rhyme/song 'There was a Princess long ago'. Activities cover areas of learning with emphasis on speaking and listening and vocabulary development through role play and fun outdoor learning. Non negotiable vocabulary is identified for Literacy and Numeracy teaching. Planning includes differentiated Literacy and Numeracy for LA,MA and HA groups.
Y2-6 set of6 Easter powerpoint lessons

Y2-6 set of6 Easter powerpoint lessons

Series of 6 Y2 and KS2 powerpoint lessons on the topic of Easter. Each lesson includes the timings for each activity at the top of each slide. There are opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively in every lesson and record and share their ideas and knowledge. Lesson 1: (30 mins) focuses on celebrations and Easter as a celebration and begins with an initial assessment based on pupil starting points. Pupils work in small groups of 2 or 3 and create a Spider diagram and Mind Map to record their knowledge. There is an opportunity for group feedback at the end of the lesson. Lesson 2: (30 mins) focuses on the Easter story told through a link to a story on YouTube. The pupils raise questions about the story and have a P4C debate. There are Teacher notes on slides 10,11 and 12 to help shape the debate session. Lesson 3: (30mins) focuses on Holy Week through images and key questions on each slide. There is a short YouTube clip on how to make a Palm cross. Lesson 4: (40 mins) focuses on Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. There is a 20 min research activity based on the painting ‘The last Supper’. Pupils will need access to books about this subject and the internet. There are opportunities for pupils to explore responses and feelings to different aspects of the story leading onto the Resurrection. A template on slide 27 can be printed for pupil recording. Lesson 5: (60 mins) focuses on the Christian symbol of the cross with a 45min Hot Cross Buns baking activity which can be either as a Teacher demonstration or as a group task. Lesson 6: (40 mins) focuses on how Easter is celebrated today and explores some of the traditions such as Easter Bunny, lambs, chocolate eggs, daffodils etc. There are key questions for pupils to discuss in small groups and an end of unit assessment using all the information they have learnt in lessons 1-6 in the design of an Easter poster. The final slide offers an additional Easter creative activity for pupils to follow instructions to make an Easter sheep for a card or a display. ( I used activity with the class when a group was completing research (Lesson 4) and a group were making Hot cross Buns (from Lesson5) with a Teaching Assistant).
Ks1/2 Mothering Sunday Powerpoint Lesson.

Ks1/2 Mothering Sunday Powerpoint Lesson.

Mother’s Day: KS1&2 powerpoint lesson of 26 slides focusing on the traditions and origin of Mothering Sunday. The initial slides look at the different forms of a family and how each is special. There are activities and key questions to encourage pupils to reflect upon why mothers are special, their role in the family and how they can be ‘honoured’ according to the Christian commandment – ‘honour thy mother’. Includes information on how Mothering Sunday gets its name and interesting facts about how it is celebrated. There are two links to YouTube for ideas and instruction on how to make a simple flower and a flower bouquet card for Mother’s Day.
KS2 Volcanoes - 9 A4 Fact Sheets

KS2 Volcanoes - 9 A4 Fact Sheets

KS2 Volcanoes of the world information leaflet. Set of 9 A4 individual information fact sheets about volcanoes including Vesuvius, Krakatoa, Mount Etna, Mount St. Helens, Mauna Loa, Mount Pelee, Nevado Del Ruiz, Mount Pinatubo and Eyjafjallajokull. Useful for research activities, geography group work, knowledge of locations and cross curricular lessons.
KS1&2 Ancient City of Palmyra Information Leaflet

KS1&2 Ancient City of Palmyra Information Leaflet

Palmyra Information leaflet. KS1 or KS2 resource comprising facts, information and photographs about the Ancient Syrian city of Palmrya organised onto 2xA4 pages. Simplified language and layout to help pupils access information easily to develop research in History lessons.
Grammar : Collective Nouns powerpoint lesson

