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I'm an Australian/Scottish teacher of History and English currently based in Scotland. Most of my resources are aimed at the Scottish BGE curriculum at 3rd year level, and the N4/5 History courses which prepare students for progression if undertaking N4 or to pass their exams at N5.

I'm an Australian/Scottish teacher of History and English currently based in Scotland. Most of my resources are aimed at the Scottish BGE curriculum at 3rd year level, and the N4/5 History courses which prepare students for progression if undertaking N4 or to pass their exams at N5.
Era of the Great War Propaganda

Era of the Great War Propaganda

Lesson for National 3/4/5 on propaganda on the home front (Topic 2 Era of the Great War). Accompanied by digital workbooks available as separate PowerPoint.
Era of the Great War Technology

Era of the Great War Technology

Lesson on the technologies used on the Western Front to meet syllabus requirements of National 3/4/5. Accompanied by digital workbook available as a separate PowerPoint.
Era of the Great War Tactics and Training

Era of the Great War Tactics and Training

Lesson on the tactics and training used by Scottish soldiers in WWI to meet syllabus requirements of National 3/4/5. Accompanied by digital workbook available as a separate PowerPoint.
Era of the Great War: Recruitment

Era of the Great War: Recruitment

Full lesson on recruitment in WWI. Is tied to an online digital notebook which is also available as a PowerPoint separately (these are differentiated for National 3, 4 and 5). Originally made using Twinkl font, but if you don’t have this can be changed using SlideMaster tool in toolbar.