Grammar : Collective Nouns powerpoint lesson

A structured power-point lesson to introduce collective nouns for pupils in Y2 and KS2. The lesson includes paired and group discussion opportunities and activities to enable pupils to understand the definition of collective nouns and their contextual use. This power-point can be used as a one off discrete lesson or a stimulus for further work.
KS1 & 2 (2 A4 pages) Eye witness recount /diary account of Russian Astronaut ,Yuri Gagarin, the firs

KS1 & 2 (2 A4 pages) Eye witness recount /diary account of Russian Astronaut ,Yuri Gagarin, the firs

KS1 & 2 (2 A4 pages) Eye witness recount /diary account of Russian Astronaut ,Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space and the first to orbit Earth. Links to cross curricular History topics on Famous People, Space or Journeys Set in real time on 12th April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, writes about his observations and feelings during the course of the 108 minute journey into space from launch to landing. This example demonstrates features of a diary and acts as a recount of the event including personal feelings, quotes and points of view. Useful in the lesson for pupils to use to identify features and structure of diary writing or as a Recount Checklist activity. Can be used in cross curricular History topics on Famous People, Space or Journeys.
KS2 Set of 15 Australia fact cards

KS2 Set of 15 Australia fact cards

15 cards which can be used in a variety of activities. Each card has a photographic image and simple description of an Australian related item including animals, buildings or landmarks, the capital, the flag etc. Useful for enabling pupils to research their own information for projects. Pupils can devise their own games or quiz using the information. Promotes speaking and listening and co-operative group work.
EYFS/ Reception 6 PE/ Gymnastics lessons on theme of Travel

EYFS/ Reception 6 PE/ Gymnastics lessons on theme of Travel

EYFS/ Reception 6 PE/ Gymnastics lessons on theme of Travel. Each lesson is a step by step guide and includes key question, learning objectives (Key skills), timings, warmup, games, main teaching point, small apparatus handling with young children, apparatus work and cool down. Lesson plan includes a blank column so you can put in your own clock times to keep track of lesson pace. This set of lessons focuses on introducing YR pupils to formal PE lessons in a large space and concentrates on space, awareness of others, safety and travel. Small apparatus used – mats, hoops, benches. Lesson 1&2 Key skills: Familiarisation with space. Awareness of obstacles and other children. Safe handling and introduction to apparatus. Respond to ‘stop’, ‘turn’, ‘change direction’ signals. Travel in three main ways. Travel on feet/feet and hands. Lesson 3 Travel on feet/feet and hands and carry out a simple sequence with repetition and stillness. Lesson 4 Respond to signals. Introduce ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘close to the floor’ Practise simple 2 part travel sequence which includes ‘stillness’. Lesson 5 Introduce positional vocabulary ‘on’, ‘through’, ‘in between’. Practise simple 2 part travel sequence using positional vocabulary which includes ‘stillness’. Lesson 6 Respond to signals. Practise ‘forwards’, ‘backwards’, ‘close to the floor’. Practise positional vocabulary ‘on’, ‘through’, ‘in between’. Refine simple 2 part travel sequence using positional vocabulary which includes ‘stillness’.
Russia Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons to link to the World Cup.

Russia Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons to link to the World Cup.

Russia Series of 6 KS2 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts(included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Russia’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Russia as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in Russian at the beginning and end of lessons. Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Russia, Asia, World Cup and art projects etc. Lesson 1 Learning Objectives I must find Russia in my atlas. I should recognise some of the features of Russia. I could describe where Russia is in the world using geographical words Lesson 2 Learning objectives I must be able to spot the main features of Russia. I should find and label the features on my map. I could write a description about two features. Lesson 3 Learning objectives I must identify the main geographical features in Russia. I should locate Siberia and the European Plain which are divided by the Ural Mountains. I should locate the steppes and taigas. I could classify images of geographical features under specific headings. Lesson 4 Learning objectives: I must identify the two main climate zones in Russia I should explain the seasonal changes and temperatures. I could interpret the climate data and the differences in temperature in each area. Lesson 5 Learning objectives I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’. I should interpret the population map and identify the challenges for living in Russia. Lesson 6 Learning objectives I can use the definition of the word ‘native’ correctly. I should identify and research some of the native animals, fish and birds of Russia. I could describe where the animals live and why there are endangered species